Diff Insight Report - search

最終更新日: 2024-11-02


このポストは Microsoft 社の Azure 公式ドキュメント(CC BY 4.0 または MIT ライセンス) をもとに生成AIを用いて翻案・要約した派生作品です。 元の文書は MicrosoftDocs/azure-ai-docs にホストされています。

生成AIの性能には限界があり、誤訳や誤解釈が含まれる可能性があります。 本ポストはあくまで参考情報として用い、正確な情報は必ず元の文書を参照してください。


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# ハイライト






  • 複数のファイルでホテル名が変更され、最新の情報に基づく更新が行われています。
  • ドキュメントの日付が更新され、最新性が確保されています。
  • クエリのサンプルと説明文が改善され、一貫した情報提供が図られています。


この変更は、Azure AI Searchに関するドキュメント全体の品質向上を目指したものです。特に、多数のファイルでホテル名が変更されることで、ドキュメント内の情報が最新かつ一貫していることを確認できます。ホテル名や日付の更新は、正確な情報をユーザーに提供するためのものであり、整合性のある文書を維持するために重要です。


最終的に、これらの変更は、技術ドキュメント全体の信頼性と使用性を向上させることを目的としており、特に開発者にとって貴重なリソースとなることを意図しています。アップデートされた情報により、検索機能を活用する際のユーザーエクスペリエンスが向上し、より効果的にAzure AI Searchを利用できるようになるでしょう。

Summary Table

Filename Type Title Status A D M
hybrid-search-how-to-query.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 2 2 4
hybrid-search-overview.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 2 2 4
dotnet.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 6 6 12
java.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 6 6 12
javascript.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 7 7 14
python-semantic.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 8 8 16
python.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 6 6 12
typescript.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 7 7 14
index-sql-relational-data.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 1 1 2
search-explorer-full-text-query-hotels.png minor update 画像のメタデータの更新 modified 0 0 0
search-faceted-navigation.md minor update ホテル名と日付の更新 modified 2 2 4
search-get-started-powershell.md minor update ホテル名と日付の更新 modified 8 8 16
search-get-started-rest.md minor update ホテル名と日付の更新 modified 8 8 16
search-get-started-vector.md minor update ホテル名と日付の更新 modified 46 46 92
search-how-to-create-search-index.md minor update 検索インデックス作成に関する文書の更新 modified 79 16 95
search-how-to-dotnet-sdk.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 5 5 10
search-how-to-load-search-index.md minor update ホテル名の更新と日付の修正 modified 3 3 6
search-howto-complex-data-types.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 2 2 4
search-howto-powerapps.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 3 3 6
search-howto-reindex.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 3 3 6
search-pagination-page-layout.md minor update 文書内容の微調整 modified 13 13 26
search-query-create.md minor update クエリ構文の調整 modified 4 4 8
search-query-fuzzy.md minor update ドキュメントの日付更新 modified 1 1 2
search-query-lucene-examples.md minor update Lucene検索構文の例の更新 modified 242 118 360
search-query-odata-select.md minor update ホテル名の更新 modified 2 2 4
search-query-simple-examples.md minor update シンプル検索クエリの例の更新 modified 236 219 455
search-security-manage-encryption-keys.md minor update ホテルの説明文の修正 modified 2 2 4
semantic-how-to-query-request.md minor update クエリリクエストに関する内容の更新 modified 79 28 107

Modified Contents


@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ In this section, compare the responses between single vector search and simple h
     "@search.score": 0.8399121,
     "HotelId": "49",
-    "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+    "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
     "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center.",
     "Category": "Luxury",
     "Address": {
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ In this section, compare the responses between single vector search and simple h
     "@search.score": 0.032786883413791656,
     "HotelId": "49",
-    "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+    "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
     "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center.",
     "Category": "Luxury",
     "Address": {


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"


この変更は、ドキュメント内のホテル名を「Old Carrabelle Hotel」から「Swirling Currents Hotel」へと更新するものです。この修正は、特定のセクションにおいて、シングルベクトル検索とシンプル検索の応答の比較を示しているため、関連性のある情報を正確に反映することを目的としています。この更新により、読者に提供される情報の正確性が向上し、文書の品質が改善されます。変更されたファイルは、ハイブラッド検索に関連するクエリの方法に関するガイドです。


@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ A response from the above query might look like this:
             "@search.score": 0.03333333507180214,
             "@search.rerankerScore": 2.5229012966156006,
             "HotelId": "49",
-            "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
             "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center.",
             "Category": "Luxury",
             "Address": {
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ A response from the above query might look like this:
             "@search.score": 0.032522473484277725,
             "@search.rerankerScore": 2.111117362976074,
             "HotelId": "48",
-            "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
             "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Address": {


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"


この変更は、ドキュメント内の2つのホテル名を更新するものです。具体的には、「Old Carrabelle Hotel」を「Swirling Currents Hotel」に変更し、「Nordick’s Motel」を「Nordick’s Valley Motel」に変更しています。これらの変更は、クエリからの応答例を示すセクションで行われており、読者に正確で関連性のある情報を提供するためのものです。このようにして、ハイブリッド検索の概要における説明の信頼性と明確性が向上し、読者が最新の情報にアクセスできるようになります。変更されたファイルは、ハイブリッド検索の基本的な考え方と使用法について記載されています。


@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/dotnet/api/azur
                 new Hotel()
                     HotelId = "1",
-                    HotelName = "Secret Point Motel",
+                    HotelName = "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                     Description = "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
                     DescriptionFr = "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.",
                     Category = "Boutique",
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/dotnet/api/azur
                 new Hotel()
                     HotelId = "2",
-                    HotelName = "Twin Dome Motel",
+                    HotelName = "Old Century Hotel",
                     Description = "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
                     DescriptionFr = "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
                     Category = "Boutique",
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/dotnet/api/azur
                 new Hotel()
                     HotelId = "3",
-                    HotelName = "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                    HotelName = "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                     Description = "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
                     DescriptionFr = "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
                     Category = "Resort and Spa",
@@ -249,9 +249,9 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/dotnet/api/azur
                 new Hotel()
                     HotelId = "4",
-                    HotelName = "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-                    Description = "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
-                    DescriptionFr = "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
+                    HotelName = "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+                    Description = "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+                    DescriptionFr = "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
                     Category = "Boutique",
                     Tags = new[] { "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" },
                     ParkingIncluded = true,


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. 「Secret Point Motel」が「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更
  2. 「Twin Dome Motel」が「Old Century Hotel」に変更
  3. 「Triple Landscape Hotel」が「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更
  4. 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」が「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更



@@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/java/api/com.az
         var hotel = new Hotel();
         hotel.hotelId = "1";
-        hotel.hotelName = "Secret Point Motel";
+        hotel.hotelName = "Stay-Kay City Hotel";
         hotel.description = "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.";
         hotel.descriptionFr = "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.";
         hotel.category = "Boutique";
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/java/api/com.az
         hotel = new Hotel();
         hotel.hotelId = "2";
-        hotel.hotelName = "Twin Dome Motel";
+        hotel.hotelName = "Old Century Hotel";
         hotel.description = "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.";
         hotel.descriptionFr = "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.";
         hotel.category = "Boutique";
@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/java/api/com.az
         hotel = new Hotel();
         hotel.hotelId = "3";
-        hotel.hotelName = "Triple Landscape Hotel";
+        hotel.hotelName = "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel";
         hotel.description = "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.";
         hotel.descriptionFr = "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.";
         hotel.category = "Resort and Spa";
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@ When uploading documents, you must use an [IndexDocumentsBatch](/java/api/com.az
         hotel = new Hotel();
         hotel.hotelId = "4";
-        hotel.hotelName = "Sublime Cliff Hotel";
-        hotel.description = "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.";
-        hotel.descriptionFr = "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.";
+        hotel.hotelName = "Sublime Palace Hotel";
+        hotel.description = "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.";
+        hotel.descriptionFr = "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.";
         hotel.category = "Boutique";
         hotel.tags = new String[] { "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" };
         hotel.parkingIncluded = true;


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. 「Secret Point Motel」が「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更
  2. 「Twin Dome Motel」が「Old Century Hotel」に変更
  3. 「Triple Landscape Hotel」が「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更
  4. 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」が「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更



@@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
     "value": [
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "2",
-            "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "3",
-            "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
             "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
             "Category": "Resort and Spa",
@@ -390,9 +390,9 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "4",
-            "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-            "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
-            "Description_fr": "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
+            "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+            "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+            "Description_fr": "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": ["concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service"],
             "ParkingIncluded": true,
@@ -520,7 +520,7 @@ searchOptions = {
     searchFields: ["HotelName"]
-searchResults = await searchClient.search("sublime cliff", searchOptions);
+searchResults = await searchClient.search("Sublime Palace", searchOptions);
 for await (const result of searchResults.results) {


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. ホテル名の変更:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」を「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」を「Old Century Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」を「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」を「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更。

これにより、これらのホテルの情報が最新のものであることが保証され、ユーザーが取得するデータが正確になります。また、検索クエリも「sublime cliff」から「Sublime Palace」に変更されており、更新後のホテル名に一致するようにされています。これらの変更は、ユーザーがリソースと情報をより簡単に利用できるようにするためのものです。全体として、これらの修正は、ドキュメントの整合性を保つため、重要な情報の更新に寄与しています。


@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "1",
-    "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+    "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
     "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "2",
-    "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+    "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
     "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "3",
-    "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+    "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
     "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel's restaurant services.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
     "Category": "Resort and Spa",
@@ -182,9 +182,9 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "4",
-    "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-    "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
-    "Description_fr": "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
+    "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+    "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+    "Description_fr": "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
     "Tags": [ "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" ],
     "ParkingIncluded": "true",
@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ for result in results:
 For comparison purposes, run a text query with BM25 relevance scoring. Full text search is invoked when you provide a query string. The response consists of ranked results, where higher scores are awarded to documents having more instances of matching terms, or more important terms.
-In this query for *what hotel has a good restaurant on site*, Sublime Cliff Hotel comes out on top because its description includes *site*. Terms that occur infrequently raise the search score of the document. 
+In this query for *what hotel has a good restaurant on site*, Sublime Palace Hotel comes out on top because its description includes *site*. Terms that occur infrequently raise the search score of the document. 
 # Run a text query (returns a BM25-scored result set)
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ for result in results:
 Now add semantic ranking. New parameters include `query_type` and `semantic_configuration_name`.
-It's the same query, but notice that the semantic ranker correctly identifies Triple Landscape Hotel as a more relevant result given the initial query. This query also returns captions generated by the models. The inputs are too minimal in this sample to create interesting captions, but the example succeeds in demonstrating the syntax.
+It's the same query, but notice that the semantic ranker correctly identifies Gastronomic Landscape Hotel as a more relevant result given the initial query. This query also returns captions generated by the models. The inputs are too minimal in this sample to create interesting captions, but the example succeeds in demonstrating the syntax.
 # Runs a semantic query (runs a BM25-ranked query and promotes the most relevant matches to the top)


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. ホテル名の変更:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」を「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」を「Old Century Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」を「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」を「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更。



@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "1",
-    "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+    "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
     "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "2",
-    "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+    "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
     "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "3",
-    "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+    "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
     "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel's restaurant services.",
     "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
     "Category": "Resort and Spa",
@@ -165,9 +165,9 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "HotelId": "4",
-    "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-    "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
-    "Description_fr": "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
+    "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+    "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+    "Description_fr": "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
     "Category": "Boutique",
     "Tags": [ "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" ],
     "ParkingIncluded": "true",


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. ホテル名の変更:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」を「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」を「Old Century Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」を「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」を「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更。



@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
     "value": [
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est idéalement situé sur la principale artère commerciale de la ville en plein cœur de New York. A quelques minutes se trouve la place du temps et le centre historique de la ville, ainsi que d'autres lieux d'intérêt qui font de New York l'une des villes les plus attractives et cosmopolites de l'Amérique.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "2",
-            "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "3",
-            "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
             "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
             "Description_fr": "L'hôtel est situé dans une place du XIXe siècle, qui a été agrandie et rénovée aux plus hautes normes architecturales pour créer un hôtel moderne, fonctionnel et de première classe dans lequel l'art et les éléments historiques uniques coexistent avec le confort le plus moderne.",
             "Category": "Resort and Spa",
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ Document inputs might be rows in a database, blobs in Blob storage, or, as in th
             "HotelId": "4",
-            "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-            "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
-            "Description_fr": "Le sublime Cliff Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Cliff fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
+            "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+            "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+            "Description_fr": "Le Sublime Palace Hotel est situé au coeur du centre historique de sublime dans un quartier extrêmement animé et vivant, à courte distance de marche des sites et monuments de la ville et est entouré par l'extraordinaire beauté des églises, des bâtiments, des commerces et Monuments. Sublime Palace fait partie d'un Palace 1800 restauré avec amour.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": ["concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service"],
             "ParkingIncluded": true,
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@ const searchOptions3 = {
     searchFields: ["HotelName"] as const
-searchResults = await searchClient.search("sublime cliff", searchOptions3);
+searchResults = await searchClient.search("Sublime Palace", searchOptions3);
 for await (const result of searchResults.results) {


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  1. ホテル名の変更:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」を「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」を「Old Century Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」を「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」を「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更。



@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Results from this query return all of the Hotel fields, followed by all Room fie
    ![Denormalized data, redundant hotel data when room fields are added](media/index-sql-relational-data/denormalize-data-query.png "Denormalized data, redundant hotel data when room fields are added")
-While this query succeeds on the surface (providing all of the data in a flat row set), it fails in delivering the right document structure for the expected search experience. During indexing, Azure AI Search creates one search document for each row ingested. If your search documents looked like the above results, you would have perceived duplicates - seven separate documents for the Twin Dome hotel alone. A query on "hotels in Florida" would return seven results for just the Twin Dome hotel, pushing other relevant hotels deep into the search results.
+While this query succeeds on the surface (providing all of the data in a flat row set), it fails in delivering the right document structure for the expected search experience. During indexing, Azure AI Search creates one search document for each row ingested. If your search documents looked like the above results, you would have perceived duplicates - seven separate documents for the Old Century Hotel alone. A query on "hotels in Florida" would return seven results for just the Old Century Hotel, pushing other relevant hotels deep into the search results.
 To get the expected experience of one document per hotel, you should provide a rowset at the right granularity, but with complete information. This article explains how.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • 説明文中において、ホテル名が「Twin Dome Hotel」から「Old Century Hotel」に変更されました。この変更により、文中での情報が最新のものとなり、正確な内容を提供することが目的です。




    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "画像のメタデータの更新"



  • 画像ファイル「search-explorer-full-text-query-hotels.png」が修正されましたが、実際の変更内容(追加、削除、その他の変更)はありません。



@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ author: HeidiSteen
 ms.author: heidist
 ms.service: azure-ai-search
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 06/06/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Add faceted navigation to a search app
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ The response for the example includes the faceted navigation structure at the to
             "@search.score": 1.0,
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": [


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名と日付の更新"



  • メタデータの「ms.date」が「2024年6月6日」から「2024年10月31日」に更新されました。これにより、文書が最新の状態を反映していることを示しています。
  • サンプルデータ内の「HotelName」が「Secret Point Motel」から「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更されました。これにより、事例で使用するホテル名が最新の情報に基づくものとなり、ユーザーに対して正しいコンテキストを提供します。



@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.author: heidist
 ms.service: azure-ai-search
 ms.topic: quickstart
 ms.devlang: rest-api
-ms.date: 03/18/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
   - mode-api
   - ignite-2023
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ To push documents, use an HTTP POST request to your index's URL endpoint. The RE
         "@search.action": "upload",
         "HotelId": "1",
-        "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+        "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
         "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
         "Category": "Boutique",
         "Tags": [ "pool", "air conditioning", "concierge" ],
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ To push documents, use an HTTP POST request to your index's URL endpoint. The RE
         "@search.action": "upload",
         "HotelId": "2",
-        "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+        "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
         "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
         "Category": "Boutique",
         "Tags": [ "pool", "free wifi", "concierge" ],
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ To push documents, use an HTTP POST request to your index's URL endpoint. The RE
         "@search.action": "upload",
         "HotelId": "3",
-        "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+        "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
         "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
         "Category": "Resort and Spa",
         "Tags": [ "air conditioning", "bar", "continental breakfast" ],
@@ -240,8 +240,8 @@ To push documents, use an HTTP POST request to your index's URL endpoint. The RE
         "@search.action": "upload",
         "HotelId": "4",
-        "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-        "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+        "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+        "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
         "Category": "Boutique",
         "Tags": [ "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" ],
         "ParkingIncluded": true,
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ Be sure to use single quotation marks on search `$urls`. Query strings include `
                       "@search.score":  0.1547872,
                       "HotelId":  "2",
-                      "HotelName":  "Twin Dome Motel",
+                      "HotelName":  "Old Century Hotel",
                       "Description":  "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
                       "Category":  "Boutique",
                       "Tags":  "pool free wifi concierge",
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Be sure to use single quotation marks on search `$urls`. Query strings include `
                       "@search.score":  0.009068266,
                       "HotelId":  "3",
-                      "HotelName":  "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                      "HotelName":  "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                       "Description":  "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel\u0027s restaurant services.",
                       "Category":  "Resort and Spa",
                       "Tags":  "air conditioning bar continental breakfast",


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名と日付の更新"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年3月18日」から「2024年10月31日」に変更され、新しい情報が反映されています。
  • 複数のホテル名が変更されています:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」が「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」が「Old Century Hotel」に
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」が「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」が「Sublime Palace Hotel」に
  • 一部のホテルの説明も統一感を持たせるために修正されています。



@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ms.author: heidist
 ms.service: azure-ai-search
 ms.topic: quickstart
 ms.devlang: rest-api
-ms.date: 06/27/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
   - mode-api
   - ignite-2023
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ The URI is extended to include the `docs` collections and `index` operation.
             "@search.action": "upload",
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": [ "pool", "air conditioning", "concierge" ],
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ The URI is extended to include the `docs` collections and `index` operation.
             "@search.action": "upload",
             "HotelId": "2",
-            "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
             "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": [ "pool", "free wifi", "concierge" ],
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ The URI is extended to include the `docs` collections and `index` operation.
             "@search.action": "upload",
             "HotelId": "3",
-            "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
             "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
             "Category": "Resort and Spa",
             "Tags": [ "air conditioning", "bar", "continental breakfast" ],
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ The URI is extended to include the `docs` collections and `index` operation.
             "@search.action": "upload",
             "HotelId": "4",
-            "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-            "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+            "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+            "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": [ "concierge", "view", "24-hour front desk service" ],
             "ParkingIncluded": true,
@@ -357,8 +357,8 @@ The URI is extended to include a query expression, which is specified by using t
           "@search.score": 0.6189728,
           "HotelId": "4",
-          "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-          "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+          "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+          "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
           "Tags": [


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名と日付の更新"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年6月27日」から「2024年10月31日」に更新され、文書の最新性が確保されました。
  • サンプルデータ内のホテル名が以下のように変更されました:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」が「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」が「Old Century Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」が「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に変更。
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」が「Sublime Palace Hotel」に変更。
  • また、いくつかのホテルの説明文も更新されています。



@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: quickstart
-ms.date: 08/05/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Quickstart: Vector search by using REST
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+            "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city 
@@ -329,7 +329,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "2",
-            "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been 
@@ -348,7 +348,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "3",
-            "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of 
@@ -364,14 +364,14 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "4",
-            "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
-                "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of 
+                "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of 
                 Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to 
                 the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty 
                 of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. 
-                Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+                Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
             "DescriptionVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
             "Category": "Boutique",
             "Tags": [
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "13",
-            "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+            "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury 
@@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "48",
-            "HotelName": "Nordicks Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby 
@@ -417,7 +417,7 @@ Authorization: Bearer {{token}}
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "49",
-            "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+            "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
             "HotelNameVector": [VECTOR ARRAY OMITTED],
                 "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking 
@@ -500,37 +500,37 @@ The vector query string is semantically similar to the search string, but it inc
         "value": [
                 "@search.score": 0.857736,
-                "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+                "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
                 "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley."
                 "@search.score": 0.8399129,
-                "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
                 "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center."
                 "@search.score": 0.8383954,
-                "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
                 "Description": "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury accommodations. Moments from the stadium, we feature the best in comfort"
                 "@search.score": 0.8254346,
-                "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-                "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
+                "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+                "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
                 "@search.score": 0.82380056,
-                "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York."
                 "@search.score": 0.81514084,
-                "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts."
                 "@search.score": 0.8133763,
-                "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                 "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services."
@@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ You can add filters, but the filters are applied to the nonvector content in you
         "value": [
                 "@search.score": 0.857736,
-                "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+                "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
                 "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley.",
                 "Tags": [
                     "continental breakfast",
@@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ You can add filters, but the filters are applied to the nonvector content in you
                 "@search.score": 0.8383954,
-                "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
                 "Description": "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury accommodations. Moments from the stadium, we feature the best in comfort",
                 "Tags": [
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@ You can add filters, but the filters are applied to the nonvector content in you
                 "@search.score": 0.81514084,
-                "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
                 "Tags": [
@@ -649,108 +649,108 @@ Hybrid search consists of keyword queries and vector queries in a single search
         "value": [
                 "@search.score": 0.03279569745063782,
-                "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
                 "Description": "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury accommodations. Moments from the stadium, we feature the best in comfort"
                 "@search.score": 0.03226646035909653,
-                "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-                "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
+                "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+                "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
                 "@search.score": 0.03226646035909653,
-                "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
                 "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center."
                 "@search.score": 0.03205128386616707,
-                "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+                "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
                 "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley."
                 "@search.score": 0.03128054738044739,
-                "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                 "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services."
                 "@search.score": 0.03100961446762085,
-                "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts."
                 "@search.score": 0.03077651560306549,
-                "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York."
-     Because RRF merges results, it helps to review the inputs. The following results are from only the full-text query. The top two results are Sublime Cliff Hotel and History Lion Resort. The Sublime Cliff Hotel has a stronger BM25 relevance score.
+     Because RRF merges results, it helps to review the inputs. The following results are from only the full-text query. The top two results are Sublime Palace Hotel and History Lion Resort. The Sublime Palace Hotel has a stronger BM25 relevance score.
                 "@search.score": 2.2626662,
-                "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-                "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
+                "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+                "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
                 "@search.score": 0.86421645,
-                "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
                 "Description": "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury accommodations. Moments from the stadium, we feature the best in comfort"
-    In the vector-only query, which uses HNSW for finding matches, the Sublime Cliff Hotel drops to fourth position. Historic Lion, which was second in the full-text search and third in the vector search, doesn't experience the same range of fluctuation, so it appears as a top match in a homogenized result set.
+    In the vector-only query, which uses HNSW for finding matches, the Sublime Palace Hotel drops to fourth position. Historic Lion, which was second in the full-text search and third in the vector search, doesn't experience the same range of fluctuation, so it appears as a top match in a homogenized result set.
         "value": [
                 "@search.score": 0.857736,
                 "HotelId": "48",
-                "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+                "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
                 "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley.",
                 "Category": "Boutique"
                 "@search.score": 0.8399129,
                 "HotelId": "49",
-                "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
                 "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center.",
                 "Category": "Luxury"
                 "@search.score": 0.8383954,
                 "HotelId": "13",
-                "HotelName": "Historic Lion Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Luxury Lion Resort",
                 "Description": "Unmatched Luxury.  Visit our downtown hotel to indulge in luxury accommodations. Moments from the stadium, we feature the best in comfort",
                 "Category": "Resort and Spa"
                 "@search.score": 0.8254346,
                 "HotelId": "4",
-                "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-                "Description": "Sublime Cliff Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
+                "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+                "Description": "Sublime Palace Hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.",
                 "Category": "Boutique"
                 "@search.score": 0.82380056,
                 "HotelId": "1",
-                "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York.",
                 "Category": "Boutique"
                 "@search.score": 0.81514084,
                 "HotelId": "2",
-                "HotelName": "Twin Dome Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is situated in a  nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts.",
                 "Category": "Boutique"
                 "@search.score": 0.8133763,
                 "HotelId": "3",
-                "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                 "Description": "The Hotel stands out for its gastronomic excellence under the management of William Dough, who advises on and oversees all of the Hotel’s restaurant services.",
                 "Category": "Resort and Spa"
@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ Here's the last query in the collection. This hybrid query with semantic ranking
 1. Review the response. The response is three hotels, which are filtered by location and faceted by `StateProvince` and semantically reranked to promote results that are closest to the search string query (`historic hotel walk to restaurants and shopping`).
-    The Old Carabelle Hotel now moves into the top spot. Without semantic ranking, Nordick's Hotel is number one. With semantic ranking, the machine comprehension models recognize that `historic` applies to "hotel, within walking distance to dining (restaurants) and shopping."
+    The Swirling Currents Hotel now moves into the top spot. Without semantic ranking, Nordick's Valley Motel is number one. With semantic ranking, the machine comprehension models recognize that `historic` applies to "hotel, within walking distance to dining (restaurants) and shopping."
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ Here's the last query in the collection. This hybrid query with semantic ranking
                 "@search.score": 0.03306011110544205,
                 "@search.rerankerScore": 2.5094974040985107,
                 "HotelId": "49",
-                "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
                 "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center.",
                 "Category": "Luxury",
                 "Address": {
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ Here's the last query in the collection. This hybrid query with semantic ranking
                 "@search.score": 0.03306011110544205,
                 "@search.rerankerScore": 2.0370211601257324,
                 "HotelId": "48",
-                "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
+                "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
                 "Description": "Only 90 miles (about 2 hours) from the nation's capital and nearby most everything the historic valley has to offer.  Hiking? Wine Tasting? Exploring the caverns?  It's all nearby and we have specially priced packages to help make our B&B your home base for fun while visiting the valley.",
                 "Category": "Boutique",
                 "Address": {
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ Here's the last query in the collection. This hybrid query with semantic ranking
                 "@search.score": 0.032258063554763794,
                 "@search.rerankerScore": 1.6706111431121826,
                 "HotelId": "1",
-                "HotelName": "Secret Point Hotel",
+                "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                 "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York.",
                 "Category": "Boutique",
                 "Address": {


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名と日付の更新"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年8月5日」から「2024年10月31日」に変更され、文書の最新性が保たれています。
  • ホテル名の変更は以下の通りです:
    • 「Secret Point Motel」が「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に
    • 「Twin Dome Hotel」が「Old Century Hotel」に
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」が「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に
    • 「Sublime Cliff Hotel」が「Sublime Palace Hotel」に
    • 「Historic Lion Resort」が「Luxury Lion Resort」に
    • 「Nordicks Hotel」が「Nordick’s Valley Motel」に
    • 「Old Carrabelle Hotel」が「Swirling Currents Hotel」に
  • 一部のホテルの説明文も更新されています。



@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ author: HeidiSteen
 ms.author: heidist
 ms.service: azure-ai-search
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 10/20/2024
+ms.date: 11/01/2024
 # Create an index in Azure AI Search
@@ -18,24 +18,32 @@ In this article, learn the steps for defining a schema for a [**search index**](
 + Write permissions as a [**Search Service Contributor**](search-security-rbac.md) or an [admin API key](search-security-api-keys.md) for key-based authentication.
-+ An understanding of the data you want to index. A search index is based on external content that you want to make searchable. Searchable content is stored as fields in an index. You should have a clear idea of which source fields you want to make searchable, retrievable, filterable, facetable, and sortable. See the [schema checklist](#schema-checklist) for guidance.
++ An understanding of the data you want to index. A search index is based on external content that you want to make searchable. Searchable content is stored as fields in an index. You should have a clear idea of which source fields you want to make searchable, retrievable, filterable, facetable, and sortable on Azure AI Search. See the [schema checklist](#schema-checklist) for guidance.
 + You must also have a unique field in source data that can be used as the [document key (or ID)](#document-keys) in the index.
-+ A stable index location. Moving an existing index to a different search service isn't supported out-of-the-box. Revisit application requirements and make sure that your existing search service (capacity and location), are sufficient for your needs.
++ A stable index location. Moving an existing index to a different search service isn't supported out-of-the-box. Revisit application requirements and make sure that your existing search service (capacity and region), are sufficient for your needs. If you're taking a dependency on Azure AI services or Azure OpenAI, [choose a region](search-create-service-portal.md#checklist-for-choosing-a-region) that provides all of the necessary resources.
 + Finally, all service tiers have [index limits](search-limits-quotas-capacity.md#index-limits) on the number of objects that you can create. For example, if you're experimenting on the Free tier, you can only have three indexes at any given time. Within the index itself, there are [limits on vectors](search-limits-quotas-capacity.md#vector-index-size-limits) and [index limits](search-limits-quotas-capacity.md#index-limits) on the number of simple and complex fields.
 ## Document keys
-A search index has two requirements: it must have a name and a document key. 
+Search index creation has two requirements: an index must have a unique name on the search service, and it must have a document key. The boolean `key` attribute on a field can be set to true to indicate which field provides the document key. 
-A document key is the unique identifier of a search document, and a search document is a collection of fields that completely describes something. For example, if you're indexing a [movies data set](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/harshitshankhdhar/imdb-dataset-of-top-1000-movies-and-tv-shows), a search document contains the title, genre, and duration of a single movie.
+A document key is the unique identifier of a search document, and a search document is a collection of fields that completely describes something. For example, if you're indexing a [movies data set](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/harshitshankhdhar/imdb-dataset-of-top-1000-movies-and-tv-shows), a search document contains the title, genre, and duration of a single movie. Movie names are unique in this dataset, so you might use the movie name as the document key.
-In Azure AI Search, a document key must be a string, and it must originate from unique values in the data source that's providing the content to be indexed. A search service doesn't generate key values, but in some scenarios (such as the [Azure table indexer](search-howto-indexing-azure-tables.md)) it synthesizes existing values to create a unique key for the documents being indexed.
+In Azure AI Search, a document key is a string, and it must originate from unique values in the data source that's providing the content to be indexed. As a general rule, a search service doesn't generate key values, but in some scenarios (such as the [Azure table indexer](search-howto-indexing-azure-tables.md)) it synthesizes existing values to create a unique key for the documents being indexed. Another scenario is one-to-many indexing for chunked or partitioned data, in which case document keys are generated for each chunk.
 During incremental indexing, where new and updated content is indexed, incoming documents with new keys are added, while incoming documents with existing keys are either merged or overwritten, depending on whether index fields are null or populated.
+Important points about document keys include:
++ The maximum length of values in a key field is 1,024 characters.
++ Exactly one top-level field in each index must be chosen as the key field and it must be of type `Edm.String`.
++ The default of the `key` attribute is false for simple fields and null for complex fields.
+Key fields can be used to look up documents directly and update or delete specific documents. The values of key fields are handled in a case-sensitive manner when looking up or indexing documents. See [GET Document (REST)](/rest/api/searchservice/documents/get) and [Index Documents (REST)](/rest/api/searchservice/documents) for details.
 ## Schema checklist
 Use this checklist to assist the design decisions for your search index.
@@ -52,15 +60,15 @@ Use this checklist to assist the design decisions for your search index.
    Searchable vector content can be images or text (in any language) that exists as a mathematical representation. You can use narrow data types or vector compression to make vector fields smaller.
-   [Field attribute assignments](search-what-is-an-index.md#index-attributes) determine both search behaviors and the physical representation of your index on the search service. Determining how fields should be specified is an iterative process for many customers. To speed up iterations, start with sample data so that you can drop and rebuild easily.
+   [Attributes set on fields](search-what-is-an-index.md#index-attributes), such as `retrievable` or `filterable`, determine both search behaviors and the physical representation of your index on the search service. Determining how fields should be attributed is an iterative process for many developers. To speed up iterations, start with sample data so that you can drop and rebuild easily.
 1. Identify which source fields can be used as filters. Numeric content and short text fields, particularly those with repeating values, are good choices. When working with filters, remember:
-   + Filters can be used in vector and nonvector queries, but the filter itself is applied alphanumeric (nonvector) fields in your index.
+   + Filters can be used in vector and nonvector queries, but the filter itself is applied to alphanumeric (nonvector) fields in your index.
    + Filterable fields can optionally be used in faceted navigation.
-   + Filterable fields are returned in arbitrary order, so consider making them sortable as well.
+   + Filterable fields are returned in arbitrary order and don't undergo relevance scoring, so consider making them sortable as well.
 1. For vector fields, specify a vector search configuration and the algorithms used for creating navigation paths and filling the embedding space. For more information, see [Add vector fields](vector-search-how-to-create-index.md).
@@ -77,6 +85,51 @@ Use this checklist to assist the design decisions for your search index.
 > [!NOTE]
 > Full text search is conducted over terms that are tokenized during indexing. If your queries fail to return the results you expect, [test for tokenization](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/analyze) to verify the string you're searching for actually exists. You can try different analyzers on strings to see how tokens are produced for various analyzers.
+## Configure field definitions
+The fields collection defines the structure of a search document. All fields have a name, data type, and attributes.
+Setting a field as searchable, filterable, sortable, or facetable has an effect on index size and query performance. Don't set those attributes on fields that aren't meant to be referenced in query expressions.
+If a field isn't set to be searchable, filterable, sortable, or facetable, the field can't be referenced in any query expression. This is desirable for fields that aren't used in queries, but are needed in search results.
+The REST APIs have default attribution based on [data types](/rest/api/searchservice/supported-data-types), which is also used by the [Import wizards](search-import-data-portal.md) in the Azure portal. The Azure SDKs don't have defaults, but they have field subclasses that incorporate properties and behaviors, such as [SearchableField](/dotnet/api/azure.search.documents.indexes.models.searchablefield) for strings and [SimpleField](/dotnet/api/azure.search.documents.indexes.models.simplefield) for primitives.
+Default field attributions for the REST APIs are summarized in the following table.
+| Data type | Searchable | Retrievable | Filterable | Facetable | Sortable | Stored |
+| `Edm.String` | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅| ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Collection(Edm.String)` | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ |
+| `Edm.Boolean` | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Edm.Int32`, `Edm.Int64`, `Edm.Double` | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Edm.DateTimeOffset` | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Edm.GeographyPoint` | ✅| ✅ | ✅ | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Edm.ComplexType` | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
+| `Collection(Edm.Single)` and all other vector field types | ✅ | ✅ or ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ❌ | ✅ |
+String fields can also be optionally associated with [analyzers](search-analyzers.md) and [synonym maps](search-synonyms.md). Fields of type `Edm.String` that are filterable, sortable, or facetable can be at most 32 kilobytes in length. This is because values of such fields are treated as a single search term, and the maximum length of a term in Azure AI Search is 32 kilobytes. If you need to store more text than this in a single string field, you should explicitly set filterable, sortable, and facetable to `false` in your index definition.
+Vector fields must be associated with [dimensions and vector profiles](vector-search-how-to-create-index.md). Retrievable default is true if you add the vector field using the [Import and vectorize wizard](search-get-started-portal-import-vectors.md) in the portal, otherwise it's false if you use the REST API.
+Field attributes are described in the following table.
+|name|Required. Sets the name of the field, which must be unique within the fields collection of the index or parent field.|  
+|type|Required. Sets the data type for the field. Fields can be simple or complex. Simple fields are of primitive types, like `Edm.String` for text or `Edm.Int32` for integers. [Complex fields](search-howto-complex-data-types.md) can have sub-fields that are themselves either simple or complex. This allows you to model objects and arrays of objects, which in turn enables you to upload most JSON object structures to your index. See [Supported data types](/rest/api/searchservice/supported-data-types) for the complete list of supported types.|  
+|key|Required. Set this attribute to true to designate that a field's values uniquely identify documents in the index. See [Document keys](#document-keys) in this article for details.|  
+|retrievable| Indicates whether the field can be returned in a search result. Set this attribute to `false` if you want to use a field as a filter, sorting, or scoring mechanism but don't want the field to be visible to the end user. This attribute must be `true` for key fields, and it must be `null` for complex fields. This attribute can be changed on existing fields. Setting retrievable to `true` doesn't cause any increase in index storage requirements. Default is `true` for simple fields and `null` for complex fields.|  
+|searchable| Indicates whether the field is full-text searchable and can be referenced in search queries. This means it undergoes [lexical analysis](search-analyzers.md) such as word-breaking during indexing. If you set a searchable field to a value like "Sunny day", internally it's normalized into the individual tokens \"sunny\" and \"day\". This enables full-text searches for these terms. Fields of type `Edm.String` or `Collection(Edm.String)` are searchable by default. This attribute must be `false` for simple fields of other nonstring data types, and it must be `null` for complex fields. </br></br>A searchable field consumes extra space in your index since Azure AI Search processes the contents of those fields and organize them in auxiliary data structures for performant searching. If you want to save space in your index and you don't need a field to be included in searches, set searchable to `false`. See [How full-text search works in Azure AI Search](search-lucene-query-architecture.md) for details. |  
+|filterable| Indicates whether to enable the field to be referenced in `$filter` queries. Filterable differs from searchable in how strings are handled. Fields of type `Edm.String` or `Collection(Edm.String)` that are filterable don't undergo lexical analysis, so comparisons are for exact matches only. For example, if you set such a field `f` to "Sunny day", `$filter=f eq 'sunny'` finds no matches, but `$filter=f eq 'Sunny day'` will. This attribute must be `null` for complex fields. Default is `true` for simple fields and `null` for complex fields. To reduce index size, set this attribute to `false` on fields that you won't be filtering on.|  
+|sortable| Indicates whether to enable the field to be referenced in `$orderby` expressions. By default Azure AI Search sorts results by score, but in many experiences users want to sort by fields in the documents. A simple field can be sortable only if it's single-valued (it has a single value in the scope of the parent document). </br></br>Simple collection fields can't be sortable, since they're multi-valued. Simple subfields of complex collections are also multi-valued, and therefore can't be sortable. This is true whether it's an immediate parent field, or an ancestor field, that's the complex collection. Complex fields can't be sortable and the sortable attribute must be `null` for such fields. The default for sortable is `true` for single-valued simple fields, `false` for multi-valued simple fields, and `null` for complex fields.|  
+|facetable| Indicates whether to enable the field to be referenced in facet queries. Typically used in a presentation of search results that includes hit count by category (for example, search for digital cameras and see hits by brand, by megapixels, by price, and so on). This attribute must be `null` for complex fields. Fields of type `Edm.GeographyPoint` or `Collection(Edm.GeographyPoint)` can't be facetable. Default is `true` for all other simple fields. To reduce index size, set this attribute to `false` on fields that you won't be faceting on. |
+|analyzer|Sets the lexical analyzer for tokenizing strings during indexing and query operations. Valid values for this property include [language analyzers](index-add-language-analyzers.md), [built-in analyzers](index-add-custom-analyzers.md#built-in-analyzers), and [custom analyzers](index-add-custom-analyzers.md). The default is `standard.lucene`. This attribute can only be used with searchable string fields, and it can't be set together with either searchAnalyzer or indexAnalyzer. Once the analyzer is chosen and the field is created in the index, it can't be changed for the field. Must be `null` for [complex fields](search-howto-complex-data-types.md). |  
+|searchAnalyzer|Set this property together with indexAnalyzer to specify different lexical analyzers for indexing and queries. If you use this property, set analyzer to `null` and make sure indexAnalyzer is set to an allowed value. Valid values for this property include built-in analyzers and custom analyzers. This attribute can be used only with searchable fields. The search analyzer can be updated on an existing field since it's only used at query-time. Must be `null` for complex fields].|
+|indexAnalyzer|Set this property together with searchAnalyzer to specify different lexical analyzers for indexing and queries.  If you use this property, set analyzer to `null` and make sure searchAnalyzer is set to an allowed value. Valid values for this property include built-in analyzers and custom analyzers. This attribute can be used only with searchable fields. Once the index analyzer is chosen, it can't be changed for the field. Must be `null` for complex fields.|
+|synonymMaps|A list of the names of synonym maps to associate with this field. This attribute can be used only with searchable fields. Currently only one synonym map per field is supported. Assigning a synonym map to a field ensures that query terms targeting that field are expanded at query-time using the rules in the synonym map. This attribute can be changed on existing fields. Must be `null` or an empty collection for complex fields.|
+|fields|A list of subfields if this is a field of type `Edm.ComplexType` or `Collection(Edm.ComplexType)`. Must be `null` or empty for simple fields. See [How to model complex data types in Azure AI Search](search-howto-complex-data-types.md) for more information on how and when to use subfields.|
 ## Create an index
 When you're ready to create the index, use a search client that can send the request. You can use the Azure portal or REST APIs for early development and proof-of-concept testing, otherwise it's common to use the Azure SDKs.
@@ -168,7 +221,7 @@ SearchIndex index = new SearchIndex(indexName)
 await indexClient.CreateIndexAsync(index);
-For more examples, see[azure-search-dotnet-samples/quickstart/v11/](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-dotnet-samples/tree/main/quickstart/v11).
+For more examples, see [azure-search-dotnet-samples/quickstart/v11/](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-search-dotnet-samples/tree/main/quickstart/v11).
 ### [**Other SDKs**](#tab/index-other-sdks)
@@ -208,9 +261,9 @@ The following properties can be set for CORS:
 [**Create Index**](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/create) creates the physical data structures (files and inverted indexes) on your search service. Once the index is created, your ability to effect changes using [**Create or Update Index**](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/create-or-update) is contingent upon whether your modifications invalidate those physical structures. Most field attributes can't be changed once the field is created in your index.
-Alternatively, you can [create an index alias](search-how-to-alias.md) that serves as a stable reference in your application code. Instead of updating your code, you can update an index alias to point to newer index versions.
+To minimize churn in application code, you can [create an index alias](search-how-to-alias.md) that serves as a stable reference to the search index. Instead of updating your code with index names, you can update an index alias to point to newer index versions.
-To minimize churn in the design process, the following table describes which elements are fixed and flexible in the schema. Changing a fixed element requires an index rebuild, whereas flexible elements can be changed at any time without impacting the physical implementation. 
+To minimize churn in the design process, the following table describes which elements are fixed and flexible in the schema. Changing a fixed element requires an index rebuild, whereas flexible elements can be changed at any time without impacting the physical implementation. For more information, see [Update or rebuild an index](search-howto-reindex.md).
 | Element | Can be updated? |
@@ -225,13 +278,23 @@ To minimize churn in the design process, the following table describes which ele
 | [Suggesters](index-add-suggesters.md) | No |
 | [cross-origin resource sharing (CORS)](#corsoptions) | Yes |
 | [Encryption](search-security-manage-encryption-keys.md) | Yes |
+| [Synonym maps](search-synonyms.md) | Yes |
+| [Semantic configuration](semantic-how-to-configure.md) | Yes |
 ## Next steps
-Use the following links to become familiar with loading an index with data, or extending an index with a synonyms map.
+Use the following links to learn about specialized features that can be added to an index:
++ [Add vector fields and vector profiles](vector-search-how-to-create-index.md)
++ [Add scoring profiles](index-add-scoring-profiles.md)
++ [Add semantic ranking](semantic-how-to-configure.md)
++ [Add suggesters](index-add-suggesters.md)
++ [Add synonym maps](search-synonyms.md)
++ [Add analyzers](search-analyzers.md)
++ [Add encryption](search-security-manage-encryption-keys.md)
+Use these links for loading or updating an index:
 + [Data import overview](search-what-is-data-import.md)
-+ [Add vector fields](vector-search-how-to-create-index.md)
 + [Load documents](search-how-to-load-search-index.md)
-+ [Update an index](search-howto-reindex.md)
-+ [Synonym maps](search-synonyms.md)
++ [Update or rebuild an index](search-howto-reindex.md)


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "検索インデックス作成に関する文書の更新"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年10月20日」から「2024年11月1日」に変更され、文書が最新の情報を反映するようになりました。
  • いくつかの文言が改善され、より明確な説明が加えられています。特に、インデックスの定義や必要要件についての説明が強調されています。

- インデックスを作成する際に必要な権限やデータについての説明が修正され、Azure AI Search の特徴を強調する内容に改訂されました。
- 文書キーに関するセクションでは、ドキュメントキーの条件や制約が明確に記載され、特にユニークである必要があることが強調されています。
- フィールド定義の設定についてのセクションが追加され、インデックスを作成する際のフィールドの扱いに関する詳細が豊富になりました。
- 新たに、フィールドのアトリビュートや操作についての表が追加され、フィールドの属性(例:検索可能、フィルタリング可能など)に関する理解を深めるための情報が提供されています。

これらの変更により、読者は検索インデックスの作成に関するプロセスや要件について、より深く理解できるようになります。また、Azure AI Search の利用における実践的な指針が強化されています。


@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ private static void UploadDocuments(SearchClient searchClient)
             new Hotel()
                 HotelId = "1",
-                HotelName = "Secret Point Motel",
+                HotelName = "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
                 Address = new Address()
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ private static void UploadDocuments(SearchClient searchClient)
             new Hotel()
                 HotelId = "2",
-                HotelName = "Twin Dome Motel",
+                HotelName = "Old Century Hotel",
                     StreetAddress = "140 University Town Center Dr",
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ private static void UploadDocuments(SearchClient searchClient)
             new Hotel()
                 HotelId = "3",
-                HotelName = "Triple Landscape Hotel",
+                HotelName = "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel",
                 Address = new Address()
@@ -580,9 +580,9 @@ WriteDocuments(results);
 In this case, we're searching the entire index for the word *motel* in any searchable field and we only want to retrieve the hotel names, as specified by the `Select` option. Here are the results:
-Name: Secret Point Motel
+Name: Stay-Kay City Hotel
-Name: Twin Dome Motel
+Name: Old Century Hotel
 In the second query, use a filter to select rooms with a nightly rate of less than *$100*. Return only the hotel ID and description in the results:


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • コード内のホテル名が複数箇所で変更されています。
    • 「Secret Point Motel」は「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」は「Old Century Hotel」に
    • 「Triple Landscape Hotel」は「Gastronomic Landscape Hotel」に


具体的には、検索クエリの結果出力例でも、変更後のhotel nameが表示されるように修正されています。このように、コーディング例や出力結果においても整合性を持たせることが重要です。これにより、ユーザーが最新のデータに基づいた学習ができるようになります。


@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ms.author: heidist
 ms.service: azure-ai-search
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 07/01/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Load data into a search index in Azure AI Search
@@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ In the Azure portal, use the [import wizards](search-import-data-portal.md) to c
         "@search.action": "upload",
         "HotelId": "1111",
-        "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+        "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
         "Description": "The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.",
         "Category": "Boutique",
         "Tags": [ "pool", "air conditioning", "concierge" ]
         "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
         "HotelId": "2",
-        "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
+        "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
         "Description": "This is description is replacing the original one for this hotel. New and changed values overwrite the previous ones. In a comma-delimited list like Tags, be sure to provide the full list because there is no merging of values within the field itself.",
         "Category": "Boutique",
         "Tags": [ "pool", "free wifi", "concierge", "my first new tag", "my second new tag" ]


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新と日付の修正"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年7月1日」から「2024年10月31日」に変更されています。これにより、文書が最新の情報を反映するようになりました。

  • コードサンプル内のホテル名が次のように更新されています:

    • 「Secret Point Motel」は「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更されました。
    • 「Twin Dome Motel」は「Old Century Hotel」に変更されました。


この修正により、ユーザーは最新のサンプルデータを使用して、Azure AI Search でのデータのロード方法についての理解を深めやすくなっています。


@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ The following JSON document is composed of simple fields and complex fields. Com
   "HotelId": "1",
-  "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+  "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
   "Description": "Ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York.",
   "Tags": ["Free wifi", "on-site parking", "indoor pool", "continental breakfast"],
   "Address": {
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ namespace AzureSearch.SDKHowTo
 ### Complex collection limits
-During indexing, you can have a maximum of 3,000 elements across all complex collections within a single document. An element of a complex collection is a member of that collection. For Rooms (the only complex collection in the Hotel example), each room is an element. In the example above, if the "Secret Point Motel" had 500 rooms, the hotel document would have 500 room elements. For nested complex collections, each nested element is also counted, in addition to the outer (parent) element.
+During indexing, you can have a maximum of 3,000 elements across all complex collections within a single document. An element of a complex collection is a member of that collection. For Rooms (the only complex collection in the Hotel example), each room is an element. In the example above, if the "Stay-Kay City Hotel" had 500 rooms, the hotel document would have 500 room elements. For nested complex collections, each nested element is also counted, in addition to the outer (parent) element.
 This limit applies only to complex collections, and not complex types (like Address) or string collections (like Tags).


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • コードサンプル内のホテル名が「Secret Point Motel」から「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更されています。これにより、最新の情報に基づいた具体例が提供されています。

  • また、説明文の中でも、文脈を考慮して「Stay-Kay City Hotel」がホテル名として使われています。これにより、サンプルデータが一貫性を保ち、ユーザーが理解しやすくなっています。



@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: tutorial
-ms.date: 09/18/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Tutorial: Query an Azure AI Search index from Power Apps
@@ -118,15 +118,15 @@ A connector in Power Apps is a data source connection. In this step, create a cu
         "value": [
                 "@search.score": 1,
-                "HotelName": "Arcadia Resort & Restaurant",
+                "HotelName": "Happy Lake Resort & Restaurant",
                 "Description": "The largest year-round resort in the area offering more of everything for your vacation – at the best value!  What can you enjoy while at the resort, aside from the mile-long sandy beaches of the lake? Check out our activities sure to excite both young and young-at-heart guests. We have it all, including being named “Property of the Year” and a “Top Ten Resort” by top publications.",
                 "Address": {
                     "City": "Seattle"
                 "@search.score": 1,
-                "HotelName": "Travel Resort",
+                "HotelName": "Grand Gaming Resort",
                 "Description": "The Best Gaming Resort in the area.  With elegant rooms & suites, pool, cabanas, spa, brewery & world-class gaming.  This is the best place to play, stay & dine.",
                 "Address": {
                     "City": "Albuquerque"


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • ms.date フィールドが「2024年9月18日」から「2024年10月31日」に変更され、文書が最新性を保つように更新されました。

  • コードサンプル内では、次のホテル名が新たに設定されています:

    • 「Arcadia Resort & Restaurant」は「Happy Lake Resort & Restaurant」に変更されています。
    • 「Travel Resort」は「Grand Gaming Resort」に変更されています。

これにより、ユーザーが実際のデータをもとにAzure AI Searchのインデックスに対するクエリの発行方法を理解しやすくなっています。ホテル名の更新は、具体的かつ関連性の高いシナリオを通じて、ユーザーに学習のサポートを提供するための措置です。文書の内容が一貫していることで、実際のアプリケーションでの利用に対する信頼性も高まります。


@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ Queries continue to run, but if you're updating or removing existing fields, you
 Here's a [REST API example](search-get-started-rest.md) demonstrating these tips:
-### Get Secret Point Hotel by ID
+### Get Stay-Kay City Hotel by ID
 GET  {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs('1')?api-version=2024-07-01  HTTP/1.1
     Content-Type: application/json
     api-key: {{apiKey}}
-### Change the description, city, and tags for Secret Point Hotel
+### Change the description, city, and tags for Stay-Kay City Hotel
 POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search.index?api-version=2024-07-01  HTTP/1.1
   Content-Type: application/json
   api-key: {{apiKey}}
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ POST {{baseUrl}}/indexes/hotels-vector-quickstart/docs/search.index?api-version=
             "@search.action": "mergeOrUpload",
             "HotelId": "1",
-            "Description": "I'm overwriting the description for Secret Point Hotel.",
+            "Description": "I'm overwriting the description for Stay-Kay City Hotel.",
             "Tags": ["my old item", "my new item"],
             "Address": {
                 "City": "Gotham City"


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • REST APIの例において、ホテル名が「Secret Point Hotel」から「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更されています。これにより、APIのリクエストおよび更新操作の文脈で、より最新の情報が提供されています。

  • 具体的には、次の2つの箇所で変更が行われています:

    • GET リクエストの説明では、「Get Secret Point Hotel by ID」が「Get Stay-Kay City Hotel by ID」に更新されました。
    • POST リクエストの説明では、「Change the description, city, and tags for Secret Point Hotel」が「Change the description, city, and tags for Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更され、
  • また、説明文の中での「Description」フィールドの内容も、同様に「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に更新され、全体の一貫性を持たせています。



@@ -32,20 +32,20 @@ Results are tabular, composed of fields of either all "retrievable" fields, or l
 You can choose which fields are in search results. While a search document might have a large number of fields, typically only a few are needed to represent each document in results. On a query request, append `$select=<field list>` to specify which "retrievable" fields should appear in the response.
-Pick fields that offer contrast and differentiation among documents, providing sufficient information to invite a click-through response on the part of the user. On an e-commerce site, it might be a product name, description, brand, color, size, price, and rating. For the built-in hotels-sample index, it might be the "select" fields in the following example:
+Pick fields that offer contrast and differentiation among documents, providing sufficient information to invite a clickthrough response on the part of the user. On an e-commerce site, it might be a product name, description, brand, color, size, price, and rating. For the built-in hotels-sample index, it might be the "select" fields in the following example:
 POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01 
       "search": "sandy beaches",
-      "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Description, Rating, Address/City"
+      "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Description, Rating, Address/City",
       "count": true
 ### Tips for unexpected results
-Occasionally, the content of seaarch results are unexpected. For example, you might find that some results appear to be duplicates, or a result that *should* appear near the top is positioned lower in the results. When query outcomes are unexpected, you can try these query modifications to see if results improve:
+Occasionally, query output isn't what you're expecting to see. For example, you might find that some results appear to be duplicates, or a result that *should* appear near the top is positioned lower in the results. When query outcomes are unexpected, you can try these query modifications to see if results improve:
 + Change **`searchMode=any`** (default) to **`searchMode=all`** to require matches on all criteria instead of any of the criteria. This is especially true when boolean operators are included the query.
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Occasionally, the content of seaarch results are unexpected. For example, you mi
 The count parameter returns the number of documents in the index that are considered a match for the query. To return the count, add **`$count=true`** to the query request. There's no maximum value imposed by the search service. Depending on your query and the content of your documents, the count could be as high as every document in the index.
-Count is accurate when the index is stable. If the system is actively adding, updating, or deleting documents, the count will be approximate, excluding any documents that aren't fully indexed.
+Count is accurate when the index is stable. If the system is actively adding, updating, or deleting documents, the count is approximate, excluding any documents that aren't fully indexed.
 Count won't be affected by routine maintenance or other workloads on the search service. However if you have multiple partitions and a single replica, you could experience short-term fluctuations in document count (several minutes) as the partitions are restarted.
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ By default, the search engine returns up to the first 50 matches. The top 50 are
 The upper limit is 1,000 documents returned per page of search results, so you can set top to return up to 1000 document in the first result. In newer preview APIs, if you're using a hybrid query, you can [specify maxTextRecallSize](hybrid-search-how-to-query.md#set-maxtextrecallsize-and-countandfacetmode-preview) to return up to 10,000 documents.
-To control the paging of all documents returned in a result set, add `$top` and `$skip` parameters to the GET query request, or `top` and `skip` to the POST query request. The following list explains the logic.
+To control the paging of all documents returned in a result set, add `$top` and `$skip` parameters to a GET request, or `top` and `skip` to a POST request. The following list explains the logic.
 + Return the first set of 15 matching documents plus a count of total matches: `GET /indexes/<INDEX-NAME>/docs?search=<QUERY STRING>&$top=15&$skip=0&$count=true`
@@ -120,15 +120,15 @@ In this workaround, sort and filter are applied to a document ID field or anothe
-1. Choose the last result returned by the search query. An example result with only an "id" value is shown here.
+1. Choose the last result returned by the search query. An example result with only an ID value is shown here.
         "id": "50"
-1. Use that "id" value in a range query to fetch the next page of results. This "id" field should have unique values, otherwise pagination may include duplicate results.
+1. Use that ID value in a range query to fetch the next page of results. This ID field should have unique values, otherwise pagination might include duplicate results.
     POST /indexes/good-books/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
@@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ If consistent ordering is an application requirement, you can define an [**`$ord
 Fields commonly used in an **`$orderby`** include rating, date, and location. Filtering by location requires that the filter expression calls the [**`geo.distance()` function**](search-query-odata-geo-spatial-functions.md?#order-by-examples), in addition to the field name.
-Numeric fields (Edm.Double, Edm.Int32, Edm.Int64) are sorted in numeric order (for example, 1, 2, 10, 11, 20).
+Numeric fields (`Edm.Double`, `Edm.Int32`, `Edm.Int64`) are sorted in numeric order (for example, 1, 2, 10, 11, 20).
-String fields (Edm.String, Edm.ComplexType subfields) are sorted in either [ASCII sort order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters) or [Unicode sort order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters), depending on the language. You can't sort collections of any type.
+String fields (`Edm.String`, `Edm.ComplexType` subfields) are sorted in either [ASCII sort order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII#Printable_characters) or [Unicode sort order](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unicode_characters), depending on the language.
 + Numeric content in string fields is sorted alphabetically (1, 10, 11, 2, 20).
-+ Upper case strings are sorted ahead of lower case (APPLE, Apple, BANANA, Banana, apple, banana). You can assign a [text normalizer](search-normalizers.md) to preprocess the text before sorting to change this behavior. Using the lowercase tokenizer on a field will have no effect on sorting behavior because Azure AI Search sorts on a non-analyzed copy of the field.
++ Upper case strings are sorted ahead of lower case (APPLE, Apple, BANANA, Banana, apple, banana). You can assign a [text normalizer](search-normalizers.md) to preprocess the text before sorting to change this behavior. Using the lowercase tokenizer on a field has no effect on sorting behavior because Azure AI Search sorts on a nonanalyzed copy of the field.
 + Strings that lead with diacritics appear last (Äpfel, Öffnen, Üben)
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ Another approach that promotes order consistency is using a [custom scoring prof
 Hit highlighting refers to text formatting (such as bold or yellow highlights) applied to matching terms in a result, making it easy to spot the match. Highlighting is useful for longer content fields, such as a description field, where the match isn't immediately obvious. 
-Notice that highlighting is applied to individual terms. There's no highlight capability for the contents of an entire field. If you want to highlight over a phrase, you'll have to provide the matching terms (or phrase) in a quote-enclosed query string. This technique is described further on in this section.
+Notice that highlighting is applied to individual terms. There's no highlight capability for the contents of an entire field. If you want to highlight over a phrase, you have to provide the matching terms (or phrase) in a quote-enclosed query string. This technique is described further on in this section.
 Hit highlighting instructions are provided on the [query request](/rest/api/searchservice/documents/search-post). Queries that trigger query expansion in the engine, such as fuzzy and wildcard search, have limited support for hit highlighting.
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ By default, Azure AI Search returns up to five highlights per field. You can adj
 When highlighting is added to the query, the response includes an "@search.highlights" for each result so that your application code can target that structure. The list of fields specified for "highlight" are included in the response.
-In a keyword search, each term is scanned for independently. A query for "divine secrets" will return matches on any document containing either term.
+In a keyword search, each term is scanned for independently. A query for "divine secrets" returns matches on any document containing either term.
 :::image type="content" source="media/search-pagination-page-layout/highlighting-example.png" alt-text="Screenshot of highlighting over a phrase query." border="true":::
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ POST /indexes/good-books/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
-Because the criteria now has both terms, only one match is found in the search index. The response to the above query looks like this:
+Because the criteria now have both terms, only one match is found in the search index. The response to the above query looks like this:


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "文書内容の微調整"



  • フィールド選択やクエリ結果の説明において、文言がいくつか修正され、よりクリアで一貫性のある表現に整理されています。例えば、「invite a click-through response」が「invite a clickthrough response」に変更され、ハイフンが取り除かれています。

  • 一部のセクションでは、文法的な修正がなされ、特に「seaarch」を「search」に修正して誤字を直しています。

  • REST APIのサンプルコード内の一貫した書き方が見直され、整形された情報を提供するように改善されています。

  • 文書中の特定のユースケースやパラメータに関する説明が一貫して更新され、明確に理解できるようになりました。たとえば、GETおよびPOSTリクエストのパラメータに関する説明が整理され、より専門的な文体にシフトしています。



@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 10/10/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Create a full text query in Azure AI Search
@@ -39,8 +39,8 @@ POST https://[service name].search.windows.net/indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/
     "searchMode": "all",
     "searchFields": "HotelName, Description, Address/City, Address/StateProvince, Tags",
     "select": "HotelName, Description, Address/City, Address/StateProvince, Tags",
-    "top": "10",
-    "count": "true"
+    "top": 10,
+    "count": true
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ In the portal, when you open an index, you can work with Search Explorer alongsi
 1. In your service, select **Indexes** and choose an index.
-1. An index opens to the [**Search explorer**](search-explorer.md) tab so that you can query right away. Switch to **Edit JSON** to specify query syntax. 
+1. An index opens to the [**Search explorer**](search-explorer.md) tab so that you can query right away. Switch to **JSON view** to specify query syntax. 
    Here's a full text search query expression that works for the Hotels sample index:


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "クエリ構文の調整"



  • 文書の日付が「10/10/2024」から「10/31/2024」に変更され、リリース日が更新されました。

  • APIリクエストのサンプルコード内で、「top」と「count」の値が文字列から数値とブール値に修正されました。具体的には、"top": "10""top": 10に、"count": "true""count": trueに変更されています。これにより、コードの整合性が向上し、API仕様により適した形となっています。

  • ユーザーの操作に関する説明として、インデックスを開く際の手順が修正され、「Edit JSON」から「JSON view」に変更されています。この改訂により、ユーザーはインターフェースの更新に対応した最新の操作手順を理解しやすくなります。

これらの変更は、ドキュメントの正確性やユーザーに提供する情報の一貫性を高め、API使用における理解を助けるために重要です。全体として、クエリ構造に関する情報がより明確なものとなり、ユーザーがより効果的にAzure AI Searchを使用できるようになります。


@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 02/16/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Fuzzy search to correct misspellings and typos


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ドキュメントの日付更新"



  • ドキュメントの日付が「02/16/2024」から「10/31/2024」に変更されました。この更新により、ユーザーは最新の情報が反映されたドキュメントを参照できるようになります。



@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 10/24/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Examples of *full* Lucene search syntax (advanced queries)
@@ -71,39 +71,46 @@ When you use this query syntax, you can omit the `searchFields` parameter when t
 POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
-    "search": "HotelName:(hotel NOT motel) AND Category:'Resort and Spa'",
+    "search": "HotelName:(hotel NOT motel) AND Category:'Boutique'",
     "queryType": "full",
     "select": "HotelName, Category",
     "count": true
-The response for this query should look similar to the following example, filtered on *Resort and Spa*, returning hotels that include *hotel* in the name, while excluding results that include *motel* in the name.
+The response for this query should look similar to the following example, filtered on *Boutique*, returning hotels that include *hotel* in the name, while excluding results that include *motel* in the name.
-"@odata.count": 4,
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 5,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 2.2289815,
+      "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique"
+    },
-        "@search.score": 4.481559,
-        "HotelName": "Nova Hotel & Spa",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+      "@search.score": 1.3862944,
+      "HotelName": "City Skyline Antiquity Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique"
-        "@search.score": 2.4524608,
-        "HotelName": "King's Palace Hotel",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+      "@search.score": 1.355046,
+      "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique"
-        "@search.score": 2.3970203,
-        "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+      "@search.score": 1.355046,
+      "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique"
-        "@search.score": 2.2953436,
-        "HotelName": "Peaceful Market Hotel & Spa",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+      "@search.score": 1.355046,
+      "HotelName": "Red Tide Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique"
+  ]
 The search expression can be a single term or a phrase, or a more complex expression in parentheses, optionally with Boolean operators. Some examples include the following:
@@ -134,38 +141,42 @@ POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
 The response for this query resolves to *concierge* in the matching documents, trimmed for brevity:
-"@odata.count": 12,
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 9,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 1.1832147,
-        "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
-        "Category": "Boutique",
-        "Tags": [
-            "pool",
-            "air conditioning",
-            "concierge"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1.4947624,
+      "HotelName": "Twin Vortex Hotel",
+      "Category": "Luxury",
+      "Tags": [
+        "bar",
+        "restaurant",
+        "concierge"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.1819803,
-        "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
-        "Category": "Boutique",
-        "Tags": [
-            "pool",
-            "free wifi",
-            "concierge"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1.1685618,
+      "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique",
+      "Tags": [
+        "view",
+        "air conditioning",
+        "concierge"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.1773309,
-        "HotelName": "Smile Hotel",
-        "Category": "Suite",
-        "Tags": [
-            "view",
-            "concierge",
-            "laundry service"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1.1465473,
+      "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
+      "Category": "Boutique",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "free wifi",
+        "concierge"
+      ]
+. . .
+  ]
 Phrases aren't supported directly but you can specify a fuzzy match on each term of a multi-part phrase, such as `search=Tags:landy~ AND sevic~`. This query expression finds 15 matches on *laundry service*.
@@ -194,26 +205,23 @@ POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
 The response for this query should look similar to the following example:
-"@odata.count": 2,
-"value": [
-    {
-        "@search.score": 0.6331726,
-        "HotelName": "Trails End Motel",
-        "Description": "Only 8 miles from Downtown.  On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, All non-smoking hotel. Only 15 miles from airport."
-    },
+  "@odata.count": 1,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 0.43032226,
-        "HotelName": "Catfish Creek Fishing Cabins",
-        "Description": "Brand new mattresses and pillows.  Free airport shuttle. Great hotel for your business needs. Comp WIFI, atrium lounge & restaurant, 1 mile from light rail."
+      "@search.score": 0.69167054,
+      "HotelName": "Trails End Motel",
+      "Description": "Only 8 miles from Downtown. On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, All non-smoking hotel. Only 15 miles from airport."
+  ]
 ## Example 4: Term boosting
 Term boosting refers to ranking a document higher if it contains the boosted term, relative to documents that don't contain the term. To boost a term, use the caret, `^`, symbol with a boost factor (a number) at the end of the term you're searching. The boost factor default is 1, and although it must be positive, it can be less than 1 (for example, 0.2). Term boosting differs from scoring profiles in that scoring profiles boost certain fields, rather than specific terms.
-In this *before* query, search for *beach access* and notice that there are seven documents that match on one or both terms.
+In this *before* query, search for *beach access* and notice that there are six documents that match on one or both terms.
 POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
@@ -226,36 +234,158 @@ POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
-In fact, there's only one document that matches on *access*, and because it's the only match, it's placement is high (second position) even though the document is missing the term *beach*.
+In fact, only two documents match on *access*. The first instance is in second position, even though the document is missing the term *beach*.
-"@odata.count": 7,
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 6,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1.068669,
+      "HotelName": "Johnson's Family Resort",
+      "Description": "Family oriented resort located in the heart of the northland. Operated since 1962 by the Smith family, we have grown into one of the largest family resorts in the state. The home of excellent Smallmouth Bass fishing with 10 small cabins, we're a home not only to fishermen but their families as well. Rebuilt in the early 2000's, all of our cabins have all the comforts of home. Sporting a huge **beach** with multiple water toys for those sunny summer days and a Lodge full of games for when you just can't swim anymore, there's always something for the family to do. A full marina offers watercraft rentals, boat launch, powered dock slips, canoes (free to use), & fish cleaning facility. Rent pontoons, 14' fishing boats, 16' fishing rigs or jet ski's for a fun day or week on the water. Pets are accepted in the lakeside cottages.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "24-hour front desk service",
+        "pool",
+        "coffee in lobby"
+      ]
+    },
-        "@search.score": 2.2723424,
-        "HotelName": "Nova Hotel & Spa",
-        "Description": "1 Mile from the airport.  Free WiFi, Outdoor Pool, Complimentary Airport Shuttle, 6 miles from the beach & 10 miles from downtown."
+      "@search.score": 1.0162708,
+      "HotelName": "Campus Commander Hotel",
+      "Description": "Easy **access** to campus and steps away from the best shopping corridor in the city. From meetings in town or gameday, enjoy our prime location between the union and proximity to the university stadium.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "free parking",
+        "coffee in lobby",
+        "24-hour front desk service"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.5507699,
-        "HotelName": "Old Carrabelle Hotel",
-        "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center."
+      "@search.score": 0.9050383,
+      "HotelName": "Lakeside B & B",
+      "Description": "Nature is Home on the **beach**. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our shared living space to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "laundry service",
+        "concierge",
+        "free parking"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.5358944,
-        "HotelName": "Whitefish Lodge & Suites",
-        "Description": "Located on in the heart of the forest. Enjoy Warm Weather, Beach Club Services, Natural Hot Springs, Airport Shuttle."
+      "@search.score": 0.8955848,
+      "HotelName": "Windy Ocean Motel",
+      "Description": "Oceanfront hotel overlooking the **beach** features rooms with a private balcony and 2 indoor and outdoor pools. Inspired by the natural beauty of the island, each room includes an original painting of local scenes by the owner. Rooms include a mini fridge, Keurig coffee maker, and flatscreen TV. Various shops and art entertainment are on the boardwalk, just steps away.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "air conditioning",
+        "bar"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.3433652,
-        "HotelName": "Ocean Air Motel",
-        "Description": "Oceanfront hotel overlooking the beach features rooms with a private balcony and 2 indoor and outdoor pools. Various shops and art entertainment are on the boardwalk, just steps away."
+      "@search.score": 0.83636594,
+      "HotelName": "Happy Lake Resort & Restaurant",
+      "Description": "The largest year-round resort in the area offering more of everything for your vacation – at the best value! What can you enjoy while at the resort, aside from the mile-long sandy **beaches** of the lake? Check out our activities sure to excite both young and young-at-heart guests. We have it all, including being named “Property of the Year” and a “Top Ten Resort” by top publications.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "bar",
+        "restaurant"
+      ]
+    {
+      "@search.score": 0.7808502,
+      "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
+      "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking **access** to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center. Each room comes equipped with a microwave, a coffee maker and a minifridge. In-room entertainment includes complimentary W-Fi and flat-screen TVs. ",
+      "Tags": [
+        "air conditioning",
+        "laundry service",
+        "24-hour front desk service"
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
 In the *after* query, repeat the search, this time boosting results with the term *beach* over the term *access*. A human readable version of the query is `search=Description:beach^2 access`. Depending on your client, you might need to express `^2` as `%5E2`.
-After boosting the term *beach*, the match on Old Carrabelle Hotel moves down to sixth place.
+POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
+    "search": "Description:beach^2 access",
+    "queryType": "full",
+    "select": "HotelName, Description, Tags",
+    "searchFields": "HotelName, Description, Tags",
+    "count": true
+After you boost the term *beach*, the match on Campus Commander Hotel moves down to fifth place.
+  "@odata.count": 6,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 2.137338,
+      "HotelName": "Johnson's Family Resort",
+      "Description": "Family oriented resort located in the heart of the northland. Operated since 1962 by the Smith family, we have grown into one of the largest family resorts in the state. The home of excellent Smallmouth Bass fishing with 10 small cabins, we're a home not only to fishermen but their families as well. Rebuilt in the early 2000's, all of our cabins have all the comforts of home. Sporting a huge beach with multiple water toys for those sunny summer days and a Lodge full of games for when you just can't swim anymore, there's always something for the family to do. A full marina offers watercraft rentals, boat launch, powered dock slips, canoes (free to use), & fish cleaning facility. Rent pontoons, 14' fishing boats, 16' fishing rigs or jet ski's for a fun day or week on the water. Pets are accepted in the lakeside cottages.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "24-hour front desk service",
+        "pool",
+        "coffee in lobby"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1.8100766,
+      "HotelName": "Lakeside B & B",
+      "Description": "Nature is Home on the beach. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our shared living space to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "laundry service",
+        "concierge",
+        "free parking"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1.7911696,
+      "HotelName": "Windy Ocean Motel",
+      "Description": "Oceanfront hotel overlooking the beach features rooms with a private balcony and 2 indoor and outdoor pools. Inspired by the natural beauty of the island, each room includes an original painting of local scenes by the owner. Rooms include a mini fridge, Keurig coffee maker, and flatscreen TV. Various shops and art entertainment are on the boardwalk, just steps away.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "air conditioning",
+        "bar"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1.6727319,
+      "HotelName": "Happy Lake Resort & Restaurant",
+      "Description": "The largest year-round resort in the area offering more of everything for your vacation – at the best value! What can you enjoy while at the resort, aside from the mile-long sandy beaches of the lake? Check out our activities sure to excite both young and young-at-heart guests. We have it all, including being named “Property of the Year” and a “Top Ten Resort” by top publications.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "bar",
+        "restaurant"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1.0162708,
+      "HotelName": "Campus Commander Hotel",
+      "Description": "Easy access to campus and steps away from the best shopping corridor in the city. From meetings in town or gameday, enjoy our prime location between the union and proximity to the university stadium.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "free parking",
+        "coffee in lobby",
+        "24-hour front desk service"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 0.7808502,
+      "HotelName": "Swirling Currents Hotel",
+      "Description": "Spacious rooms, glamorous suites and residences, rooftop pool, walking access to shopping, dining, entertainment and the city center. Each room comes equipped with a microwave, a coffee maker and a minifridge. In-room entertainment includes complimentary W-Fi and flat-screen TVs. ",
+      "Tags": [
+        "air conditioning",
+        "laundry service",
+        "24-hour front desk service"
+      ]
+    }
+  ]
 <!-- Consider a scoring profile that boosts matches in a certain field, such as "genre" in a music app. Term boosting could be used to further boost certain search terms higher than others. For example, "rock^2 electronic" will boost documents that contain the search terms in the "genre" field higher than other searchable fields in the index. Furthermore, documents that contain the search term "rock" will be ranked higher than the other search term "electronic" as a result of the term boost value (2). -->
@@ -273,43 +403,39 @@ POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
-The response for this query should look similar to the following example:
+The response for this query should look similar to the following example (trimmed for brevity):
-    "@odata.count": 22,
-    "value": [
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Days Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Triple Landscape Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Smile Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Pelham Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Nova Hotel & Spa"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Scarlet Harbor Hotel"
-        },
+  "@odata.count": 25,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Country Residence Hotel"
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Downtown Mix Hotel"
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Gastronomic Landscape Hotel"
+    },
+    . . . 
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Trails End Motel"
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel"
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "King's Cellar Hotel"
+    }
+  ]
 > [!Note]
@@ -335,17 +461,15 @@ POST /indexes/hotel-samples-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
 The response for this query should look similar to the following example:
-    "@odata.count": 2,
-    "value": [
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Scarlet Harbor Hotel"
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelName": "Scottish Inn"
-        }
-    ]
+  "@odata.count": 1,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Waterfront Scottish Inn"
+    }
+  ]
 > [!Note]


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Lucene検索構文の例の更新"



  • ドキュメントの日付が「10/24/2024」から「10/31/2024」に更新され、最新の情報が反映されました。

  • 検索クエリの例が実際のフィルター条件に基づいて更新され、「Category」が「Resort and Spa」から「Boutique」に変更され、サンプルデータも新しい検索条件に合わせて調整されています。この変更により、ユーザーは新しい条件に基づいたクエリの使用方法を理解しやすくなります。

  • 検索結果の例も変更されており、特定のデータに基づいた具体的な出力が更新されています。これにより、ユーザーは得られる結果のサンプルを通じて、どのような情報が期待できるかを明確に把握できます。

  • 附記として、検索用語の強調機能の例が追加され、ユーザーは検索の効果を向上させる方法を学ぶことができます。



@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ An example result might look like this:
   "HotelId": "1",
-  "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+  "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
   "Rating": 4,
   "Address": {
     "City": "New York"
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ An example result might look like this:
-  "HotelName": "Secret Point Motel",
+  "HotelName": "Stay-Kay City Hotel",
   "Rating": 4,
   "Address": {
     "StreetAddress": "677 5th Ave",


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテル名の更新"



  • 例として示されている結果において、ホテル名が「Secret Point Motel」から「Stay-Kay City Hotel」に変更されました。この変更により、実際のデータに基づいたより適切な情報が提供されています。

  • 同様の変更が2つの異なる場所で行われており、具体的なJSONレスポンスの例において、一貫性を持たせるためにホテル名が更新されています。



@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ms.service: azure-ai-search
   - ignite-2023
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 10/24/2024
+ms.date: 10/31/2024
 # Examples of *simple* search queries in Azure AI Search
@@ -77,47 +77,39 @@ A keyword search that's composed of important terms or phrases tend to work best
 The `searchMode` parameter controls precision and recall. If you want more recall, use the default *any* value, which returns a result if any part of the query string is matched. If you favor precision, where all parts of the string must be matched, change `searchMode` to *all*. Try the preceding query both ways to see how searchMode changes the outcome.
-The response for the *pool spa +airport* query should look similar to the following example, trimmed for brevity.
+The response for the *pool spa +airport* query should look similar to the following example.
-"@odata.count": 6,
+"@odata.count": 4,
 "value": [
-    {
-        "@search.score": 7.3617697,
-        "HotelId": "21",
-        "HotelName": "Nova Hotel & Spa",
-        "Description": "1 Mile from the airport.  Free WiFi, Outdoor Pool, Complimentary Airport Shuttle, 6 miles from the beach & 10 miles from downtown.",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa",
-        "Tags": [
-            "pool",
-            "continental breakfast",
-            "free parking"
-        ]
-    },
-    {
-        "@search.score": 2.5560288,
-        "HotelId": "25",
-        "HotelName": "Scottish Inn",
-        "Description": "Newly Redesigned Rooms & airport shuttle.  Minutes from the airport, enjoy lakeside amenities, a resort-style pool & stylish new guestrooms with Internet TVs.",
-        "Category": "Luxury",
-        "Tags": [
-            "24-hour front desk service",
-            "continental breakfast",
-            "free wifi"
-        ]
-    },
-    {
-        "@search.score": 2.2988036,
-        "HotelId": "35",
-        "HotelName": "Suites At Bellevue Square",
-        "Description": "Luxury at the mall.  Located across the street from the Light Rail to downtown.  Free shuttle to the mall and airport.",
-        "Category": "Resort and Spa",
-        "Tags": [
-            "continental breakfast",
-            "air conditioning",
-            "24-hour front desk service"
-        ]
-    }
+    "@search.score": 6.090657,
+    "HotelId": "12",
+    "HotelName": "Winter Panorama Resort",
+    "Description": "Plenty of great skiing, outdoor ice skating, sleigh rides, tubing and snow biking. Yoga, group exercise classes and outdoor hockey are available year-round, plus numerous options for shopping as well as great spa services. Newly-renovated with large rooms, free 24-hr airport shuttle & a new restaurant. Rooms/suites offer mini-fridges & 49-inch HDTVs.",
+    "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+    "@search.score": 4.314683,
+    "HotelId": "21",
+    "HotelName": "Good Business Hotel",
+    "Description": "1 Mile from the airport. Free WiFi, Outdoor Pool, Complimentary Airport Shuttle, 6 miles from Lake Lanier & 10 miles from downtown. Our business center includes printers, a copy machine, fax, and a work area.",
+    "Category": "Suite"
+    "@search.score": 3.575948,
+    "HotelId": "27",
+    "HotelName": "Starlight Suites",
+    "Description": "Complimentary Airport Shuttle & WiFi. Book Now and save - Spacious All Suite Hotel, Indoor Outdoor Pool, Fitness Center, Florida Green certified, Complimentary Coffee, HDTV",
+    "Category": "Suite"
+    "@search.score": 2.6926985,
+    "HotelId": "25",
+    "HotelName": "Waterfront Scottish Inn",
+    "Description": "Newly Redesigned Rooms & airport shuttle. Minutes from the airport, enjoy lakeside amenities, a resort-style pool & stylish new guestrooms with Internet TVs.",
+    "Category": "Suite"
@@ -127,57 +119,57 @@ Uniform scores of *1.0* occur when there's no rank, either because the search wa
 ## Example 2: Look up by ID
-When returning search results in a query, a logical next step is to provide a details page that includes more fields from the document. This example shows you how to return a single document using [Get Document](/rest/api/searchservice/documents/get) by passing in the document ID.
+After search results are returned, a logical next step is to provide a details page that includes more fields from the document. This example shows you how to return a single document using [Get Document](/rest/api/searchservice/documents/get) by passing in the document ID.
 GET /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/41?api-version=2024-07-01
-All documents have a unique identifier. If you're using the portal, select the index from the **Indexes** tab and then look at the field definitions to determine which field is the key. Using REST, the [Get Index](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/get) call returns the index definition in the response body.
+All documents have a unique identifier. If you're using the portal, select the index from the **Indexes** tab and then look at the field definitions to determine which field is the key. In the REST API, the [GET Index](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/get) call returns the index definition in the response body.
 The response for the preceding query consists of the document whose key is *41*. Any field that is marked as *retrievable* in the index definition can be returned in search results and rendered in your app.
     "HotelId": "41",
-    "HotelName": "Ocean Air Motel",
-    "Description": "Oceanfront hotel overlooking the beach features rooms with a private balcony and 2 indoor and outdoor pools. Various shops and art entertainment are on the boardwalk, just steps away.",
-    "Description_fr": "L'hôtel front de mer surplombant la plage dispose de chambres avec balcon privé et 2 piscines intérieures et extérieures. Divers commerces et animations artistiques sont sur la promenade, à quelques pas.",
-    "Category": "Budget",
+    "HotelName": "Windy Ocean Motel",
+    "Description": "Oceanfront hotel overlooking the beach features rooms with a private balcony and 2 indoor and outdoor pools. Inspired by the natural beauty of the island, each room includes an original painting of local scenes by the owner. Rooms include a mini fridge, Keurig coffee maker, and flatscreen TV. Various shops and art entertainment are on the boardwalk, just steps away.",
+    "Description_fr": "Cet hôtel en bord de mer donnant sur la plage propose des chambres dotées d'un balcon privé et de 2 piscines intérieure et extérieure. Inspiré par la beauté naturelle de l'île, chaque chambre comprend une peinture originale de scènes locales par le propriétaire. Les chambres comprennent un mini-réfrigérateur, une cafetière Keurig et une télévision à écran plat. Divers magasins et divertissements artistiques se trouvent sur la promenade, à quelques pas.",
+    "Category": "Suite",
     "Tags": [
-        "pool",
-        "air conditioning",
-        "bar"
+    "pool",
+    "air conditioning",
+    "bar"
     "ParkingIncluded": true,
-    "LastRenovationDate": "1951-05-10T00:00:00Z",
+    "LastRenovationDate": "2021-05-10T00:00:00Z",
     "Rating": 3.5,
     "Location": {
-        "type": "Point",
-        "coordinates": [
-            -157.846817,
-            21.295841
-        ],
-        "crs": {
-            "type": "name",
-            "properties": {
-                "name": "EPSG:4326"
-            }
+    "type": "Point",
+    "coordinates": [
+        -157.846817,
+        21.295841
+    ],
+    "crs": {
+        "type": "name",
+        "properties": {
+        "name": "EPSG:4326"
+    }
     "Address": {
-        "StreetAddress": "1450 Ala Moana Blvd 2238 Ala Moana Ctr",
-        "City": "Honolulu",
-        "StateProvince": "HI",
-        "PostalCode": "96814",
-        "Country": "USA"
+    "StreetAddress": "1450 Ala Moana Blvd 2238 Ala Moana Ctr",
+    "City": "Honolulu",
+    "StateProvince": "HI",
+    "PostalCode": "96814",
+    "Country": "USA"
 ## Example 3: Filter on text
-[Filter syntax](search-query-odata-filter.md) is an OData expression that you can use by itself or with `search`. Used together, `filter` is applied first to the entire index, and then the search is performed on the results of the filter. Filters can therefore be a useful technique to improve query performance since they reduce the set of documents that the search query needs to process.
+[Filter syntax](search-query-odata-filter.md) is an OData expression that you can use by itself or with `search`. When used together in the same request, `filter` is applied first to the entire index, and then the `search` is performed on the results of the filter. Filters can therefore be a useful technique to improve query performance since they reduce the set of documents that the search query needs to process.
 Filters can be defined on any field marked as `filterable` in the index definition. For hotels-sample-index, filterable fields include *Category*, *Tags*, *ParkingIncluded*, *Rating*, and most *Address* fields.
@@ -186,23 +178,25 @@ POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
     "search": "art tours",
     "queryType": "simple",
-    "filter": "Category eq 'Resort and Spa'",
+    "filter": "Category eq 'Boutique'",
     "searchFields": "HotelName,Description,Category",
     "select": "HotelId,HotelName,Description,Category",
     "count": true
-The response for the preceding query is scoped to only those hotels categorized as *Report and Spa*, and that include the terms *art* or *tours*. In this case, there's just one match.
+The response for the preceding query is scoped to only those hotels categorized as *Boutique*, and that include the terms *art* or *tours*. In this case, there's just one match.
+"value": [
-    "@search.score": 2.8576312,
-    "HotelId": "31",
-    "HotelName": "Santa Fe Stay",
-    "Description": "Nestled on six beautifully landscaped acres, located 2 blocks from the Plaza. Unwind at the spa and indulge in art tours on site.",
-    "Category": "Resort and Spa"
+    "@search.score": 1.2814453,
+    "HotelId": "2",
+    "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
+    "Description": "The hotel is situated in a nineteenth century plaza, which has been expanded and renovated to the highest architectural standards to create a modern, functional and first-class hotel in which art and unique historical elements coexist with the most modern comforts. The hotel also regularly hosts events like wine tastings, beer dinners, and live music.",
+    "Category": "Boutique"
 ## Example 4: Filter functions
@@ -214,55 +208,47 @@ POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
     "search": "",
     "filter": "search.ismatch('free*', 'Tags', 'full', 'any')",
-    "select": "HotelId, HotelName, Category, Description",
+    "select": "HotelName, Tags, Description",
     "count": true
-The response for the preceding query matches on 19 hotels that offer free amenities. Notice that the search score is a uniform *1.0* throughout the results. This is because the search expression is null or empty, resulting in verbatim filter matches, but no full text search. Relevance scores are only returned on full text search. If you're using filters without `search`, make sure you have sufficient sortable fields so that you can control search rank.
+The response for the preceding query matches on 27 hotels that offer free amenities. Notice that the search score is a uniform *1* throughout the results. This is because the search expression is null or empty, resulting in verbatim filter matches, but no full text search. Relevance scores are only returned on full text search. If you're using filters without `search`, make sure you have sufficient sortable fields so that you can control search rank.
-"@odata.count": 19,
-"value": [
-    {
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "31",
-        "HotelName": "Santa Fe Stay",
-        "Tags": [
-            "view",
-            "restaurant",
-            "free parking"
-        ]
-    },
+  "@odata.count": 27,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "27",
-        "HotelName": "Super Deluxe Inn & Suites",
-        "Tags": [
-            "bar",
-            "free wifi"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Country Residence Hotel",
+      "Description": "All of the suites feature full-sized kitchens stocked with cookware, separate living and sleeping areas and sofa beds. Some of the larger rooms have fireplaces and patios or balconies. Experience real country hospitality in the heart of bustling Nashville. The most vibrant music scene in the world is just outside your front door.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "laundry service",
+        "restaurant",
+        "free parking"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "39",
-        "HotelName": "Whitefish Lodge & Suites",
-        "Tags": [
-            "continental breakfast",
-            "free parking",
-            "free wifi"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Downtown Mix Hotel",
+      "Description": "Mix and mingle in the heart of the city. Shop and dine, mix and mingle in the heart of downtown, where fab lake views unite with a cheeky design.",
+      "Tags": [
+        "air conditioning",
+        "laundry service",
+        "free wifi"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "11",
-        "HotelName": "Regal Orb Resort & Spa",
-        "Tags": [
-            "free wifi",
-            "restaurant",
-            "24-hour front desk service"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Starlight Suites",
+      "Description": "Complimentary Airport Shuttle & WiFi. Book Now and save - Spacious All Suite Hotel, Indoor Outdoor Pool, Fitness Center, Florida Green certified, Complimentary Coffee, HDTV",
+      "Tags": [
+        "pool",
+        "coffee in lobby",
+        "free wifi"
+      ]
+. . .
 ## Example 5: Range filters
@@ -287,24 +273,24 @@ The response for this query should look similar to the following example, trimme
 "@odata.count": 27,
 "value": [
-    {
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "22",
-        "HotelName": "Stone Lion Inn",
-        "Rating": 3.9
-    },
-    {
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "25",
-        "HotelName": "Scottish Inn",
-        "Rating": 3.8
-    },
-    {
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "2",
-        "HotelName": "Twin Dome Motel",
-        "Rating": 3.6
-    }
+    "@search.score": 1,
+    "HotelId": "22",
+    "HotelName": "Lion's Den Inn",
+    "Rating": 3.9
+    "@search.score": 1,
+    "HotelId": "25",
+    "HotelName": "Waterfront Scottish Inn",
+    "Rating": 3.8
+    "@search.score": 1,
+    "HotelId": "2",
+    "HotelName": "Old Century Hotel",
+    "Rating": 3.6
@@ -323,33 +309,50 @@ POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
 The response for this query should look similar to the following example, trimmed for brevity. In this example, it's not possible to sort by `StateProvince` because the field isn't attributed as *sortable* in the index definition.
-"@odata.count": 9,
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 9,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "9",
-        "HotelName": "Smile Hotel",
-        "Address": {
-            "StateProvince": "CA "
-        }
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "39",
+      "HotelName": "White Mountain Lodge & Suites",
+      "Address": {
+        "StateProvince": "CO"
+      }
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "39",
-        "HotelName": "Whitefish Lodge & Suites",
-        "Address": {
-            "StateProvince": "CO"
-        }
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "9",
+      "HotelName": "Smile Up Hotel",
+      "Address": {
+        "StateProvince": "CA "
+      }
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelId": "7",
-        "HotelName": "Countryside Resort",
-        "Address": {
-            "StateProvince": "CA "
-        }
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "7",
+      "HotelName": "Roach Motel",
+      "Address": {
+        "StateProvince": "CA "
+      }
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "34",
+      "HotelName": "Lakefront Captain Inn",
+      "Address": {
+        "StateProvince": "CT"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "37",
+      "HotelName": "Campus Commander Hotel",
+      "Address": {
+        "StateProvince": "CA "
+      }
+    },
+. . . 
 ## Example 6: Geospatial search
@@ -370,48 +373,48 @@ The response for this query returns all hotels within a 10-kilometer distance of
-    "@odata.count": 3,
-    "value": [
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelId": "45",
-            "HotelName": "Arcadia Resort & Restaurant",
-            "Address": {
-                "City": "Seattle",
-                "StateProvince": "WA"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelId": "24",
-            "HotelName": "Gacc Capital",
-            "Address": {
-                "City": "Seattle",
-                "StateProvince": "WA"
-            }
-        },
-        {
-            "@search.score": 1.0,
-            "HotelId": "16",
-            "HotelName": "Double Sanctuary Resort",
-            "Address": {
-                "City": "Seattle",
-                "StateProvince": "WA"
-            }
-        }
-    ]
+  "@odata.count": 3,
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "45",
+      "HotelName": "Happy Lake Resort & Restaurant",
+      "Address": {
+        "City": "Seattle",
+        "StateProvince": "WA"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "24",
+      "HotelName": "Uptown Chic Hotel",
+      "Address": {
+        "City": "Seattle",
+        "StateProvince": "WA"
+      }
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelId": "16",
+      "HotelName": "Double Sanctuary Resort",
+      "Address": {
+        "City": "Seattle",
+        "StateProvince": "WA"
+      }
+    }
+  ]
 ## Example 7: Booleans with searchMode
 Simple syntax supports Boolean operators in the form of characters (`+, -, |`) to support AND, OR, and NOT query logic. Boolean search behaves as you might expect, with a few noteworthy exceptions. 
-In previous examples, the `searchMode` parameter was introduced as a mechanism for influencing precision and recall, with `"searchMode": "any"` favoring recall (a document that satisfies any of the criteria is considered a match), and `"searchMode": "all"` favoring precision (all criteria must be matched in a document). 
+In a Boolean search, consider adding the `searchMode` parameter as a mechanism for influencing precision and recall. Valid values include `"searchMode": "any"` favoring recall (a document that satisfies any of the criteria is considered a match), and `"searchMode": "all"` favoring precision (all criteria must be matched in a document). 
 In the context of a Boolean search, the default `"searchMode": "any"` can be confusing if you're stacking a query with multiple operators and getting broader instead of narrower results. This is particularly true with NOT, where results include all documents *not containing* a specific term or phrase.
-The following example provides an illustration. Running the following query with searchMode (any), 42 documents are returned: those containing the term *restaurant*, plus all documents that don't have the phrase *air conditioning. 
+The following example provides an illustration. The query looks for matches on *restaurant* that exclude the phrase *air conditioning*. If you run the following query with searchMode (any), 43 documents are returned: those containing the term *restaurant*, plus all documents that *don't* have the phrase *air conditioning. 
 Notice that there's no space between the boolean operator (`-`) and the phrase *air conditioning*. The quotation marks are escaped (`\"`).
@@ -431,27 +434,38 @@ Changing to `"searchMode": "all"` enforces a cumulative effect on criteria and r
 The response for this query would now look similar to the following example, trimmed for brevity.
-"@odata.count": 7,
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 14,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 2.5460577,
-        "HotelId": "11",
-        "HotelName": "Regal Orb Resort & Spa",
-        "Tags": [
-            "free wifi",
-            "restaurant",
-            "24-hour front desk service"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 3.1383743,
+      "HotelId": "18",
+      "HotelName": "Ocean Water Resort & Spa",
+      "Tags": [
+        "view",
+        "pool",
+        "restaurant"
+      ]
+    },
+    {
+      "@search.score": 2.028083,
+      "HotelId": "22",
+      "HotelName": "Lion's Den Inn",
+      "Tags": [
+        "laundry service",
+        "free wifi",
+        "restaurant"
+      ]
-        "@search.score": 2.166792,
-        "HotelId": "10",
-        "HotelName": "Countryside Hotel",
-        "Tags": [
-            "24-hour front desk service",
-            "coffee in lobby",
-            "restaurant"
-        ]
+      "@search.score": 2.028083,
+      "HotelId": "34",
+      "HotelName": "Lakefront Captain Inn",
+      "Tags": [
+        "restaurant",
+        "laundry service",
+        "coffee in lobby"
+      ]
@@ -471,12 +485,12 @@ POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
     "filter": "Rating gt 4",
     "select": "HotelName, Rating",
     "orderby": "Rating desc",
-    "top": "5",
+    "top": 5,
     "count": true
-The query finds 21 matching documents, but because you specified `top`, the response returns just the top five matches, with ratings starting at 4.9, and ending at 4.7 with *Lady of the Lake B & B*. 
+The query finds 21 matching documents, but because you specified `top`, the response returns just the top five matches, with ratings starting at 4.9, and ending at 4.7 with *Lakeside B & B*. 
 To get the next five, skip the first batch:
@@ -487,42 +501,45 @@ POST /indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01
     "filter": "Rating gt 4",
     "select": "HotelName, Rating",
     "orderby": "Rating desc",
-    "top": "5",
-    "skip": "5",
+    "top": 5,
+    "skip": 5,
     "count": true
 The response for the second batch skips the first five matches, returning the next five, starting with *Pull'r Inn Motel*. To continue with more batches, you would keep `top` at five, and then increment `skip` by five on each new request (skip=5, skip=10, skip=15, and so forth).
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 21,
+  "value": [
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelName": "Pull'r Inn Motel",
-        "Rating": 4.7
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Head Wind Resort",
+      "Rating": 4.7
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelName": "Sublime Cliff Hotel",
-        "Rating": 4.6
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Sublime Palace Hotel",
+      "Rating": 4.6
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelName": "Antiquity Hotel",
-        "Rating": 4.5
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "City Skyline Antiquity Hotel",
+      "Rating": 4.5
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelName": "Nordick's Motel",
-        "Rating": 4.5
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Nordick's Valley Motel",
+      "Rating": 4.5
-        "@search.score": 1.0,
-        "HotelName": "Winter Panorama Resort",
-        "Rating": 4.5
+      "@search.score": 1,
+      "HotelName": "Winter Panorama Resort",
+      "Rating": 4.5
+  ]
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    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "シンプル検索クエリの例の更新"



  • ドキュメントの日付が「10/24/2024」から「10/31/2024」に更新され、最新の情報が反映されています。

  • 検索クエリやレスポンスの例が変更され、特に特定のホテル名やカテゴリに関連したデータが新しくなっています。具体的には、「Nova Hotel & Spa」や「Secret Point Motel」というホテル名が、「Winter Panorama Resort」や「Stay-Kay City Hotel」などに置き換えられ、現実のデータに基づいた一貫性のある情報が提供されています。

  • JSONレスポンスのサンプルが更新され、新しいスコアや詳細が含まれています。これは、ユーザーが期待される出力を明確に理解できるようにするためです。

  • 検索に関連する機能やフィルタ処理に関する説明が改善され、より具体的な情報が提供されています。特に、フィルタや検索モードに関する例が明確になり、パラメータの利用方法が理解しやすくなっています。

全体として、これらの変更はドキュメントの正確性、明確性、および実用性を向上させ、ユーザーがAzure AI Searchを利用する際により良い理解を得られるようになっています。


@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ documents = [
     "@search.action": "upload",
     "Id": "4",
-    "Description": "The hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
+    "Description": "The hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace."
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ Output from the query should produce results similar to the following example.
 Score: 0.6130029
 Id: 4
-Description: The hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Cliff is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.
+Description: The hotel is located in the heart of the historic center of Sublime in an extremely vibrant and lively area within short walking distance to the sites and landmarks of the city and is surrounded by the extraordinary beauty of churches, buildings, shops and monuments. Sublime Palace is part of a lovingly restored 1800 palace.
 Score: 0.26286605
 Id: 1
 Description: The hotel is ideally located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York. A few minutes away is Time's Square and the historic centre of the city, as well as other places of interest that make New York one of America's most attractive and cosmopolitan cities.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ホテルの説明文の修正"



  • 説明文内の「Sublime Cliff」というホテル名が「Sublime Palace」に変更され、より適切な名称が使用されています。この変更により、正確な情報が提供されます。

  • 変更された内容は、ドキュメント内の検索結果の出力例にも反映されており、説明文が一貫して更新されています。



@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ In this step, add parameters to the query request. To be successful, your query
-      "search": "historic hotel with good food",
+      "search": "funky or interesting hotel with good food on site",
       "count": true,
       "queryType": "semantic",
       "semanticConfiguration": "my-semantic-config",
@@ -101,15 +101,16 @@ The following example in this section uses the [hotels-sample-index](search-get-
     POST https://[search-service-name].search.windows.net/indexes/hotels-sample-index/docs/search?api-version=2024-07-01      
-        "queryType": "semantic",
-        "search": "newer hotel near the water with a great restaurant",
-        "semanticConfiguration": "my-semantic-config",
-        "answers": "extractive|count-3",
-        "captions": "extractive|highlight-true",
-        "highlightPreTag": "<strong>",
-        "highlightPostTag": "</strong>",
-        "select": "HotelId,HotelName,Description,Category",
-        "count": true
+          "search": "interesting hotel with restaurant on site and cozy lobby or shared area",
+          "count": true,
+          "queryType": "semantic",
+          "semanticConfiguration": "semantic-config",
+          "captions": "extractive|highlight-true",
+          "answers": "extractive|count-3",
+          "queryLanguage": "en-us",
+          "highlightPreTag": "<strong>",
+          "highlightPostTag": "</strong>",
+          "select": "HotelId,HotelName,Description,Category"
@@ -141,7 +142,7 @@ Use QueryType or SemanticQuery to invoke semantic ranker on a semantic query. Th
 SearchResults<Hotel> response = await searchClient.SearchAsync<Hotel>(
-    "Is there any hotel located on the main commercial artery of the city in the heart of New York?",
+    "interesting hotel with restaurant on site and cozy lobby or shared area",
     new SearchOptions
         SemanticSearch = new()
@@ -196,27 +197,77 @@ In semantic ranking, the response has more elements: a new [semantically ranked
 In a client app, you can structure the search page to include a caption as the description of the match, rather than the entire contents of a specific field. This approach is useful when individual fields are too dense for the search results page.
-The response for the above example query returns the following match as the top pick. Captions are returned because the "captions" property is set, with plain text and highlighted versions. Answers are omitted from the example because one couldn't be determined for this particular query and corpus.
+The response for the above example query (*"interesting hotel with restaurant on site and cozy lobby or shared area"*) returns three answers (`"answers": "extractive|count-e"`). Captions are returned because the "captions" property is set, with plain text and highlighted versions. If an answer can't be determined, it's omitted from the response. For brevity, this example shows just the three answers and the three highest scoring results from the query.
-"@odata.count": 35,
-"@search.answers": [],
-"value": [
+  "@odata.count": 29,
+  "@search.answers": [
+    {
+      "key": "24",
+      "text": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
+      "highlights": "Chic hotel near the city. <strong>High-rise hotel in downtown, </strong>within<strong> walking distance to </strong>theaters, art<strong> galleries, restaurants and shops.</strong> Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
+      "score": 0.9340000152587891
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "40",
+      "text": "Only 8 miles from Downtown. On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, All non-smoking hotel. Only 15 miles from airport.",
+      "highlights": "Only 8 miles from Downtown. <strong>On-site bar/restaurant, Free hot breakfast buffet, Free wireless internet, </strong>All non-smoking<strong> hotel.</strong> Only 15 miles from airport.",
+      "score": 0.9210000038146973
+    },
+    {
+      "key": "38",
+      "text": "Nature is Home on the beach. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our shared living space to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
+      "highlights": "Nature is Home on the beach. Explore the shore by day, and then come home to our<strong> shared living space </strong>to relax around a stone fireplace, sip something warm, and explore the library by night. Save up to 30 percent. Valid Now through the end of the year. Restrictions and blackouts may apply.",
+      "score": 0.9200000166893005
+    }
+  ],
+  "value": [
+    {
+      "@search.score": 3.2328331,
+      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.575303316116333,
+      "@search.captions": [
+        {
+          "text": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our penthouse suites offer views for miles and the rooftop plaza is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.",
+          "highlights": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our<strong> penthouse </strong>suites offer views for miles and the rooftop<strong> plaza </strong>is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a<strong> complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, </strong>and free Wi-Fi<strong> throughout </strong>the hotel."
+        }
+      ],
+      "HotelId": "50",
+      "HotelName": "Head Wind Resort",
+      "Description": "The best of old town hospitality combined with views of the river and cool breezes off the prairie. Our penthouse suites offer views for miles and the rooftop plaza is open to all guests from sunset to 10 p.m. Enjoy a complimentary continental breakfast in the lobby, and free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel.",
+      "Category": "Suite"
+    },
-        "@search.score": 1.8810667,
-        "@search.rerankerScore": 1.1446577133610845,
-        "@search.captions": [
-            {
-                "text": "Oceanside Resort. Luxury. New Luxury Hotel. Be the first to stay. Bay views from every room, location near the pier, rooftop pool, waterfront dining & more.",
-                "highlights": "<strong>Oceanside Resort.</strong> Luxury. New Luxury Hotel. Be the first to stay.<strong> Bay</strong> views from every room, location near the pier, rooftop pool, waterfront dining & more."
-            }
-        ],
-        "HotelName": "Oceanside Resort",
-        "Description": "New Luxury Hotel. Be the first to stay. Bay views from every room, location near the pier, rooftop pool, waterfront dining & more.",
-        "Category": "Luxury"
+      "@search.score": 0.632956,
+      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.5425150394439697,
+      "@search.captions": [
+        {
+          "text": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the Counting Sheep sleep experience, our Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities await.",
+          "highlights": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the<strong> Counting Sheep sleep experience, </strong>our<strong> Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities </strong>await."
+        }
+      ],
+      "HotelId": "34",
+      "HotelName": "Lakefront Captain Inn",
+      "Description": "Every stay starts with a warm cookie. Amenities like the Counting Sheep sleep experience, our Wake-up glorious breakfast buffet and spacious workout facilities await.",
+      "Category": "Budget"
-  ...
+    {
+      "@search.score": 3.7076726,
+      "@search.rerankerScore": 2.4554927349090576,
+      "@search.captions": [
+        {
+          "text": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
+          "highlights": "Chic hotel near the city. <strong>High-rise hotel in downtown, </strong>within<strong> walking distance to </strong>theaters, art<strong> galleries, restaurants and shops.</strong> Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance."
+        }
+      ],
+      "HotelId": "24",
+      "HotelName": "Uptown Chic Hotel",
+      "Description": "Chic hotel near the city. High-rise hotel in downtown, within walking distance to theaters, art galleries, restaurants and shops. Visit Seattle Art Museum by day, and then head over to Benaroya Hall to catch the evening's concert performance.",
+      "Category": "Suite"
+    },
+   . . .
+  ]
 ## Expected workloads


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "クエリリクエストに関する内容の更新"



  • 検索クエリのテキストが「historic hotel with good food」から「funky or interesting hotel with good food on site」に変更され、より具体的かつ魅力的な表現が使われています。

  • 新しい検索リクエストの例において、クエリ内容が「newer hotel near the water with a great restaurant」から「interesting hotel with restaurant on site and cozy lobby or shared area」に変更されています。これは、クエリの焦点をより明確にし、検索の条件を絞り込む意図があることを示しています。

  • レスポンスの構造においても変更があり、検索結果の形式が改善されています。特に、回答の配列が追加され、キャプションとハイライト付きの説明文が含まれ、ユーザーが情報を得やすくなっています。

  • また、レスポンス例におけるスコアリングやキャプションの情報が充実し、結果の評価基準や特徴が明確に示されています。
