@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ In this REST API example, we use [Search Documents](/rest/api/searchservice/docu
- We set "semanticConfiguration" to a [predefined semantic configuration](semantic-how-to-configure.md) embedded in your index.
- We set "queryType" to "semantic". We either need to set "queryType" to "semantic" or include a nonempty "semanticQuery" property in the request. [Semantic ranking](semantic-search-overview.md) is required for query rewriting.
- We set "queryRewrites" to "generative|count-5" to get up to five query rewrites. You can set the count to any value between 1 and 10.
- - We set "queryLanguage" to the target language ("en-US") of the query rewrites. The supported locales are:
+ - Since we requested query rewrites by setting the "queryRewrites" property, we must set "queryLanguage" to the search text language. The Search service uses the same language for the query rewrites. In this example, we use "en-US". The supported locales are:
`en-AU`, `en-CA`, `en-GB`, `en-IN`, `en-US`, `ar-EG`, `ar-JO`, `ar-KW`, `ar-MA`, `ar-SA`, `bg-BG`, `bn-IN`, `ca-ES`, `cs-CZ`, `da-DK`, `de-DE`, `el-GR`, `es-ES`, `es-MX`, `et-EE`, `eu-ES`, `fa-AE`, `fi-FI`, `fr-CA`, `fr-FR`, `ga-IE`, `gl-ES`, `gu-IN`, `he-IL`, `hi-IN`, `hr-BA`, `hr-HR`, `hu-HU`, `hy-AM`, `id-ID`, `is-IS`, `it-IT`, `ja-JP`, `kn-IN`, `ko-KR`, `lt-LT`, `lv-LV`, `ml-IN`, `mr-IN`, `ms-BN`, `ms-MY`, `nb-NO`, `nl-BE`, `nl-NL`, `no-NO`, `pa-IN`, `pl-PL`, `pt-BR`, `pt-PT`, `ro-RO`, `ru-RU`, `sk-SK`, `sl-SL`, `sr-BA`, `sr-ME`, `sr-RS`, `sv-SE`, `ta-IN`, `te-IN`, `th-TH`, `tr-TR`, `uk-UA`, `ur-PK`, `vi-VN`, `zh-CN`, `zh-TW`.
- We set "debug" to "queryRewrites" to get the query rewrites in the response.