View Diff on GitHub
- 新機能: Azure OpenAIサービスにおけるバッチ操作および構造化出力のサポートが拡充。APIの新しいバージョンである
- その他の更新: ドキュメントの日付や著者情報の更新、説明の整理などにより、ユーザーの理解が向上。
- バッチ処理における構造化出力のサポートが強化され、Python、REST API、スタジオに関する具体的なコード例が追加されました。
- APIバージョン
- 日付、著者情報、APIバージョンの更新。
- 説明の明確化と読みやすさの向上を目的としたテキスト整理。
今回の変更は、Azure OpenAIの既存機能をより充実させるためのもので、特に構造化出力に関するサポートが強化されました。構造化出力はデータの可視化や整理において重要な役割を果たし、今後より多くのユースケースで活用されることが期待されます。
Summary Table
Modified Contents
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ manager: nitinme
ms.service: azure-ai-openai
ms.custom: references_regions
ms.topic: how-to 10/14/2024 10/18/2024
author: mrbullwinkle mbullwin
recommendations: false
@@ -67,19 +67,15 @@ Refer to the [models page](../concepts/ for the most up-to-date inform
API support was first added with `2024-07-01-preview`. Use `2024-10-01-preview` to take advantage of the latest features.
-### Not supported
+### Feature support
The following aren't currently supported:
- Integration with the Assistants API.
- Integration with Azure OpenAI On Your Data feature.
> [!NOTE]
-> There is a known issue with Azure OpenAI global batch and [structured outputs](./ Currently, lines in your jsonl file with structured output requests will fail with the following error message written to the error file:
-> ***response_format value as json_schema is enabled only for api versions 2024-08-01-preview and later***.
->This error will occur even when your code targets the latest preview APIs which support structured outputs. Once the issue is resolved, this page will be updated.
+> Structured outputs is now supported with Global Batch when used in conjunction with API version `2024-08-01-preview` or later. Use `2024-10-01-preview` for the latest features.
### Global batch deployment
@@ -157,71 +153,6 @@ Yes. Similar to other deployment types, you can create content filters and assoc
Yes, from the quota page in the Studio UI. Default quota allocation can be found in the [quota and limits article](../
-### How do I tell how many tokens my batch request contains, and how many tokens are available as quota?
-The `2024-10-01-preview` REST API adds two new response headers:
-* `deployment-enqueued-tokens` - A approximate token count for your jsonl file calculated immediately after the batch request is submitted. This value represents an estimate based on the number of characters and is not the true token count.
-* `deployment-maximum-enqueued-tokens` The total available enqueued tokens available for this global batch model deployment.
-These response headers are only available when making a POST request to begin batch processing of a file with the REST API. The language specific client libraries do not currently return these new response headers. To return all response headers you can add `-i` to the standard REST request.
-curl -i -X POST \
- -H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
- -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
- -d '{
- "input_file_id": "file-abc123",
- "endpoint": "/chat/completions",
- "completion_window": "24h"
- }'
-HTTP/1.1 200 OK
-Content-Length: 619
-Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
-Vary: Accept-Encoding
-Request-Context: appId=
-x-ms-response-type: standard
-deployment-enqueued-tokens: 139
-deployment-maximum-enqueued-tokens: 740000
-Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
-X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
-x-aml-cluster: vienna-swedencentral-01
-x-request-time: 2.125
-apim-request-id: c8bf4351-c6f5-4bfe-9a79-ef3720eca8af
-x-ms-region: Sweden Central
-Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 01:45:45 GMT
- "cancelled_at": null,
- "cancelling_at": null,
- "completed_at": null,
- "completion_window": "24h",
- "created_at": 1729129545,
- "error_file_id": null,
- "expired_at": null,
- "expires_at": 1729215945,
- "failed_at": null,
- "finalizing_at": null,
- "id": "batch_c8dd49a7-c808-4575-9957-b188cd0dd642",
- "in_progress_at": null,
- "input_file_id": "file-f89384af0082485da43cb26b49dc25ce",
- "errors": null,
- "metadata": null,
- "object": "batch",
- "output_file_id": null,
- "request_counts": {
- "total": 0,
- "completed": 0,
- "failed": 0
- },
- "status": "validating",
- "endpoint": "/chat/completions"
### What happens if the API doesn't complete my request within the 24 hour time frame?
We aim to process these requests within 24 hours; we don't expire the jobs that take longer. You can cancel the job anytime. When you cancel the job, any remaining work is cancelled and any already completed work is returned. You'll be charged for any completed work.
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "バッチ操作に関する更新"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIバッチ操作に関するドキュメントのアップデートです。主な修正点は、日付の更新とサポートされる機能に関する情報の追加です。具体的には、旧バージョンのAPIがサポートしていなかった構造化出力が、APIバージョン2024-08-01-preview
@@ -6,16 +6,16 @@ services: cognitive-services
manager: nitinme
ms.service: azure-ai-openai
ms.topic: how-to 05/20/2024
-author: mrbullwinkle mbullwin 10/15/2024
+author: aahill aahi
recommendations: false
# Azure OpenAI Assistants Code Interpreter (Preview)
-Code Interpreter allows the Assistants API to write and run Python code in a sandboxed execution environment. With Code Interpreter enabled, your Assistant can run code iteratively to solve more challenging code, math, and data analysis problems. When your Assistant writes code that fails to run, it can iterate on this code by modifying and running different code until the code execution succeeds.
+Code Interpreter allows the Assistants API to write and run Python code in a sandboxed execution environment. With Code Interpreter enabled, your Assistant can run code iteratively to solve more challenging code, math, and data analysis problems. When your Assistant writes code that fails to run, it can iterate on this code by modifying and running different code until the code execution succeeds.
> Code Interpreter has [additional charges]( beyond the token based fees for Azure OpenAI usage. If your Assistant calls Code Interpreter simultaneously in two different threads, two code interpreter sessions are created. Each session is active by default for one hour.
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Code Interpreter allows the Assistants API to write and run Python code in a san
The [models page](../concepts/ contains the most up-to-date information on regions/models where Assistants and code interpreter are supported.
-We recommend using assistants with the latest models to take advantage of the new features, as well as the larger context windows, and more up-to-date training data.
+We recommend using assistants with the latest models to take advantage of the new features, larger context windows, and more up-to-date training data.
### API Versions
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ We recommend using assistants with the latest models to take advantage of the ne
### File upload API reference
-Assistants use the [same API for file upload as fine-tuning](/rest/api/azureopenai/files/upload?view=rest-azureopenai-2024-02-15-preview&tabs=HTTP&preserve-view=true). When uploading a file you have to specify an appropriate value for the [purpose parameter](/rest/api/azureopenai/files/upload?view=rest-azureopenai-2024-02-15-preview&tabs=HTTP&preserve-view=true#purpose).
+Assistants use the [same API for file upload as fine-tuning](/rest/api/azureopenai/files/upload?view=rest-azureopenai-2024-02-15-preview&tabs=HTTP&preserve-view=true). When uploading a file, you have to specify an appropriate value for the [purpose parameter](/rest/api/azureopenai/files/upload?view=rest-azureopenai-2024-02-15-preview&tabs=HTTP&preserve-view=true#purpose).
## Enable Code Interpreter
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
instructions="You are an AI assistant that can write code to help answer math questions.",
tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}],
- file_ids=[]
+ tool_resources={"code interpreter":{"file_ids":[]}}
@@ -145,14 +145,14 @@ assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
# Upload a file with an "assistants" purpose
-curl \
+curl \
-H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
-F purpose="assistants" \
-F file="@c:\\path_to_file\\file.csv"
# Create an assistant using the file ID
-curl \
+curl \
-H "api-key: $AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
@@ -161,7 +161,11 @@ curl
{ "type": "code_interpreter" }
"model": "gpt-4-1106-preview",
- "file_ids": ["assistant-123abc456"]
+ "tool_resources"{
+ "code interpreter": {
+ "file_ids": ["assistant-1234"]
+ }
+ }
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "コードインタプリタに関する更新"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIのコードインタプリタに関するドキュメントを更新したものです。主に日付、著者情報、及び特定の記述が変更されました。具体的には、最終更新日が2024年5月20日から2024年10月15日に更新され、著者が「mrbullwinkle」から「aahill」に変更されています。
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ title: Azure OpenAI Service Provisioned Throughput Units (PTU) onboarding
description: Learn about provisioned throughput units onboarding and Azure OpenAI.
ms.service: azure-ai-openai
ms.topic: conceptual 09/12/2024 10/18/2024
manager: nitinme
author: mrbullwinkle mbullwin
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Determining the right amount of provisioned throughput, or PTUs, you require for
### Estimate provisioned throughput and cost
-To get a quick estimate for your workload, open the capacity planner in the [Azure OpenAI Studio]( The capacity planner is under **Management** > **Quotas** > **Provisioned**.
+To get a quick estimate for your workload, open the capacity planner in the [Azure OpenAI Studio]( The capacity planner is under **Shared resources** > **Quota** > **Azure OpenAI Provisioned**.
The **Provisioned** option and the capacity planner are only available in certain regions within the Quota pane, if you don't see this option setting the quota region to *Sweden Central* will make this option available. Enter the following parameters based on your workload.
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "プロビジョンドスループットオンボーディングに関する更新"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIサービスのプロビジョンドスループットユニット(PTU)に関するオンボーディングドキュメントの更新です。主な変更点は、ドキュメントの日付が2024年9月12日から2024年10月18日に変更されたことと、使用方法のセクションでの表現の見直しです。
具体的には、Azure OpenAI Studio内のキャパシティプランナーのナビゲーションが変更され、以前は「管理」>「クォータ」>「プロビジョン」とされていた部分が、「共有リソース」>「クォータ」>「Azure OpenAIプロビジョンド」に更新されました。この変更により、ユーザーはより正確なナビゲーションによって作業がしやすくなります。
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ Structured outputs make a model follow a [JSON Schema](
> [!NOTE]
> * Currently structured outputs is not supported on [bring your own data](../concepts/ scenario.
-> * There is a known issue blocking structured outputs support for [global batch](
## Supported models
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "構造化出力に関するドキュメントの更新"
この変更は、構造化出力に関するAzure OpenAIのドキュメントを更新したものです。主な更新点は、注意書き部分の情報を整理したことです。具体的には、構造化出力が「自分のデータを持ち込む」シナリオではサポートされていないことを示す注記の下に、既知の問題に関する情報が追加されました。
@@ -55,6 +55,12 @@ Like [fine-tuning](../../how-to/, global batch uses files in JSON
{"custom_id": "request-1", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},{"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": "What’s in this image?"},{"type": "image_url","image_url": {"url": ""}}]}],"max_tokens": 1000}}
+# [Structured outputs](#tab/structured-outputs)
+{"custom_id": "task-0", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Extract the event information."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Alice and Bob are going to a science fair on Friday."}], "response_format": {"type": "json_schema", "json_schema": {"name": "CalendarEventResponse", "strict": true, "schema": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}, "participants": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["name", "date", "participants"], "additionalProperties": false}}}}}
The `custom_id` is required to allow you to identify which individual batch request corresponds to a given response. Responses won't be returned in identical order to the order defined in the `.jsonl` batch file.
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "バッチ処理における構造化出力のサポートを追加"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIのバッチ処理に関連するPythonでの実装において、構造化出力をサポートするためのコード例を追加するものです。具体的には、バッチリクエストのフォーマットを示すJSONコードブロックが3つ追加されました。
@@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ Like [fine-tuning](../../how-to/, global batch uses files in JSON
{"custom_id": "request-1", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},{"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": "What’s in this image?"},{"type": "image_url","image_url": {"url": ""}}]}],"max_tokens": 1000}}
+# [Structured outputs](#tab/structured-outputs)
+{"custom_id": "task-0", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Extract the event information."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Alice and Bob are going to a science fair on Friday."}], "response_format": {"type": "json_schema", "json_schema": {"name": "CalendarEventResponse", "strict": true, "schema": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}, "participants": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["name", "date", "participants"], "additionalProperties": false}}}}}
The `custom_id` is required to allow you to identify which individual batch request corresponds to a given response. Responses won't be returned in identical order to the order defined in the `.jsonl` batch file.
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "バッチ処理における構造化出力のサポートを追加"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIのバッチ処理に関連するREST APIドキュメントに構造化出力のサポートを追加したものです。具体的には、バッチリクエストの構造化出力を示すための新しいJSONコード例が6行追加されました。
新しく追加されたコードスニペットでは、ユーザーが構造化出力を利用してイベント情報を抽出する方法が具体的に示されています。特に、カスタムIDの usage や、バッチリクエストの内容に関する詳細な説明が含まれており、ユーザーが応答を追跡しやすくなっています。これにより、構造化出力を使用した際のリクエストフォーマットや期待される応答の形式が明確に理解できるようになります。
@@ -44,6 +44,13 @@ Like [fine-tuning](../../how-to/, global batch uses files in JSON
{"custom_id": "request-1", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful assistant."},{"role": "user", "content": [{"type": "text", "text": "What’s in this image?"},{"type": "image_url","image_url": {"url": ""}}]}],"max_tokens": 1000}}
+# [Structured outputs](#tab/structured-outputs)
+{"custom_id": "task-0", "method": "POST", "url": "/chat/completions", "body": {"model": "REPLACE-WITH-MODEL-DEPLOYMENT-NAME", "messages": [{"role": "system", "content": "Extract the event information."}, {"role": "user", "content": "Alice and Bob are going to a science fair on Friday."}], "response_format": {"type": "json_schema", "json_schema": {"name": "CalendarEventResponse", "strict": true, "schema": {"type": "object", "properties": {"name": {"type": "string"}, "date": {"type": "string"}, "participants": {"type": "array", "items": {"type": "string"}}}, "required": ["name", "date", "participants"], "additionalProperties": false}}}}}
The `custom_id` is required to allow you to identify which individual batch request corresponds to a given response. Responses won't be returned in identical order to the order defined in the `.jsonl` batch file.
"modification_type": "minor update",
"modification_title": "バッチスタジオに構造化出力のサポートを追加"
この変更は、Azure OpenAIのバッチスタジオに関連するドキュメントに構造化出力のサポートを追加したものです。具体的には、バッチリクエストの構造化出力を示す新しいJSONコードの例が7行追加されました。