Diff Insight Report - search

最終更新日: 2025-01-09


このポストは Microsoft 社の Azure 公式ドキュメント(CC BY 4.0 または MIT ライセンス) をもとに生成AIを用いて翻案・要約した派生作品です。 元の文書は MicrosoftDocs/azure-ai-docs にホストされています。

生成AIの性能には限界があり、誤訳や誤解釈が含まれる可能性があります。 本ポストはあくまで参考情報として用い、正確な情報は必ず元の文書を参照してください。


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New features


Breaking changes


Other updates

  • ドキュメント内の文脈や用語の修正
  • アプリ名の明確化
  • 埋め込みモデルの次元数に関する誤りの修正





Summary Table

Filename Type Title Status A D M
cognitive-search-skill-text-translation.md minor update ドキュメント文脈の微調整 modified 1 1 2
query-lucene-syntax.md minor update ドキュメント内の用語の微調整 modified 2 2 4
search-howto-powerapps.md minor update 指示文の表現の微調整 modified 1 1 2
search-security-network-security-perimeter.md minor update アプリ名の修正 modified 1 1 2
tutorial-rag-build-solution-pipeline.md bug fix 埋め込みモデルの次元数の修正 modified 1 1 2

Modified Contents


@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ ms.date: 09/19/2022
 The **Text Translation** skill evaluates text and, for each record, returns the text translated to the specified target language. This skill uses the [Translator Text API v3.0](/azure/ai-services/translator/reference/v3-0-translate) available in Azure AI services.
-This capability is useful if you expect that your documents may not all be in one language, in which case you can normalize the text to a single language before indexing for search by translating it.  It's also useful for localization use cases, where you may want to have copies of the same text available in multiple languages.
+This capability is useful if you expect that your documents may not all be in one language, in which case you can normalize the text to a single language before indexing for search by translating it.  It's also useful for localization use cases, where you might want to have copies of the same text available in multiple languages.
 The [Translator Text API v3.0](/azure/ai-services/translator/reference/v3-0-reference) is a non-regional Azure AI service, meaning that your data isn't guaranteed to stay in the same region as your Azure AI Search or attached Azure AI services resource.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ドキュメント文脈の微調整"


この変更は、articles/search/cognitive-search-skill-text-translation.md のドキュメント内でのテキストの小さな修正です。元の文は、「あなたが期待する場合に便利です」という表現から「あなたが期待する場合に便利です」というより自然な言い回しに修正されました。この修正により、文章の流れが改善され、読みやすさが向上しています。全体で1行が追加され、1行が削除されたため、全体的な変更は2行となります。これらの変更は、ドキュメントの理解を助け、ユーザーにとっての情報の正確性を高めることを目的としています。


@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@ Suffix matching requires the regular expression forward slash `/` delimiters. Ge
 During query parsing, queries that are formulated as prefix, suffix, wildcard, or regular expressions are passed as-is to the query tree, bypassing [lexical analysis](search-lucene-query-architecture.md#stage-2-lexical-analysis). Matches will only be found if the index contains the strings in the format your query specifies. In most cases, you need an analyzer during indexing that preserves string integrity so that partial term and pattern matching succeeds. For more information, see [Partial term search in Azure AI Search queries](search-query-partial-matching.md).
-Consider a situation where you may want the search query `terminal*` to return results that contain terms such as `terminate`, `termination`, and `terminates`.
+Consider a situation where you might want the search query `terminal*` to return results that contain terms such as `terminate`, `termination`, and `terminates`.
 If you were to use the en.lucene (English Lucene) analyzer, it would apply aggressive stemming of each term. For example, `terminate`, `termination`, `terminates` will all be tokenized down to the token `termi` in your index. On the other side, terms in queries using wildcards or fuzzy search aren't analyzed at all, so there would be no results that would match the `terminat*` query.
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ Azure AI Search uses frequency-based scoring ([BM25](https://en.wikipedia.org/wi
 ## Special characters
-In some circumstances, you may want to search for a special character, like an '❤' emoji or the '€' sign. In such cases, make sure that the analyzer you use doesn't filter those characters out. The standard analyzer bypasses many special characters, excluding them from your index.
+In some circumstances, you might want to search for a special character, like an '❤' emoji or the '€' sign. In such cases, make sure that the analyzer you use doesn't filter those characters out. The standard analyzer bypasses many special characters, excluding them from your index.
 Analyzers that tokenize special characters include the whitespace analyzer, which takes into consideration any character sequences separated by whitespaces as tokens (so the `❤` string would be considered a token). Also, a language analyzer like the Microsoft English analyzer ("en.microsoft"), would take the "€" string as a token. You can [test an analyzer](/rest/api/searchservice/indexes/analyze) to see what tokens it generates for a given query.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ドキュメント内の用語の微調整"


この変更は、articles/search/query-lucene-syntax.md のドキュメントにおける表現の改善を目的としています。具体的には、文中の「あなたが期待する場合に便利です」から「あなたが期待する場合に便利です」へと、より自然な表現に修正されました。この修正により、文の流れが改善され、読み手にとっての理解が促進されることが期待されています。



@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ A connector in Power Apps is a data source connection. In this step, create a cu
     > [!TIP] 
-    > There is a character limit to the JSON response you can enter, so you may want to simplify the JSON before pasting it. The schema and format of the response is more important than the values themselves. For example, the Description field could be simplified to just the first sentence.
+    > There is a character limit to the JSON response you can enter, so you might want to simplify the JSON before pasting it. The schema and format of the response is more important than the values themselves. For example, the Description field could be simplified to just the first sentence.
 1. Select **Import** to add the default response.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "指示文の表現の微調整"


この変更は、articles/search/search-howto-powerapps.md のドキュメントにおける指示文の軽微な修正です。特に、実行に関連するアドバイスの表現が、「あなたが望むかもしれません」から「あなたが望むかもしれません」へと修正され、より自然な口語体になっています。この修正により、読み手に対する柔らかいトーンが強調され、より親しみやすい印象を与えることを意図しています。



@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Within the perimeter, all resources have mutual access at the network level. You
 For resources outside of the network security perimeter, you must specify inbound and outbound access rules. Inbound rules specify which connections to allow in, and outbound rules specify which requests are allowed out.
-A search service accepts inbound requests from apps like Azure AI Foundry, Azure OpenAI Studio, Azure Machine Learning prompt flow, and any app that sends indexing or query requests. A search service sends outbound requests during indexer-based indexing and skillset execution. This section explains how to set up inbound and outbound access rules for Azure AI Search scenarios.
+A search service accepts inbound requests from apps like Azure AI Foundry portal, Azure Machine Learning prompt flow, and any app that sends indexing or query requests. A search service sends outbound requests during indexer-based indexing and skillset execution. This section explains how to set up inbound and outbound access rules for Azure AI Search scenarios.
    > [!NOTE]
    > Any service associated with a network security perimeter implicitly allows inbound and outbound access to any other service associated with the same network security perimeter when that access is authenticated using [managed identities and role assignments](/entra/identity/managed-identities-azure-resources/overview). Access rules only need to be created when allowing access outside of the network security perimeter, or for access authenticated using API keys.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "アプリ名の修正"


この変更は、articles/search/search-security-network-security-perimeter.md のドキュメントにおけるアプリの名称の修正です。具体的には、「Azure AI Foundry」から「Azure AI Foundry ポータル」へと表現が明確化されました。この修正により、使用するアプリケーションが特定され、情報がよりわかりやすくなっています。

全体として、1行が追加され、1行が削除され、合計で2行の変更が行われています。この変更は、特にAzure AI Searchに関連するネットワークセキュリティの設定に関する情報の精度と明確さを向上させるためのものです。


@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ embedding_skill = AzureOpenAIEmbeddingSkill(
-    dimensions=1536,
+    dimensions=1024,
         InputFieldMappingEntry(name="text", source="/document/pages/*"),  


    "modification_type": "bug fix",
    "modification_title": "埋め込みモデルの次元数の修正"


この変更は、articles/search/tutorial-rag-build-solution-pipeline.md において、埋め込みスキルの設定に関連する誤りの修正です。具体的には、dimensions の値が1536から1024に修正されました。この修正により、埋め込みモデルに対して正しい次元数が指定され、モデルの動作が期待通りになることが意図されています。
