@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+title: 'RAG Tutorial: Build an indexing pipeline'
+titleSuffix: Azure AI Search
+description: Create an indexer-driven pipeline that loads, chunks, embeds, and ingests content for RAG solutions on Azure AI Search.
+manager: nitinme
+author: HeidiSteen
+ms.author: heidist
+ms.service: cognitive-search
+ms.topic: tutorial
+ms.date: 09/12/2024
+# Tutorial: Build an indexing pipeline for RAG on Azure AI Search
+Learn how to build an automated indexing pipeline for a RAG solution on Azure AI Search. Indexing automation is through an indexer that drives indexing and skillset execution, providing [integrated data chunking and vectorization](vector-search-integrated-vectorization.md) on a one-time or recurring basis for incremental updates.
+In this tutorial, you:
+> [!div class="checklist"]
+> - Provide the index schema from the previous tutorial
+> - Create a data source connection
+> - Create an indexer
+> - Create a skillset
+> - Run the indexer and check results
+If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a [free account](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/?WT.mc_id=A261C142F) before you begin.
+> [!TIP]
+> You can use the [Import and vectorize data wizard](search-import-data-portal.md) to create your pipeline. For some quickstarts, see [Image search](search-get-started-portal-image-search.md) and [Vector search](search-get-started-portal-import-vectors.md).
+## Prerequisites
+- [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/download) with the [Python extension](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms-python.python) and the [Jupyter package](https://pypi.org/project/jupyter/). For more information, see [Python in Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/languages/python).
+- [Azure Storage](/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create) general purpose account. This exercise uploads PDF files into blob storage for automated indexing.
+- [Azure AI Search](search-create-service-portal.md), Basic tier or above for managed identity and semantic ranking. Choose a region that's shared with Azure OpenAI and Azure AI Services.
+- [Azure OpenAI](/azure/ai-services/openai/how-to/create-resource), with a deployment of text-embedding-002, in the same region as Azure AI Search. For more information about embedding models used in RAG solutions, see [Choose embedding models for RAG in Azure AI Search](tutorial-rag-build-solution-models.md).
+- [Azure AI Services multiservice account](/azure/ai-services/multi-service-resource), in the same region as Azure AI Search. This resource is used for the Entity Recognition skill that detects locations in your content.
+## Download the sample
+[Download a Jupyter notebook](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-python-samples/blob/main/Tutorial-RAG/Tutorial-rag.ipynb) from GitHub to send the requests to Azure AI Search. For more information, see [Downloading files from GitHub](https://docs.github.com/get-started/start-your-journey/downloading-files-from-github).
+## Provide the index schema
+Open or create a Jupyter notebook (`.ipynb`) in Visual Studio Code to contain the scripts that comprise the pipeline. Initial steps install packages and collect variables for the connections. After you complete the setup steps, you're ready to begin with the components of the indexing pipeline.
+Let's start with the index schema from the [previous tutorial](tutorial-rag-build-solution-index-schema.md). It's organized around vectorized and nonvectorized chunks. It includes a `locations` field that stores AI-generated content created by the skillset.
+index_name = "py-rag-tutorial-idx"
+index_client = SearchIndexClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=AZURE_SEARCH_CREDENTIAL)
+fields = [
+ SearchField(name="parent_id", type=SearchFieldDataType.String),
+ SearchField(name="title", type=SearchFieldDataType.String),
+ SearchField(name="locations", type=SearchFieldDataType.Collection(SearchFieldDataType.String), filterable=True),
+ SearchField(name="chunk_id", type=SearchFieldDataType.String, key=True, sortable=True, filterable=True, facetable=True, analyzer_name="keyword"),
+ SearchField(name="chunk", type=SearchFieldDataType.String, sortable=False, filterable=False, facetable=False),
+ SearchField(name="text_vector", type=SearchFieldDataType.Collection(SearchFieldDataType.Single), vector_search_dimensions=1536, vector_search_profile_name="myHnswProfile")
+ ]
+# Configure the vector search configuration
+vector_search = VectorSearch(
+ algorithms=[
+ HnswAlgorithmConfiguration(name="myHnsw"),
+ ],
+ profiles=[
+ VectorSearchProfile(
+ name="myHnswProfile",
+ algorithm_configuration_name="myHnsw",
+ vectorizer="myOpenAI",
+ )
+ ],
+ vectorizers=[
+ AzureOpenAIVectorizer(
+ name="myOpenAI",
+ kind="azureOpenAI",
+ azure_open_ai_parameters=AzureOpenAIParameters(
+ resource_uri=AZURE_OPENAI_ACCOUNT,
+ deployment_id="text-embedding-ada-002",
+ model_name="text-embedding-ada-002"
+ ),
+ ),
+ ],
+# Create the search index on Azure AI Search
+index = SearchIndex(name=index_name, fields=fields, vector_search=vector_search)
+result = index_client.create_or_update_index(index)
+print(f"{result.name} created")
+## Create a data source connection
+In this step, set up the sample data and a connection to Azure Blob Storage. The indexer retrieves PDFs from a container. You create the container and upload files in this step.
+1. Sign in to the Azure portal and find your Azure Storage account.
+1. Create a container and upload the PDFs from [earth_book_2019_text_pages](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-sample-data/tree/main/nasa-e-book/earth_book_2019_text_pages).
+1. Make sure Azure AI Search has **Storage Blob Data Reader** permissions on the resource.
+1. Next, in Visual Studio Code, define an indexer data source that provides connection information during indexing.
+ ```python
+ from azure.search.documents.indexes import SearchIndexerClient
+ from azure.search.documents.indexes.models import (
+ SearchIndexerDataContainer,
+ SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection
+ )
+ # Create a data source
+ indexer_client = SearchIndexerClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=AZURE_SEARCH_CREDENTIAL)
+ container = SearchIndexerDataContainer(name="nasa-ebook-pdfs-all")
+ data_source_connection = SearchIndexerDataSourceConnection(
+ name="py-rag-tutorial-ds",
+ type="azureblob",
+ connection_string=AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION,
+ container=container
+ )
+ data_source = indexer_client.create_or_update_data_source_connection(data_source_connection)
+ print(f"Data source '{data_source.name}' created or updated")
+ ```
+## Create a skillset
+Skills are the basis for integrated data chunking and vectorization. At a minimum, you want a Text Split skill to chunk your content, and an embedding skill that create vector representations of your chunked content.
+In this skillset, an extra skill is used to create structured data in the index. The Entity Recognition skill is used to identify locations, which can range from proper names to generic references, such as "ocean" or "mountain". Having structured data gives you more options for creating interesting queries and boosting relevance.
+from azure.search.documents.indexes.models import (
+ SplitSkill,
+ InputFieldMappingEntry,
+ OutputFieldMappingEntry,
+ AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill,
+ EntityRecognitionSkill,
+ SearchIndexerIndexProjections,
+ SearchIndexerIndexProjectionSelector,
+ SearchIndexerIndexProjectionsParameters,
+ IndexProjectionMode,
+ SearchIndexerSkillset,
+ CognitiveServicesAccountKey
+# Create a skillset
+skillset_name = "py-rag-tutorial-ss"
+split_skill = SplitSkill(
+ description="Split skill to chunk documents",
+ text_split_mode="pages",
+ context="/document",
+ maximum_page_length=2000,
+ page_overlap_length=500,
+ inputs=[
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="text", source="/document/content"),
+ ],
+ outputs=[
+ OutputFieldMappingEntry(name="textItems", target_name="pages")
+ ],
+embedding_skill = AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill(
+ description="Skill to generate embeddings via Azure OpenAI",
+ context="/document/pages/*",
+ resource_uri=AZURE_OPENAI_ACCOUNT,
+ deployment_id="text-embedding-ada-002",
+ model_name="text-embedding-ada-002",
+ dimensions=1536,
+ inputs=[
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="text", source="/document/pages/*"),
+ ],
+ outputs=[
+ OutputFieldMappingEntry(name="embedding", target_name="text_vector")
+ ],
+entity_skill = EntityRecognitionSkill(
+ description="Skill to recognize entities in text",
+ context="/document/pages/*",
+ categories=["Location"],
+ default_language_code="en",
+ inputs=[
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="text", source="/document/pages/*")
+ ],
+ outputs=[
+ OutputFieldMappingEntry(name="locations", target_name="locations")
+ ]
+index_projections = SearchIndexerIndexProjections(
+ selectors=[
+ SearchIndexerIndexProjectionSelector(
+ target_index_name=index_name,
+ parent_key_field_name="parent_id",
+ source_context="/document/pages/*",
+ mappings=[
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="chunk", source="/document/pages/*"),
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="text_vector", source="/document/pages/*/text_vector"),
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="locations", source="/document/pages/*/locations"),
+ InputFieldMappingEntry(name="title", source="/document/metadata_storage_name"),
+ ],
+ ),
+ ],
+ parameters=SearchIndexerIndexProjectionsParameters(
+ projection_mode=IndexProjectionMode.SKIP_INDEXING_PARENT_DOCUMENTS
+ ),
+cognitive_services_account = CognitiveServicesAccountKey(key=AZURE_AI_MULTISERVICE_KEY)
+skills = [split_skill, embedding_skill, entity_skill]
+skillset = SearchIndexerSkillset(
+ name=skillset_name,
+ description="Skillset to chunk documents and generating embeddings",
+ skills=skills,
+ index_projections=index_projections,
+ cognitive_services_account=cognitive_services_account
+client = SearchIndexerClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=AZURE_SEARCH_CREDENTIAL)
+print(f"{skillset.name} created")
+## Create and run the indexer
+Indexers are the component that sets all of the processes in motion. You can create an indexer in a disabled state, but the default is to run it immediately. In this tutorial, create and run the indexer to retrieve the data from Blob storage, execute the skills, including chunking and vectorization, and load the index.
+The indexer takes several minutes to run. When it's done, you can move on to the final step: querying your index.
+from azure.search.documents.indexes.models import (
+ SearchIndexer,
+ FieldMapping
+# Create an indexer
+indexer_name = "py-rag-tutorial-idxr"
+indexer_parameters = None
+indexer = SearchIndexer(
+ name=indexer_name,
+ description="Indexer to index documents and generate embeddings",
+ skillset_name=skillset_name,
+ target_index_name=index_name,
+ data_source_name=data_source.name,
+ # Map the metadata_storage_name field to the title field in the index to display the PDF title in the search results
+ field_mappings=[FieldMapping(source_field_name="metadata_storage_name", target_field_name="title")],
+ parameters=indexer_parameters
+# Create and run the indexer
+indexer_client = SearchIndexerClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=AZURE_SEARCH_CREDENTIAL)
+indexer_result = indexer_client.create_or_update_indexer(indexer)
+print(f' {indexer_name} is created and running. Give the indexer a few minutes before running a query.')
+## Run a query to check results
+Send a query to confirm your index is operational. This request converts the text string "`where are the nasa headquarters located?`" into a vector for a vector search. Results consist of the fields in the select statement, some of which are printed as output.
+from azure.search.documents import SearchClient
+from azure.search.documents.models import VectorizableTextQuery
+# Hybrid Search
+query = "where are the nasa headquarters located?"
+search_client = SearchClient(endpoint=AZURE_SEARCH_SERVICE, credential=AZURE_SEARCH_CREDENTIAL, index_name=index_name)
+vector_query = VectorizableTextQuery(text=query, k_nearest_neighbors=1, fields="text_vector", exhaustive=True)
+results = search_client.search(
+ search_text=query,
+ vector_queries= [vector_query],
+ select=["parent_id", "chunk_id", "title", "chunk", "locations"],
+ top=1
+for result in results:
+ print(f"Score: {result['@search.score']}")
+ print(f"Title: {result['title']}")
+ print(f"Locations: {result['locations']}")
+ print(f"Content: {result['chunk']}")
+This query returns a single match (`top=1`) consisting of the one chunk determined by the search engine to be the most relevant. Results from the query should look similar to the following example:
+Score: 0.03306011110544205
+Title: page-178.pdf
+Locations: ['Headquarters', 'Washington']
+Content: national Aeronautics and Space Administration
+earth Science
+NASA Headquarters
+300 E Street SW
+Washington, DC 20546
+Try a few more queries to get a sense of what the search engine returns directly so that you can compare it with an LLM-enabled response. Rerun the previous script with this query: `"how much of the earth is covered in water"`?
+Results from this second query should look similar to the following results, which are lightly edited for concision.
+Score: 0.03333333507180214
+Land of Lakes
+During the last Ice Age, nearly all of Canada was covered by a massive ice sheet. Thousands of years later, the landscape still shows
+the scars of that icy earth-mover. Surfaces that were scoured by retreating ice and flooded by Arctic seas are now dotted with
+millions of lakes, ponds, and streams. In this false-color view from the Terra satellite, water is various shades of blue, green, tan, and
+black, depending on the amount of suspended sediment and phytoplankton; vegetation is red.
+The region of Nunavut Territory is sometimes referred to as the “Barren Grounds,” as it is nearly treeless and largely unsuitable for
+agriculture. The ground is snow-covered for much of the year, and the soil typically remains frozen (permafrost) even during the
+summer thaw. Nonetheless, this July 2001 image shows plenty of surface vegetation in midsummer, including lichens, mosses,
+shrubs, and grasses. The abundant fresh water also means the area is teeming with flies and mosquitoes.
+With this example, it's easier to spot how chunks are returned verbatim, and how keyword and similarity search identify top matches. This specific chunk definitely has information about water and coverage over the earth, but it's not exactly relevant to the query. Semantic ranking would find a better answer, but as a next step, let's see how to connect Azure AI Search to an LLM for conversational search.
+<!-- Objective:
+- Create objects and run the indexer to produce an operational search index with chunked and vectorized content.
+Key points:
+- Dependency on a supported data source. Use Azure blob storage for this tutorial.
+- Indexer pulls from the data source, pushes to the index.
+- Large PDF files can't be chunked. Indexer shows success, but doesn't even attempt to chunk/ingest the docs. Individual files have to be less than 16 MB.
+- Skillset (example 1) has two skills: text split and embedding. Embedding model is also be used for vectorization at query time (assume text-to-vector conversion).
+- Skillset (example 2) add a custom skill that points to external embedding model, or document intelligence.
+- Skillset (example 3) add an entity recognition skill to lift locations from raw content into the index?
+- Duplicated content is expected due to overlap and repetition of parent info. It won't affect your LLM.
+- H2: Configure access to Azure Storage and upload sample data.
+- H2: Create a data source
+- H2: Create a skillset (choose one skillset)
+- H2: Use alternative skillsets (present the other two skillsets)
+- H2: Create and run the indexer
+- H2: Check your data in the search index (hide vectors) -->
+## Next step
+> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
+> [Chat with your data](tutorial-rag-build-solution-query.md)
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