Diff Insight Report - misc

最終更新日: 2025-02-03


このポストは Microsoft 社の Azure 公式ドキュメント(CC BY 4.0 または MIT ライセンス) をもとに生成AIを用いて翻案・要約した派生作品です。 元の文書は MicrosoftDocs/azure-ai-docs にホストされています。

生成AIの性能には限界があり、誤訳や誤解釈が含まれる可能性があります。 本ポストはあくまで参考情報として用い、正確な情報は必ず元の文書を参照してください。


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# Highlights
このコードの差分には、カスタムテキスト分析サービスに関連する広範囲なドキュメント削除が目立ちます。また、新しく追加された機能に関しては、Serp APIに関連する接続キー画像が含まれており、特定のドキュメントの更新により、情報の再編成とユーザーエクスペリエンスの向上が図られています。

New features

  • Serp API接続キーに関連する新しい画像が追加されました。

Breaking changes

  • カスタムテキスト分析及びカスタム感情分析に関連する多くのドキュメントが削除され、これにはデータフォーマット、API呼び出し、プロジェクト作成、モデルデプロイに関する詳細な手順が含まれます。
  • Serp APIカスタム接続キーの画像が削除され、ユーザー向けの視覚的情報が失われました。

Other updates

  • 一部のドキュメントの更新日が最新のものに変更されました。
  • トピック的な情報整理が行われ、より簡潔な内容提供が試みられています。


今回の変更では、削除されたカスタムテキスト分析およびカスタム感情分析に関するドキュメントの多くが、Azure AIプラットフォームの利便性を大きく支えていたと考えられます。これらの削除は、Azureの機能が進化し、それに伴う技術的要件やサービス提供方法の変更を示唆しているかもしれません。




Summary Table

Filename Type Title Status A D M
model-lifecycle.md minor update モデルライフサイクルの更新日付の変更 modified 1 1 2
quickstart.md minor update クイックスタートの更新日付の変更 modified 1 1 2
data-formats.md breaking change データフォーマットに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 168 168
entity-components.md breaking change エンティティコンポーネントに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 106 106
evaluation-metrics.md breaking change 評価指標に関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 152 152
call-api.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析API呼び出しに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 57 57
create-project.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクト作成に関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 117 117
deploy-model.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析モデルのデプロイに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 105 105
design-schema.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトのためのデータ準備とスキーマ設計に関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 109 109
fail-over.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析モデルのバックアップとリカバリに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 140 140
label-data.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析モデル用のデータラベリングに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 109 109
train-model.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析モデルのトレーニングに関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 82 82
view-model-evaluation.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析モデルの評価に関するドキュメントの削除 removed 0 75 75
get-keys-endpoint-azure.md breaking change Azureのキーとエンドポイント取得に関する情報の削除 removed 0 15 15
cancel-training.md breaking change Language Studioでのトレーニングキャンセル方法に関する情報の削除 removed 0 11 11
create-project.md breaking change Language Studioでのプロジェクト作成に関する情報の削除 removed 0 39 39
delete-deployment.md breaking change Language Studioでのデプロイメント削除方法に関する情報の削除 removed 0 12 12
delete-project.md breaking change Language Studioでのプロジェクト削除に関する情報の削除 removed 0 15 15
deploy-model.md breaking change Language Studioでのモデルデプロイに関する情報の削除 removed 0 28 28
import-project.md breaking change Language Studioでのプロジェクトインポートに関する情報の削除 removed 0 44 44
swap-deployment.md breaking change Language Studioでのデプロイメントのスワップに関する情報の削除 removed 0 16 16
test-model.md breaking change Language Studioでのモデルテストに関する情報の削除 removed 0 26 26
train-model.md breaking change Language Studioでのモデルトレーニングに関する情報の削除 removed 0 30 30
blob-storage-upload.md breaking change Blobストレージへのアップロードに関するクイックスタート情報の削除 removed 0 29 29
language-studio.md breaking change Language Studioに関するクイックスタート情報の削除 removed 0 81 81
rest-api.md breaking change REST APIに関するクイックスタート情報の削除 removed 0 128 128
resource-creation-azure-portal.md breaking change Azureポータルからのリソース作成に関する情報の削除 removed 0 39 39
cancel-training.md breaking change トレーニング取消に関するREST API情報の削除 removed 0 35 35
create-project.md breaking change カスタムプロジェクト作成に関するREST API情報の削除 removed 0 72 72
delete-deployment.md breaking change デプロイメント削除に関するREST API情報の削除 removed 0 36 36
delete-project.md breaking change プロジェクト削除に関するREST API情報の削除 removed 0 31 31
deploy-model.md breaking change モデルデプロイメントのAPI情報の削除 removed 0 52 52
export-project.md breaking change プロジェクト輸出に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 51 51
get-deployment-status.md breaking change デプロイメントステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 46 46
get-export-status.md breaking change プロジェクトエクスポートステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 64 64
get-import-status.md breaking change プロジェクトインポートステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 31 31
get-project-details.md breaking change プロジェクト詳細取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 45 45
get-results.md breaking change カスタムエンティティ認識タスクの結果取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 289 289
get-training-status.md breaking change モデルのトレーニング進行状況取得に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 60 60
import-project.md breaking change ラベルファイルのインポートに関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 185 185
model-evaluation.md breaking change トレーニング済みモデルの評価に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 133 133
project-details.md breaking change プロジェクト詳細に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 57 57
submit-task.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析タスクの送信に関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 86 86
swap-deployment.md breaking change デプロイメントのスワップに関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 54 54
train-model.md breaking change モデルのトレーニングに関するAPI情報の削除 removed 0 66 66
use-pre-existing-resource.md breaking change 既存のリソースを使用する方法に関する情報の削除 removed 0 65 65
language-support.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析の言語サポートに関する情報の削除 removed 0 45 45
add-deployment.png breaking change デプロイメント画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
connect-storage.png breaking change ストレージ接続画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
create-project.png breaking change プロジェクト作成画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
deploy-model.png breaking change モデル展開画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
development-lifecycle.png breaking change 開発ライフサイクル画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
file-upload-screen.png breaking change ファイルアップロード画面画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
learned-component.png breaking change 学習コンポーネント画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
list-component.png breaking change リストコンポーネント画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
prebuilt-component.png breaking change プリビルトコンポーネント画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
resource-sharing.png breaking change リソース共有画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
select-custom-feature-azure-portal.png breaking change Azureポータルでのカスタム機能選択画像の削除 removed 0 0 0
separated-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg breaking change 分離オーバーラップ例1パート2のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 22 22
separated-overlap-example-1.svg breaking change 分離オーバーラップ例1のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 14 14
storage-screen.png breaking change ストレージスクリーンのPNGファイルの削除 removed 0 0 0
tag-options.png breaking change タグオプションのPNGファイルの削除 removed 0 0 0
test-model-results.png breaking change テストモデル結果のPNGファイルの削除 removed 0 0 0
train-model.png breaking change モデル訓練のPNGファイルの削除 removed 0 0 0
union-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg breaking change 重複領域の例のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 10 10
union-overlap-example-1.svg breaking change 重複領域の例のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 13 13
union-overlap-example-2-part-2.svg breaking change 重複領域の例のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 10 10
union-overlap-example-2.svg breaking change 重複領域の例のSVGファイルの削除 removed 0 14 14
overview.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析の概要文書の削除 removed 0 79 79
quickstart.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析のクイックスタート文書の削除 removed 0 50 50
glossary.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析の用語集文書の削除 removed 0 69 69
service-limits.md breaking change カスタムテキスト分析のサービス制限に関する文書の削除 removed 0 93 93
index.yml minor update カスタムテキスト分析の概要に関する項目の削除 modified 0 3 3
overview.md minor update 健康に関するカスタムテキスト分析の情報の削除 modified 0 12 12
data-formats.md breaking change カスタム感情分析データフォーマットに関する文書の削除 removed 0 103 103
call-api.md breaking change カスタム感情分析API呼び出しに関する文書の削除 removed 0 56 56
create-project.md breaking change カスタム感情分析プロジェクト作成に関する文書の削除 removed 0 117 117
deploy-model.md breaking change カスタム感情分析モデルのデプロイに関する文書の削除 removed 0 104 104
design-schema.md breaking change カスタム感情分析スキーマの定義に関する文書の削除 removed 0 51 51
label-data.md breaking change カスタム感情分析のためのデータラベリングに関する文書の削除 removed 0 75 75
train-model.md breaking change カスタム感情分析モデルの訓練に関する文書の削除 removed 0 86 86
quickstart.md breaking change カスタム感情分析のクイックスタート文書の削除 removed 0 45 45
overview.md minor update 感情分析と意見マイニングの概要文書の更新 modified 6 44 50
toc.yml minor update 感情分析および意見マイニングのTOCの更新 modified 58 158 216
prompt-flow.md minor update プロンプトフローに関するチュートリアルの日付の更新 modified 1 1 2
serp-api-tool.md minor update Serp APIツールに関するドキュメントの更新 modified 7 10 17
serp-api-tool.png minor update Serp APIツールの画像に関する変更 modified 0 0 0
serp-connection-keys.png new feature Serp API接続キーの画像が追加されました added 0 0 0
serp-custom-connection-keys.png breaking change Serp APIカスタム接続キーの画像が削除されました removed 0 0 0

Modified Contents


@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ author: jboback
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-language
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 01/16/2024
+ms.date: 01/31/2025
 ms.author: jboback


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "モデルライフサイクルの更新日付の変更"




@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ author: jboback
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-language
 ms.topic: quickstart
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
+ms.date: 01/31/2025
 ms.author: jboback
 ms.custom: language-service-custom-ner, mode-other
 zone_pivot_groups: usage-custom-language-features


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "クイックスタートの更新日付の変更"




@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom Text Analytics for health data formats
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the data formats accepted by custom text analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Accepted data formats in custom text analytics for health
-Use this article to learn about formatting your data to be imported into custom text analytics for health.
-If you are trying to [import your data](../how-to/create-project.md#import-project) into custom Text Analytics for health, it has to follow a specific format. If you don't have data to import, you can [create your project](../how-to/create-project.md) and use the Language Studio to [label your documents](../how-to/label-data.md).
-Your Labels file should be in the `json` format below to be used when importing your labels into a project.
-	"projectFileVersion": "{API-VERSION}",
-	"stringIndexType": "Utf16CodeUnit",
-	"metadata": {
-		"projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-		"projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-		"description": "Trying out custom Text Analytics for health",
-		"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-		"multilingual": true,
-		"storageInputContainerName": "{CONTAINER-NAME}",
-		"settings": {}
-	},
-	"assets": {
-		"projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-		"entities": [
-			{
-				"category": "Entity1",
-				"compositionSetting": "{COMPOSITION-SETTING}",
-				"list": {
-					"sublists": [
-						{
-							"listKey": "One",
-							"synonyms": [
-								{
-									"language": "en",
-									"values": [
-										"EntityNumberOne",
-										"FirstEntity"
-									]
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-			},
-			{
-				"category": "Entity2"
-			},
-			{
-				"category": "MedicationName",
-				"list": {
-					"sublists": [
-						{
-							"listKey": "research drugs",
-							"synonyms": [
-								{
-									"language": "en",
-									"values": [
-										"rdrug a",
-										"rdrug b"
-									]
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-				"prebuilts": "MedicationName"
-			}
-		],
-		"documents": [
-			{
-				"location": "{DOCUMENT-NAME}",
-				"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-				"dataset": "{DATASET}",
-				"entities": [
-					{
-						"regionOffset": 0,
-						"regionLength": 500,
-						"labels": [
-							{
-								"category": "Entity1",
-								"offset": 25,
-								"length": 10
-							},
-							{
-								"category": "Entity2",
-								"offset": 120,
-								"length": 8
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			{
-				"location": "{DOCUMENT-NAME}",
-				"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-				"dataset": "{DATASET}",
-				"entities": [
-					{
-						"regionOffset": 0,
-						"regionLength": 100,
-						"labels": [
-							{
-								"category": "Entity2",
-								"offset": 20,
-								"length": 5
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			}
-		]
-	}
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| `multilingual` | `true`| A boolean value that enables you to have documents in multiple languages in your dataset and when your model is deployed you can query the model in any supported language (not necessarily included in your training documents). See [language support](../language-support.md#) to learn more about multilingual support. | `true`|
-|`projectName`|`{PROJECT-NAME}`|Project name|`myproject`|
-| `storageInputContainerName` |`{CONTAINER-NAME}`|Container name|`mycontainer`|
-| `entities` | | Array containing all the entity types you have in the project. These are the entity types that will be extracted from your documents into.|  |
-| `category` | | The name of the entity type, which can be user defined for new entity definitions, or predefined for prebuilt entities. For more information, see the entity naming rules below.|  |
-|`compositionSetting`|`{COMPOSITION-SETTING}`|Rule that defines how to manage multiple components in your entity. Options are `combineComponents` or `separateComponents`. |`combineComponents`|
-| `list` | | Array containing all the sublists you have in the project for a specific entity. Lists can be added to prebuilt entities or new entities with learned components.|  |
-|`sublists`|`[]`|Array containing sublists. Each sublist is a key and its associated values.|`[]`|
-| `listKey`| `One` | A normalized value for the list of synonyms to map back to in prediction. | `One` |
-|`synonyms`|`[]`|Array containing all the synonyms|synonym|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the synonym in your sublist. If your project is a multilingual project and you want to support your list of synonyms for all the languages in your project, you have to explicitly add your synonyms to each language. See [Language support](../language-support.md) for more information about supported language codes. |`en`|
-| `values`| `"EntityNumberone"`, `"FirstEntity"`  | A list of comma separated strings that will be matched exactly for extraction and map to the list key. | `"EntityNumberone"`, `"FirstEntity"` |
-| `prebuilts` | `MedicationName` | The name of the prebuilt component populating the prebuilt entity. [Prebuilt entities](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are automatically loaded into your project by default but you can extend them with list components in your labels file.  | `MedicationName` |
-| `documents` | | Array containing all the documents in your project and list of the entities labeled within each document. | [] |
-| `location` | `{DOCUMENT-NAME}` |  The location of the documents in the storage container. Since all the documents are in the root of the container this should be the document name.|`doc1.txt`|
-| `dataset` | `{DATASET}` |  The test set to which this file goes to when split before training. Learn more about data splitting [here](../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting). Possible values for this field are `Train` and `Test`.      |`Train`|
-| `regionOffset` |  |  The inclusive character position of the start of the text.      |`0`|
-| `regionLength` |  |  The length of the bounding box in terms of UTF16 characters. Training only considers the data in this region.      |`500`|
-| `category` |  |  The type of entity associated with the span of text specified. | `Entity1`|
-| `offset` |  |  The start position for the entity text. | `25`|
-| `length` |  |  The length of the entity in terms of UTF16 characters. | `20`|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the document used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the documents. See [Language support](../language-support.md) for more information about supported language codes. |`en`|
-## Entity naming rules
-1. [Prebuilt entity names](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are predefined. They must be populated with a prebuilt component and it must match the entity name.
-2. New user defined entities (entities with learned components or labeled text) can't use prebuilt entity names.
-3. New user defined entities can't be populated with prebuilt components as prebuilt components must match their associated entities names and have no labeled data assigned to them in the documents array.
-## Next steps
-* You can import your labeled data into your project directly. Learn how to [import project](../how-to/create-project.md#import-project)
-* See the [how-to article](../how-to/label-data.md)  more information about labeling your data. 
-* When you're done labeling your data, you can [train your model](../how-to/train-model.md).  


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "データフォーマットに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-title: Entity components in custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn how custom Text Analytics for health extracts entities from text
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Entity components in custom text analytics for health
-In custom Text Analytics for health, entities are relevant pieces of information that are extracted from your unstructured input text. An entity can be extracted by different methods. They can be learned through context, matched from a list, or detected by a prebuilt recognized entity. Every entity in your project is composed of one or more of these methods, which are defined as your entity's components. When an entity is defined by more than one component, their predictions can overlap. You can determine the behavior of an entity prediction when its components overlap by using a fixed set of options in the **Entity options**.
-## Component types
-An entity component determines a way you can extract the entity. An entity can contain one component, which would determine the only method that would be used to extract the entity, or multiple components to expand the ways in which the entity is defined and extracted. 
-The [Text Analytics for health entities](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are automatically loaded into your project as entities with prebuilt components. You can define list components for entities with prebuilt components but you can't add learned components. Similarly, you can create new entities with learned and list components, but you can't populate them with additional prebuilt components.
-### Learned component
-The learned component uses the entity tags you label your text with to train a machine learned model. The model learns to predict where the entity is, based on the context within the text. Your labels provide examples of where the entity is expected to be present in text, based on the meaning of the words around it and as the words that were labeled. This component is only defined if you add labels to your data for the entity. If you do not label any data, it will not have a learned component.
-The Text Analytics for health entities, which by default have prebuilt components can't be extended with learned components, meaning they do not require or accept further labeling to function.
-:::image type="content" source="../media/learned-component.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing an example of learned components for entities." lightbox="../media/learned-component.png":::
-### List component
-The list component represents a fixed, closed set of related words along with their synonyms. The component performs an exact text match against the list of values you provide as synonyms. Each synonym belongs to a "list key", which can be used as the normalized, standard value for the synonym that will return in the output if the list component is matched. List keys are **not** used for matching.
-In multilingual projects, you can specify a different set of synonyms for each language. While using the prediction API, you can specify the language in the input request, which will only match the synonyms associated to that language.
-:::image type="content" source="../media/list-component.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing an example of list components for entities." lightbox="../media/list-component.png":::
-### Prebuilt component
-The [Text Analytics for health entities](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are automatically loaded into your project as entities with prebuilt components. You can define list components for entities with prebuilt components but you cannot add learned components. Similarly, you can create new entities with learned and list components, but you cannot populate them with additional prebuilt components. Entities with prebuilt components are pretrained and can extract information relating to their categories without any labels.
-:::image type="content" source="../media/prebuilt-component.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing an example of prebuilt components for entities." lightbox="../media/prebuilt-component.png":::
-## Entity options
-When multiple components are defined for an entity, their predictions may overlap. When an overlap occurs, each entity's final prediction is determined by one of the following options.
-### Combine components
-Combine components as one entity when they overlap by taking the union of all the components.
-Use this to combine all components when they overlap. When components are combined, you get all the extra information that’s tied to a list or prebuilt component when they are present.
-#### Example
-Suppose you have an entity called Software that has a list component, which contains “Proseware OS” as an entry. In your input data, you have “I want to buy Proseware OS 9” with “Proseware OS 9” tagged as Software:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/union-overlap-example-1.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing a learned and list entity overlapped." lightbox="../media/union-overlap-example-1.svg":::
-By using combine components, the entity will return with the full context as “Proseware OS 9” along with the key from the list component:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/union-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing the result of a combined component." lightbox="../media/union-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg":::
-Suppose you had the same utterance but only “OS 9” was predicted by the learned component:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/union-overlap-example-2.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing an utterance with O S 9 predicted by the learned component." lightbox="../media/union-overlap-example-2.svg":::
-With combine components, the entity will still return as “Proseware OS 9” with the key from the list component:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/union-overlap-example-2-part-2.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing the returned software entity." lightbox="../media/union-overlap-example-2-part-2.svg":::
-### Don't combine components
-Each overlapping component will return as a separate instance of the entity. Apply your own logic after prediction with this option.
-#### Example
-Suppose you have an entity called Software that has a list component, which contains “Proseware Desktop” as an entry. In your labeled data, you have “I want to buy Proseware Desktop Pro” with “Proseware Desktop Pro” labeled as Software:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/separated-overlap-example-1.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing an example of a learned and list entity overlapped." lightbox="../media/separated-overlap-example-1.svg":::
-When you do not combine components, the entity will return twice:
-:::image type="content" source="../media/separated-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg" alt-text="A screenshot showing the entity returned twice." lightbox="../media/separated-overlap-example-1-part-2.svg":::
-## How to use components and options
-Components give you the flexibility to define your entity in more than one way. When you combine components, you make sure that each component is represented and you reduce the number of entities returned in your predictions. 
-A common practice is to extend a prebuilt component with a list of values that the prebuilt might not support. For example, if you have a **Medication Name** entity, which has a `Medication.Name` prebuilt component added to it, the entity may not predict all the medication names specific to your domain. You can use a list component to extend the values of the Medication Name entity and thereby extending the prebuilt with your own values of Medication Names.
-Other times you may be interested in extracting an entity through context such as a **medical device**. You would label for the learned component of the medical device to learn _where_ a medical device is based on its position within the sentence. You may also have a list of medical devices that you already know before hand that you'd like to always extract. Combining both components in one entity allows you to get both options for the entity.
-When you do not combine components, you allow every component to act as an independent entity extractor. One way of using this option is to separate the entities extracted from a list to the ones extracted through the learned or prebuilt components to handle and treat them differently.
-## Next steps
-* [Entities with prebuilt components](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "エンティティコンポーネントに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,152 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom text analytics for health evaluation metrics
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about evaluation metrics in custom Text Analytics for health
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual 
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Evaluation metrics for custom Text Analytics for health models
-Your [dataset is split](../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting) into two parts: a set for training, and a set for testing. The training set is used to train the model, while the testing set is used as a test for model after training to calculate the model performance and evaluation. The testing set is not introduced to the model through the training process, to make sure that the model is tested on new data.
-Model evaluation is triggered automatically after training is completed successfully. The evaluation process starts by using the trained model to predict user defined entities for documents in the test set, and compares them with the provided data labels (which establishes a baseline of truth). The results are returned so you can review the model’s performance. User defined entities are **included** in the evaluation factoring in Learned and List components; Text Analytics for health prebuilt entities are **not** factored in the model evaluation. For evaluation, custom Text Analytics for health uses the following metrics:
-* **Precision**: Measures how precise/accurate your model is. It is the ratio between the correctly identified positives (true positives) and all identified positives. The precision metric reveals how many of the predicted entities are correctly labeled. 
-    `Precision = #True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Positive)`
-* **Recall**: Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive classes. It is the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually tagged. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted entities are correct.
-    `Recall = #True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Negatives)`
-* **F1 score**: The F1 score is a function of Precision and Recall. It's needed when you seek a balance between Precision and Recall.
-    `F1 Score = 2 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)` <br> 
-> Precision, recall and F1 score are calculated for each entity separately (*entity-level* evaluation) and for the model collectively (*model-level* evaluation).
-## Model-level and entity-level evaluation metrics
-Precision, recall, and F1 score are calculated for each entity separately (entity-level evaluation) and for the model collectively (model-level evaluation).
-The definitions of precision, recall, and evaluation are the same for both entity-level and model-level evaluations. However, the counts for *True Positives*, *False Positives*, and *False Negatives* differ can differ. For example, consider the following text.
-### Example
-*The first party of this contract is John Smith, resident of 5678 Main Rd., City of Frederick, state of Nebraska. And the second party is Forrest Ray, resident of 123-345 Integer Rd., City of Corona, state of New Mexico. There is also Fannie Thomas resident of 7890 River Road, city of Colorado Springs, State of Colorado.*
-The model extracting entities from this text could have the following predictions:
-| Entity | Predicted as | Actual type |
-| John Smith | Person | Person |
-| Frederick | Person | City |
-| Forrest | City | Person |
-| Fannie Thomas | Person | Person |
-| Colorado Springs | City | City |
-### Entity-level evaluation for the *person* entity 
-The model would have the following entity-level evaluation, for the *person* entity:
-| Key | Count | Explanation |
-| True Positive | 2 | *John Smith* and *Fannie Thomas* were correctly predicted as *person*. |
-| False Positive | 1 | *Frederick* was incorrectly predicted as *person* while it should have been *city*. |
-| False Negative | 1 | *Forrest* was incorrectly predicted as *city* while it should have been *person*. |
-* **Precision**: `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Positive)` = `2 / (2 + 1) = 0.67`
-* **Recall**: `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Negatives)` = `2 / (2 + 1) = 0.67`
-* **F1 Score**: `2 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)` = `(2 * 0.67 * 0.67) / (0.67 + 0.67) = 0.67`
-### Entity-level evaluation for the *city* entity
-The model would have the following entity-level evaluation, for the *city* entity:
-| Key | Count | Explanation |
-| True Positive | 1 | *Colorado Springs* was correctly predicted as *city*. |
-| False Positive | 1 | *Forrest* was incorrectly predicted as *city* while it should have been *person*. |
-| False Negative | 1 | *Frederick* was incorrectly predicted as *person* while it should have been *city*. |
-* **Precision** = `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Positive)` = `1 / (1 + 1) = 0.5`
-* **Recall** = `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Negatives)` = `1 / (1 + 1) = 0.5`
-* **F1 Score** = `2 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)` =  `(2 * 0.5 * 0.5) / (0.5 + 0.5) = 0.5`
-### Model-level evaluation for the collective model
-The model would have the following evaluation for the model in its entirety:
-| Key | Count | Explanation |
-| True Positive | 3 | *John Smith* and *Fannie Thomas* were correctly predicted as *person*. *Colorado Springs* was correctly predicted as *city*. This is the sum of true positives for all entities. |
-| False Positive | 2 | *Forrest* was incorrectly predicted as *city* while it should have been *person*. *Frederick* was incorrectly predicted as *person* while it should have been *city*. This is the sum of false positives for all entities. |
-| False Negative | 2 | *Forrest* was incorrectly predicted as *city* while it should have been *person*. *Frederick* was incorrectly predicted as *person* while it should have been *city*. This is the sum of false negatives for all entities. |
-* **Precision** = `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Positive)` = `3 / (3 + 2) = 0.6`
-* **Recall** = `#True_Positive / (#True_Positive + #False_Negatives)` = `3 / (3 + 2) = 0.6`
-* **F1 Score** = `2 * Precision * Recall / (Precision + Recall)` =  `(2 * 0.6 * 0.6) / (0.6 + 0.6) = 0.6`
-## Interpreting entity-level evaluation metrics
-So what does it actually mean to have high precision or high recall for a certain entity?
-| Recall | Precision | Interpretation |
-| High | High | This entity is handled well by the model. |
-| Low | High | The model cannot always extract this entity, but when it does it is with high confidence. |
-| High | Low | The model extracts this entity well, however it is with low confidence as it is sometimes extracted as another type. |
-| Low | Low | This entity type is poorly handled by the model, because it is not usually extracted. When it is, it is not with high confidence. |
-## Guidance
-After you trained your model, you will see some guidance and recommendation on how to improve the model. It's recommended to have a model covering all points in the guidance section.
-* Training set has enough data: When an entity type has fewer than 15 labeled instances in the training data, it can lead to lower accuracy due to the model not being adequately trained on these cases. In this case, consider adding more labeled data in the training set. You can check the *data distribution* tab for more guidance.
-* All entity types are present in test set: When the testing data lacks labeled instances for an entity type, the model’s test performance may become less comprehensive due to untested scenarios. You can check the *test set data distribution* tab for more guidance.
-* Entity types are balanced within training and test sets: When sampling bias causes an inaccurate representation of an entity type’s frequency, it can lead to lower accuracy due to the model expecting that entity type to occur too often or too little. You can check the *data distribution* tab for more guidance.
-* Entity types are evenly distributed between training and test sets: When the mix of entity types doesn’t match between training and test sets, it can lead to lower testing accuracy due to the model being trained differently from how it’s being tested. You can check the *data distribution* tab for more guidance.
-* Unclear distinction between entity types in training set: When the training data is similar for multiple entity types, it can lead to lower accuracy because the entity types may be frequently misclassified as each other. Review the following entity types and consider merging them if they’re similar. Otherwise, add more examples to better distinguish them from each other. You can check the *confusion matrix* tab for more guidance.
-## Confusion matrix
-A Confusion matrix is an N x N matrix used for model performance evaluation, where N is the number of entities.
-The matrix compares the expected labels with the ones predicted by the model.
-This gives a holistic view of how well the model is performing and what kinds of errors it is making.
-You can use the Confusion matrix to identify entities that are too close to each other and often get mistaken (ambiguity). In this case consider merging these entity types together. If that isn't possible, consider adding more tagged examples of both entities to help the model differentiate between them.
-The highlighted diagonal in the image below is the correctly predicted entities, where the predicted tag is the same as the actual tag.
-:::image type="content" source="../../media/custom/confusion.png" alt-text="A screenshot that shows an example confusion matrix." lightbox="../../media/custom/confusion.png":::
-You can calculate the entity-level and model-level evaluation metrics from the confusion matrix:
-* The values in the diagonal are the *True Positive* values of each entity.
-* The sum of the values in the entity rows (excluding the diagonal) is the *false positive* of the model.
-* The sum of the values in the entity columns (excluding the diagonal) is the *false Negative* of the model.
-* The *true positive* of the model is the sum of *true Positives* for all entities.
-* The *false positive* of the model is the sum of *false positives* for all entities.
-* The *false Negative* of the model is the sum of *false negatives* for all entities. 
-## Next steps
-* [Custom text analytics for health overview](../overview.md)
-* [View a model's performance in Language Studio](../how-to/view-model-evaluation.md)
-* [Train a model](../how-to/train-model.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "評価指標に関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-title: Send a custom Text Analytics for health request to your custom model
-description: Learn how to send a request for custom text analytics for health.
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.devlang: http
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Send queries to your custom Text Analytics for health model
-After the deployment is added successfully, you can query the deployment to extract entities from your text based on the model you assigned to the deployment.
-You can query the deployment programmatically using the [Prediction API](/rest/api/language/text-analysis-runtime/analyze-text). 
-## Test deployed model
-You can use Language Studio to submit the custom Text Analytics for health task and visualize the results. 
-[!INCLUDE [Test model](../../includes/custom/language-studio/test-model.md)]
-:::image type="content" source="../media/test-model-results.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the deployment testing screen in Language Studio for Custom text analytics of health." lightbox="../media/test-model-results.png":::
-## Send a custom text analytics for health request to your model
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Get prediction URL](../../includes/custom/language-studio/get-prediction-url.md)]
-# [REST API](#tab/rest-api)
-First you will need to get your resource key and endpoint:
-[!INCLUDE [Get keys and endpoint Azure Portal](../../includes/key-endpoint-page-azure-portal.md)]
-### Submit a custom Text Analytics for health task
-[!INCLUDE [submit a custom Text Analytics for health task using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/submit-task.md)]
-### Get task results
-[!INCLUDE [get custom Text Analytics for health task results](../includes/rest-api/get-results.md)]
-## Next steps
-* [Custom text analytics for health](../overview.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析API呼び出しに関するドキュメントの削除"


この変更では、call-api.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、カスタムテキスト分析モデルに対してリクエストを送信する方法を説明しており、モデルのデプロイ後にエンティティを抽出するための手順やAPIの使用法について述べていました。具体的には、Language Studioを使用したモデルのテスト方法、REST APIを介してリクエストを送信する方法、リソースキーとエンドポイントの取得手順などが説明されていました。この重要な情報の削除により、ユーザーはカスタムテキスト分析APIを適切に呼び出す方法を学ぶ機会を失うことになります。変更内容の詳細はGitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-title: Using Azure resources in custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the steps for using Azure resources with custom text analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h, references_regions
-# How to create custom Text Analytics for health project
-Use this article to learn how to set up the requirements for starting with custom text analytics for health and create a project.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you start using custom text analytics for health, you need:
-* An Azure subscription - [Create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/cognitive-services).
-## Create a Language resource 
-Before you start using custom text analytics for health, you'll need an Azure AI Language resource. It's recommended to create your Language resource and connect a storage account to it in the Azure portal. Creating a resource in the Azure portal lets you create an Azure storage account at the same time, with all of the required permissions preconfigured. You can also read further in the article to learn how to use a pre-existing resource, and configure it to work with custom text analytics for health.
-You also will need an Azure storage account where you will upload your `.txt` documents that will be used to train a model to extract entities.
-> [!NOTE]
->  * You need to have an **owner** role assigned on the resource group to create a Language resource.
->  * If you will connect a pre-existing storage account, you should have an owner role assigned to it.
-## Create Language resource and connect storage account
-You can create a resource in the following ways:
-* The Azure portal
-* Language Studio
-* PowerShell
-> [!Note]
-> You shouldn't move the storage account to a different resource group or subscription once it's linked with the Language resource.
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from the Azure portal](../../includes/custom/resource-creation-azure-portal.md)]
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from Language Studio](../../includes/custom/resource-creation-language-studio.md)]
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource with Azure PowerShell](../../includes/custom/resource-creation-powershell.md)]
-> [!NOTE]
-> * The process of connecting a storage account to your Language resource is irreversible, it cannot be disconnected later.
-> * You can only connect your language resource to one storage account.
-## Using a pre-existing Language resource
-[!INCLUDE [use an existing resource](../includes/use-pre-existing-resource.md)]
-## Create a custom Text Analytics for health project
-Once your resource and storage container are configured, create a new custom text analytics for health project. A project is a work area for building your custom AI models based on your data. Your project can only be accessed by you and others who have access to the Azure resource being used. If you have labeled data, you can use it to get started by [importing a project](#import-project).
-### [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio project creation](../includes/language-studio/create-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [REST APIs project creation](../includes/rest-api/create-project.md)]
-## Import project
-If you have already labeled data, you can use it to get started with the service. Make sure that your labeled data follows the [accepted data formats](../concepts/data-formats.md).
-### [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Import project](../includes/language-studio/import-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Import project](../includes/rest-api/import-project.md)]
-## Get project details
-### [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio project details](../../includes/custom/project-details.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [REST APIs project details](../includes/rest-api/project-details.md)]
-## Delete project
-### [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using Language studio](../includes/language-studio/delete-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/delete-project.md)]
-## Next steps
-* You should have an idea of the [project schema](design-schema.md) you will use to label your data.
-* After you define your schema, you can start [labeling your data](label-data.md), which will be used for model training, evaluation, and finally making predictions.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクト作成に関するドキュメントの削除"


この変更では、create-project.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトを作成するための手順や要件について説明していました。具体的には、Azureのリソースの作成、ストレージアカウントの接続方法、プロジェクトのインポートや削除の方法、さらにはREST APIやLanguage Studioを使用したプロジェクトの管理に関する情報が含まれていました。これらの詳細な手順の削除により、ユーザーはカスタムテキスト分析のプロジェクトを設定する際に必要な情報を失い、作業が複雑になる可能性があります。変更の詳細はGitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-title: Deploy a custom Text Analytics for health model
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about deploying a model for custom Text Analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Deploy a custom text analytics for health model
-Once you're satisfied with how your model performs, it's ready to be deployed and used to recognize entities in text. Deploying a model makes it available for use through the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-## Prerequisites
-* A successfully [created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure storage account.
-* Text data that has [been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-* [Labeled data](label-data.md) and a successfully [trained model](train-model.md).
-* Reviewed the [model evaluation details](view-model-evaluation.md) to determine how your model is performing.
-For more information, see [project development lifecycle](../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle).
-## Deploy model
-After you've reviewed your model's performance and decided it can be used in your environment, you need to assign it to a deployment. Assigning the model to a deployment makes it available for use through the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger). It is recommended to create a deployment named *production* to which you assign the best model you have built so far and use it in your system. You can create another deployment called *staging* to which you can assign the model you're currently working on to be able to test it. You can have a maximum of 10 deployments in your project. 
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Deploy a model using Language Studio](../includes/language-studio/deploy-model.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-### Submit deployment job
-[!INCLUDE [deploy model](../includes/rest-api/deploy-model.md)]
-### Get deployment job status
-[!INCLUDE [get deployment status](../includes/rest-api/get-deployment-status.md)]
-## Swap deployments
-After you are done testing a model assigned to one deployment and you want to assign this model to another deployment you can swap these two deployments. Swapping deployments involves taking the model assigned to the first deployment, and assigning it to the second deployment. Then taking the model assigned to second deployment, and assigning it to the first deployment. You can use this process to swap your *production* and *staging* deployments when you want to take the model assigned to *staging* and assign it to *production*. 
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Swap deployments](../includes/language-studio/swap-deployment.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Swap deployments](../includes/rest-api/swap-deployment.md)]
-## Delete deployment
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete deployment](../includes/language-studio/delete-deployment.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete deployment](../includes/rest-api/delete-deployment.md)]
-## Assign deployment resources
-You can [deploy your project to multiple regions](../../concepts/custom-features/multi-region-deployment.md) by assigning different Language resources that exist in different regions.
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Assign resource](../../conversational-language-understanding/includes/language-studio/assign-resources.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Assign resource](../../custom-text-classification/includes/rest-api/assign-resources.md)]
-## Unassign deployment resources
-When unassigning or removing a deployment resource from a project, you will also delete all the deployments that have been deployed to that resource's region.
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Unassign resource](../../conversational-language-understanding/includes/language-studio/unassign-resources.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Unassign resource](../../custom-text-classification/includes/rest-api/unassign-resources.md)]
-## Next steps
-After you have a deployment, you can use it to [extract entities](call-api.md) from text.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析モデルのデプロイに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-title: Preparing data and designing a schema for custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about how to select and prepare data, to be successful in creating custom TA4H projects.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# How to prepare data and define a schema for custom Text Analytics for health
-In order to create a custom TA4H model, you will need quality data to train it. This article covers how you should select and prepare your data, along with defining a schema. Defining the schema is the first step in [project development lifecycle](../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle), and it entailing defining the entity types or categories that you need your model to extract from the text at runtime.
-## Schema design
-Custom Text Analytics for health allows you to extend and customize the Text Analytics for health entity map. The first step of the process is building your schema, which allows you to define the new entity types or categories that you need your model to extract from text in addition to the Text Analytics for health existing entities at runtime.  
-* Review documents in your dataset to be familiar with their format and structure.
-* Identify the entities you want to extract from the data.
-    For example, if you are extracting entities from support emails, you might need to extract "Customer name", "Product name", "Request date", and "Contact information".
-* Avoid entity types ambiguity.
-    **Ambiguity** happens when entity types you select are similar to each other. The more ambiguous your schema the more labeled data you will need to differentiate between different entity types.
-    For example, if you are extracting data from a legal contract, to extract "Name of first party" and "Name of second party" you will need to add more examples to overcome ambiguity since the names of both parties look similar. Avoid ambiguity as it saves time, effort, and yields better results.
-* Avoid complex entities. Complex entities can be difficult to pick out precisely from text, consider breaking it down into multiple entities.
-    For example, extracting "Address" would be challenging if it's not broken down to smaller entities. There are so many variations of how addresses appear, it would take large number of labeled entities to teach the model to extract an address, as a whole, without breaking it down. However, if you replace "Address" with "Street Name", "PO Box", "City", "State" and "Zip", the model will require fewer labels per entity.
-## Add entities
-To add entities to your project:
-1. Move to **Entities** pivot from the top of the page.
-2. [Text Analytics for health entities](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are automatically loaded into your project. To add additional entity categories, select **Add** from the top menu. You will be prompted to type in a name before completing creating the entity.
-3. After creating an entity, you'll be routed to the entity details page where you can define the composition settings for this entity.
-4. Entities are defined by [entity components](../concepts/entity-components.md): learned, list or prebuilt. Text Analytics for health entities are by default populated with the prebuilt component and cannot have learned components. Your newly defined entities can be populated with the learned component once you add labels for them in your data but cannot be populated with the prebuilt component. 
-5. You can add a [list](../concepts/entity-components.md#list-component)  component to any of your entities. 
-### Add list component
-To add a **list** component, select **Add new list**. You can add multiple lists to each entity.
-1. To create a new list, in the *Enter value* text box enter this is the normalized value that will be returned when any of the synonyms values is extracted.
-2. For multilingual projects, from the *language* drop-down menu, select the language of the synonyms list and start typing in your synonyms and hit enter after each one. It is recommended to have synonyms lists in multiple languages.
-   <!--:::image type="content" source="../media/add-list-component.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing a list component in Language Studio." lightbox="../media/add-list-component.png":::-->
-### Define entity options
-Change to the **Entity options** pivot in the entity details page. When multiple components are defined for an entity, their predictions may overlap. When an overlap occurs, each entity's final prediction is determined based on the [entity option](../concepts/entity-components.md#entity-options) you select in this step. Select the one that you want to apply to this entity and select the **Save** button at the top.
-   <!--:::image type="content" source="../media/entity-options.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing an entity option in Language Studio." lightbox="../media/entity-options.png":::-->
-After you create your entities, you can come back and edit them. You can **Edit entity components** or **delete** them by selecting this option from the top menu.
-## Data selection
-The quality of data you train your model with affects model performance greatly.
-* Use real-life data that reflects your domain's problem space to effectively train your model. You can use synthetic data to accelerate the initial model training process, but it will likely differ from your real-life data and make your model less effective when used.
-* Balance your data distribution as much as possible without deviating far from the distribution in real-life. For example, if you are training your model to extract entities from legal documents that may come in many different formats and languages, you should provide examples that exemplify the diversity as you would expect to see in real life.
-* Use diverse data whenever possible to avoid overfitting your model. Less diversity in training data may lead to your model learning spurious correlations that may not exist in real-life data. 
-* Avoid duplicate documents in your data. Duplicate data has a negative effect on the training process, model metrics, and model performance. 
-* Consider where your data comes from. If you are collecting data from one person, department, or part of your scenario, you are likely missing diversity that may be important for your model to learn about. 
-> [!NOTE]
-> If your documents are in multiple languages, select the **enable multi-lingual** option during [project creation](../quickstart.md) and set the **language** option to the language of the majority of your documents.
-## Data preparation
-As a prerequisite for creating a project, your training data needs to be uploaded to a blob container in your storage account. You can create and upload training documents from Azure directly, or through using the Azure Storage Explorer tool. Using the Azure Storage Explorer tool allows you to upload more data quickly.  
-* [Create and upload documents from Azure](/azure/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-portal#create-a-container)
-* [Create and upload documents using Azure Storage Explorer](/azure/vs-azure-tools-storage-explorer-blobs)
-You can only use `.txt` documents. If your data is in other format, you can use [CLUtils parse command](https://github.com/microsoft/CognitiveServicesLanguageUtilities/blob/main/CustomTextAnalytics.CLUtils/Solution/CogSLanguageUtilities.ViewLayer.CliCommands/Commands/ParseCommand/README.md) to change your document format.
-You can upload an annotated dataset, or you can upload an unannotated one and [label your data](../how-to/label-data.md) in Language studio. 
-## Test set
-When defining the testing set, make sure to include example documents that are not present in the training set. Defining the testing set is an important step to calculate the [model performance](view-model-evaluation.md#model-details). Also, make sure that the testing set includes documents that represent all entities used in your project.
-## Next steps
-If you haven't already, create a custom Text Analytics for health project. If it's your first time using custom Text Analytics for health, consider following the [quickstart](../quickstart.md) to create an example project. You can also see the [how-to article](../how-to/create-project.md) for more details on what you need to create a project.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトのためのデータ準備とスキーマ設計に関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
-title: Back up and recover your custom Text Analytics for health models
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn how to save and recover your custom Text Analytics for health models.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Back up and recover your custom Text Analytics for health models
-When you create a Language resource, you specify a region for it to be created in. From then on, your resource and all of the operations related to it take place in the specified Azure server region. It's rare, but not impossible, to encounter a network issue that affects an entire region. If your solution needs to always be available, then you should design it to fail over into another region. This requires two Azure AI Language resources in different regions and synchronizing custom models across them. 
-If your app or business depends on the use of a custom Text Analytics for health model, we recommend that you create a replica of your project in an additional supported region. If a regional outage occurs, you can then access your model in the other fail-over region where you replicated your project.
-Replicating a project means that you export your project metadata and assets, and import them into a new project. This only makes a copy of your project settings and tagged data. You still need to [train](./train-model.md) and [deploy](./deploy-model.md) the models to be available for use with [prediction APIs](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-In this article, you will learn to how to use the export and import APIs to replicate your project from one resource to another existing in different supported geographical regions, guidance on keeping your projects in sync and changes needed to your runtime consumption.
-##  Prerequisites
-* Two Azure AI Language resources in different Azure regions. [Create your resources](./create-project.md#create-a-language-resource) and connect them to an Azure storage account. It's recommended that you connect each of your Language resources to different storage accounts. Each storage account should be located in the same respective regions that your separate Language resources are in. You can follow the [quickstart](../quickstart.md?pivots=rest-api#create-a-new-azure-ai-language-resource-and-azure-storage-account) to create an additional Language resource and storage account.
-## Get your resource keys endpoint
-Use the following steps to get the keys and endpoint of your primary and secondary resources. These will be used in the following steps.
-[!INCLUDE [Get keys and endpoint Azure Portal](../includes/get-keys-endpoint-azure.md)]
-> [!TIP]
-> Keep a note of keys and endpoints for both primary and secondary resources as well as the primary and secondary container names. Use these values to replace the following placeholders:
-> Also take note of your project name, your model name and your deployment name. Use these values to replace the following placeholders:  `{PROJECT-NAME}`, `{MODEL-NAME}` and `{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`.
-## Export your primary project assets
-Start by exporting the project assets from the project in your primary resource.
-### Submit export job
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{PRIMARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{PRIMARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [Export project assets using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/export-project.md)]
-### Get export job status
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{PRIMARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{PRIMARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [Export project assets using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/get-export-status.md)]
-Copy the response body as you will use it as the body for the next import job.
-## Import to a new project 
-Now go ahead and import the exported project assets in your new project in the secondary region so you can replicate it.
-### Submit import job
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}`, `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}`, and `{SECONDARY-CONTAINER-NAME}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [Import project using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/import-project.md)]
-### Get import job status
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [Import project using the REST API](../includes/rest-api/get-import-status.md)]
-## Train your model
-After importing your project, you only have copied the project's assets and metadata and assets. You still need to train your model, which will incur usage on your account. 
-### Submit training job
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [train model](../includes/rest-api/train-model.md)]
-### Get training status
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [get training model status](../includes/rest-api/get-training-status.md)]
-## Deploy your model
-This is the step where you make your trained model available form consumption via the [runtime prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger). 
-> [!TIP]
-> Use the same deployment name as your primary project for easier maintenance and minimal changes to your system to handle redirecting your traffic.
-### Submit deployment job 
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [deploy model](../includes/rest-api/deploy-model.md)]
-### Get the deployment status
-Replace the placeholders in the following request with your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}` that you obtained in the first step.
-[!INCLUDE [get deploy status](../includes/rest-api/get-deployment-status.md)]
-## Changes in calling the runtime
-Within your system, at the step where you call [runtime prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger) check for the response code returned from the submit task API. If you observe a **consistent** failure in submitting the request, this could indicate an outage in your primary region. Failure once doesn't mean an outage, it may be transient issue. Retry submitting the job through the secondary resource you have created. For the second request use your `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}`, if you have followed the steps above, `{PROJECT-NAME}` and `{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}` would be the same so no changes are required to the request body. 
-In case you revert to using your secondary resource you will observe slight increase in latency because of the difference in regions where your model is deployed. 
-## Check if your projects are out of sync
-Maintaining the freshness of both projects is an important part of the process. You need to frequently check if any updates were made to your primary project so that you move them over to your secondary project. This way if your primary region fails and you move into the secondary region you should expect similar model performance since it already contains the latest updates. Setting the frequency of checking if your projects are in sync is an important choice. We recommend that you do this check daily in order to guarantee the freshness of data in your secondary model.
-### Get project details
-Use the following url to get your project details, one of the keys returned in the body indicates the last modified date of the project. 
-Repeat the following step twice, one for your primary project and another for your secondary project and compare the timestamp returned for both of them to check if they are out of sync.
-  [!INCLUDE [get project details](../includes/rest-api/get-project-details.md)]
-Repeat the same steps for your replicated project using `{SECONDARY-ENDPOINT}` and `{SECONDARY-RESOURCE-KEY}`. Compare the returned `lastModifiedDateTime` from both projects. If your primary project was modified sooner than your secondary one, you need to repeat the steps of [exporting](#export-your-primary-project-assets), [importing](#import-to-a-new-project), [training](#train-your-model) and [deploying](#deploy-your-model).
-## Next steps
-In this article, you have learned how to use the export and import APIs to replicate your project to a secondary Language resource in other region. Next, explore the API reference docs to see what else you can do with authoring APIs.
-* [Authoring REST API reference](https://aka.ms/ct-authoring-swagger)
-* [Runtime prediction REST API reference](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析モデルのバックアップとリカバリに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-title: How to label your data for custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn how to label your data for use with custom Text Analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ner
-# Label your data using the Language Studio
-Data labeling is a crucial step in development lifecycle. In this step, you  label your documents with the new entities you defined in your schema to populate their learned components. This data will be used in the next step when training your model so that your model can learn from the labeled data to know which entities to extract. If you already have labeled data, you can directly [import](create-project.md#import-project) it into your project, but you need to make sure that your data follows the [accepted data format](../concepts/data-formats.md). See [create project](create-project.md#import-project) to learn more about importing labeled data into your project. If your data isn't labeled already, you can label it in the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio).
-## Prerequisites
-Before you can label your data, you need:
-* A successfully [created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure blob storage account
-* Text data that [has been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-See the [project development lifecycle](../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle) for more information.
-## Data labeling guidelines
-After preparing your data, designing your schema and creating your project, you will need to label your data. Labeling your data is important so your model knows which words will be associated with the entity types you need to extract. When you label your data in [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio) (or import labeled data), these labels are stored in the JSON document in your storage container that you have connected to this project. 
-As you label your data, keep in mind:
-* You can't add labels for Text Analytics for health entities as they're pretrained prebuilt entities. You can only add labels to new entity categories that you defined during schema definition. 
-If you want to improve the recall for a prebuilt entity, you can extend it by adding a list component while you are [defining your schema](design-schema.md).
-* In general, more labeled data leads to better results, provided the data is labeled accurately.
-* The precision, consistency and completeness of your labeled data are key factors to determining model performance. 
-    * **Label precisely**: Label each entity to its right type always. Only include what you want extracted, avoid unnecessary data in your labels.
-    * **Label consistently**:  The same entity should have the same label across all the documents.
-    * **Label completely**: Label all the instances of the entity in all your documents. 
-   > [!NOTE]
-   > There is no fixed number of labels that can guarantee your model will perform the best. Model performance is dependent on possible ambiguity in your schema, and the quality of your labeled data. Nevertheless, we recommend having around 50 labeled instances per entity type.
-## Label your data
-Use the following steps to label your data:
-1. Go to your project page in [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio).
-2. From the left side menu, select **Data labeling**. You can find a list of all documents in your storage container.
-    <!--:::image type="content" source="../media/tagging-files-view.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the Language Studio screen for labeling data." lightbox="../media/tagging-files-view.png":::-->
-    >[!TIP]
-    > You can use the filters in top menu to view the unlabeled documents so that you can start labeling them.
-    > You can also use the filters to view the documents that are labeled with a specific entity type.
-3. Change to a single document view from the left side in the top menu or select a specific document to start labeling. You can find a list of all `.txt` documents available in your project to the left. You can use the **Back** and **Next** button from the bottom of the page to navigate through your documents.
-    > [!NOTE]
-    > If you enabled multiple languages for your project, you will find a **Language** dropdown in the top menu, which lets you select the language of each document. Hebrew is not supported with multi-lingual projects.
-4. In the right side pane, you can use the **Add entity type** button to add additional entities to your project that you missed during schema definition.
-    <!--:::image type="content" source="../media/tag-1.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing complete data labeling." lightbox="../media/tag-1.png":::-->
-5. You have two options to label your document:
-    |Option |Description  |
-    |---------|---------|
-    |Label using a brush     | Select the brush icon next to an entity type in the right pane, then highlight the text in the document you want to annotate with this entity type.           |
-    |Label using a menu    | Highlight the word you want to label as an entity, and a menu will appear. Select the entity type you want to assign for this entity.        |
-    The below screenshot shows labeling using a brush.
-    :::image type="content" source="../media/tag-options.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the labeling options offered in Custom NER." lightbox="../media/tag-options.png":::
-6. In the right side pane under the **Labels** pivot you can find all the entity types in your project and the count of labeled instances per each. The prebuilt entities will be shown for reference but you will not be able to label for these prebuilt entities as they are pretrained.
-7. In the bottom section of the right side pane you can add the current document you are viewing to the training set or the testing set. By default all the documents are added to your training set. See [training and testing sets](train-model.md#data-splitting) for information on how they are used for model training and evaluation.
-    > [!TIP]
-    > If you are planning on using **Automatic** data splitting, use the default option of assigning all the documents into your training set.
-7. Under the **Distribution** pivot you can view the distribution across training and testing sets. You have two options for viewing:
-   * *Total instances* where you can view count of all labeled instances of a specific entity type.
-   * *Documents with at least one label* where each document is counted if it contains at least one labeled instance of this entity.
-7. When you're labeling, your changes are synced periodically, if they have not been saved yet you will find a warning at the top of your page. If you want to save manually, select **Save labels** button at the bottom of the page.
-## Remove labels
-To remove a label
-1. Select the entity you want to remove a label from.
-2. Scroll through the menu that appears, and select **Remove label**.
-## Delete entities
-You cannot delete any of the Text Analytics for health pretrained entities because they have a prebuilt component. You are only permitted to delete newly defined entity categories. To delete an entity, select the delete icon next to the entity you want to remove. Deleting an entity removes all its labeled instances from your dataset. 
-## Next steps
-After you've labeled your data, you can begin [training a model](train-model.md) that will learn based on your data.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析モデル用のデータラベリングに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-title: How to train your custom Text Analytics for health model
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about how to train your model for custom Text Analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Train your custom Text Analytics for health model
-Training is the process where the model learns from your [labeled data](label-data.md). After training is completed, you'll be able to view the [model's performance](view-model-evaluation.md) to determine if you need to improve your model.
-To train a model, you start a training job and only successfully completed jobs create a model. Training jobs expire after seven days, which means you won't be able to retrieve the job details after this time. If your training job completed successfully and a model was created, the model won't be affected. You can only have one training job running at a time, and you can't start other jobs in the same project. 
-The training times can be anywhere from a few minutes when dealing with few documents, up to several hours depending on the dataset size and the complexity of your schema.
-## Prerequisites
-* A successfully [created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure blob storage account
-* Text data that [has been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-* [Labeled data](label-data.md)
-See the [project development lifecycle](../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle) for more information.
-## Data splitting
-Before you start the training process, labeled documents in your project are divided into a training set and a testing set. Each one of them serves a different function.
-The **training set** is used in training the model, this is the set from which the model learns the labeled entities and what spans of text are to be extracted as entities. 
-The **testing set** is a blind set that is not introduced to the model during training but only during evaluation. 
-After model training is completed successfully, the model is used to make predictions from the documents in the testing and based on these predictions [evaluation metrics](../concepts/evaluation-metrics.md) are calculated. Model training and evaluation are only for newly defined entities with learned components; therefore, Text Analytics for health entities are excluded from model training and evaluation due to them being entities with prebuilt components. It's recommended to make sure that all your labeled entities are adequately represented in both the training and testing set.
-Custom Text Analytics for health supports two methods for data splitting:
-* **Automatically splitting the testing set from training data**:The system splits your labeled data between the training and testing sets, according to the percentages you choose. The recommended percentage split is 80% for training and 20% for testing. 
- > [!NOTE]
- > If you choose the **Automatically splitting the testing set from training data** option, only the data assigned to training set will be split according to the percentages provided.
-* **Use a manual split of training and testing data**: This method enables users to define which labeled documents should belong to which set. This step is only enabled if you have added documents to your testing set during [data labeling](label-data.md).
-## Train model
-# [Language studio](#tab/Language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Train model](../includes/language-studio/train-model.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/REST-APIs)
-### Start training job
-[!INCLUDE [train model](../includes/rest-api/train-model.md)]
-### Get training job status
-Training could take sometime depending on the size of your training data and complexity of your schema. You can use the following request to keep polling the status of the training job until it's successfully completed.
- [!INCLUDE [get training model status](../includes/rest-api/get-training-status.md)]
-### Cancel training job
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Cancel training](../includes/language-studio/cancel-training.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Cancel training](../includes/rest-api/cancel-training.md)]
-## Next steps
-After training is completed, you'll be able to view the [model's performance](view-model-evaluation.md) to optionally improve your model if needed. Once you're satisfied with your model, you can deploy it, making it available to use for [extracting entities](call-api.md) from text.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析モデルのトレーニングに関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-title: Evaluate a Custom Text Analytics for health model
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn how to evaluate and score your Custom Text Analytics for health model
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# View a custom text analytics for health model's evaluation and details
-After your model has finished training, you can view the model performance and see the extracted entities for the documents in the test set. 
-> [!NOTE]
-> Using the **Automatically split the testing set from training data** option may result in different model evaluation result every time you train a new model, as the test set is selected randomly from the data. To make sure that the evaluation is calculated on the same test set every time you train a model, make sure to use the **Use a manual split of training and testing data** option when starting a training job and define your **Test** documents when [labeling data](label-data.md).
-## Prerequisites
-Before viewing model evaluation, you need:
-* A successfully [created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure blob storage account.
-* Text data that [has been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-* [Labeled data](label-data.md)
-* A [successfully trained model](train-model.md)
-## Model details
-There are several metrics you can use to evaluate your mode. See the [performance metrics](../concepts/evaluation-metrics.md) article for more information on the model details described in this article.
-### [Language studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [View model evaluation using Language Studio](../../includes/custom/model-evaluation-language-studio.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Model evaluation](../includes/rest-api/model-evaluation.md)]
-## Load or export model data
-### [Language studio](#tab/Language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Load export model](../../includes/custom/load-export-model-language-studio.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/REST-APIs)
-[!INCLUDE [Load export model](../../includes/custom/load-export-model-rest-api.md)]
-## Delete model
-### [Language studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete model](../../includes/custom/delete-model-language-studio.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete model](../../includes/custom/delete-model-rest-api.md)]
-## Next steps
-* [Deploy your model](deploy-model.md)
-* Learn about the [metrics used in evaluation](../concepts/evaluation-metrics.md). 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析モデルの評価に関するドキュメントの削除"




@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-1. Go to your resource overview page in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/#home)
-2. From the menu on the left side, select **Keys and Endpoint**. You'll use the endpoint and key for the API requests 
-    :::image type="content" source="../../custom-text-classification/media/get-endpoint-azure.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the key and endpoint page in the Azure portal" lightbox="../../custom-text-classification/media/get-endpoint-azure.png":::


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Azureのキーとエンドポイント取得に関する情報の削除"




@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To cancel a training job from within [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio), go to the **Training jobs** page. Select the training job you want to cancel and select **Cancel** from the top menu. 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのトレーニングキャンセル方法に関する情報の削除"


この変更では、cancel-training.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studio内でトレーニングジョブをキャンセルする方法に関する手順を説明しており、トレーニングジョブページにアクセスし、キャンセルしたいトレーニングジョブを選択してから「キャンセル」オプションを選ぶ方法が記載されていました。このドキュメントの削除により、ユーザーはトレーニングプロセスの管理に必要な重要な情報を失うことになり、特にトレーニングの状態を変更する際の手引きがなくなります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-1. Sign into the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio). A window will appear to let you select your subscription and Language resource. Select the Language resource you created in the above step. 
-2. Under the **Extract information** section of Language Studio, select **Custom Text Analytics for health**.
-    <!--:::image type="content" source="../../media/select-custom-TA4H.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the location of custom TA4H in the Language Studio landing page." lightbox="../../media/select-custom-TA4H.png":::-->
-3. Select **Create new project** from the top menu in your projects page. Creating a project lets you label data, train, evaluate, improve, and deploy your models. 
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/create-project.png" alt-text="A screenshot of the project creation page." lightbox="../../media/create-project.png":::
-4. Enter the project information, including a name, description, and the language of the files in your project. If you're using the [example dataset](https://aka.ms/custom-ta4h-quickstart-samples), select **English**. You can't change the name of your project later. Select **Next**
-    > [!TIP]
-    > Your dataset doesn't have to be entirely in the same language. You can have multiple documents, each with different supported languages. If your dataset contains documents of different languages or if you expect text from different languages during runtime, select **enable multi-lingual dataset** option when you enter the basic information for your project. This option can be enabled later from the **Project settings** page.
-5.  After you select **Create new project**, a window will appear to let you connect your storage account. If you've already connected a storage account, you will see the storage accounted connected. If not, choose your storage account from the dropdown that appears and select **Connect storage account**; this will set the required roles for your storage account. This step will possibly return an error if you are not assigned as **owner** on the storage account.
-    >[!NOTE]
-    > * You only need to do this step once for each new resource you use. 
-    > * This process is irreversible, if you connect a storage account to your Language resource you cannot disconnect it later.
-    > * You can only connect your Language resource to one storage account.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/connect-storage.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the storage connection screen." lightbox="../../media/connect-storage.png":::
-6. Select the container where you have uploaded your dataset.
-7. If you have already labeled data make sure it follows the supported format and select **Yes, my files are already labeled and I have formatted JSON labels file** and select the labels file from the drop-down menu. Select **Next**. If you are using the dataset from the QuickStart, there is no need to review the formatting of the JSON labels file. 
-8. Review the data you entered and select **Create Project**.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのプロジェクト作成に関する情報の削除"


この変更では、create-project.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studio内で新しいプロジェクトを作成するための詳細な手順を提供しており、プロジェクトの名前、説明、言語設定や、必要に応じてストレージアカウントの接続方法など、多くの重要なステップを説明していました。具体的には、データのラベル付けやモデルのトレーニング、評価、改善、デプロイに関する内容が含まれていました。このドキュメントの削除により、ユーザーはプロジェクト作成プロセスに関する重要な情報を失い、新しいテキスト分析プロジェクトの開始が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To delete a deployment from within [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/laguageStudio), go to the **Deploying a model** page. Select the deployment you want to delete and select **Delete deployment** from the top menu. 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのデプロイメント削除方法に関する情報の削除"


この変更では、delete-deployment.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studio内でデプロイメントを削除する方法について、関連する手順を詳しく説明していました。具体的には、モデルのデプロイメントページにアクセスし、削除したいデプロイメントを選択して「デプロイメントの削除」オプションを選ぶという内容が含まれていました。このドキュメントの削除により、ユーザーはデプロイメントの管理に必要な重要な情報を失うことになり、特に不要なデプロイメントを効率的に削除できなくなるリスクがあります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-classification
-When you don't need your project anymore, you can delete your project using [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/custom-extraction). 
-1. Select the Language service feature you're using at the top of the page, s
-1. Select the project you want to delete
-1. Select **Delete** from the top menu.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのプロジェクト削除に関する情報の削除"


この変更では、delete-project.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studio内でプロジェクトを削除する手順を詳細に説明しており、不要になったプロジェクトを効率的に管理するための重要な情報を提供していました。具体的には、使用中の言語サービス機能を選択し、削除したいプロジェクトを選択した後、メニューから「削除」オプションを選ぶという流れが記載されていました。このドキュメントの削除により、ユーザーはプロジェクト管理のプロセスを理解しづらくなり、不要なプロジェクトを適切に処理することが難しくなる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To deploy your model from within the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/LanguageStudio):
-1. Select **Deploying a model** from the left side menu.
-2. Select **Add deployment** to start a new deployment job.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/deploy-model.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the deployment button in Language Studio." lightbox="../../media/deploy-model.png":::
-3. Select **Create new deployment** to create a new deployment and assign a trained model from the dropdown below. You can also **Overwrite an existing deployment** by selecting this option and select the trained model you want to assign to it from the dropdown below.
-    > [!NOTE]
-    > Overwriting an existing deployment doesn't require changes to your [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger) call but the results you get will be based on the newly assigned model.
-   :::image type="content" source="../../media/add-deployment.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the model deployment options in Language Studio." lightbox="../../media/add-deployment.png":::
-4. Select **Deploy** to start the deployment job.
-5. After deployment is successful, an expiration date will appear next to it. [Deployment expiration](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#expiration-timeline) is when your deployed model will be unavailable to be used for prediction, which typically happens **twelve** months after a training configuration expires.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのモデルデプロイに関する情報の削除"


この変更では、deploy-model.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してモデルをデプロイする方法を詳細に説明しており、ユーザーがデプロイメントプロセスを理解し、実行するための具体的な手順が含まれていました。手順には、デプロイメントジョブを開始するための「デプロイメントの追加」、新しいデプロイメントの作成、既存のデプロイメントの上書き、そしてデプロイメント開始後の有効期限の確認が含まれていました。このドキュメントの削除により、ユーザーはモデルデプロイメントの手順を失い、デプロイメントに関する重要な情報にアクセスできなくなります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-1. Sign into the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio). A window will appear to let you select your subscription and Language resource. Select your Language resource. 
-2. Under the **Extract information** section of Language Studio, select **Custom text analytics for health**.
-    <!--:::image type="content" source="../../media/select-custom-ner.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the location of the custom NER feature in the Language Studio landing page." lightbox="../../media/select-custom-ner.png":::-->
-3. Select **Create new project** from the top menu in your projects page. Creating a project will let you tag data, train, evaluate, improve, and deploy your models. 
-    <!--:::image type="content" source="../../media/create-project.png" alt-text="A screenshot of the project creation page." lightbox="../../media/create-project.png":::-->
-4.  After you select **Create new project**, a screen will appear to let you connect your storage account. If you can’t find your storage account, make sure you created a resource using the recommended steps. If you've already connected a storage account to your Language resource, you will see your storage account connected.
-    >[!NOTE]
-    > * You only need to do this step once for each new language resource you use. 
-    > * This process is irreversible, if you connect a storage account to your Language resource you cannot disconnect it later.
-    > * You can only connect your Language resource to one storage account.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/connect-storage.png" alt-text="A screenshot of the storage connection screen for new projects." lightbox="../../media/connect-storage.png":::
-4. Enter the project information, including a name, description, and the language of the files in your project. You won’t be able to change the name of your project later. Select **Next**.
-    >[!TIP]
-    > Your dataset doesn't have to be entirely in the same language. You can have multiple documents, each with different supported languages. If your dataset contains documents of different languages or if you expect text from different languages during runtime, select **enable multi-lingual dataset** option when you enter the basic information for your project. This option can be enabled later from the **Project settings** page.
-5. Select the container where you have uploaded your dataset. 
-7. Select **Yes, my files are already labeled and I have formatted JSON labels file** and select the labels file from the drop-down menu below to import your JSON labels file. Make sure it follows the [supported format](../../concepts/data-formats.md).
-8.   Select **Next**.
-9. Review the data you entered and select **Create Project**.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのプロジェクトインポートに関する情報の削除"


この変更では、import-project.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してプロジェクトをインポートするための詳細な手順を提供していました。具体的には、ユーザーがサインインし、言語リソースを選択し、新しいプロジェクトを作成してデータをタグ付けする方法、ストレージアカウントを接続する手順、およびプロジェクトに関する情報(名前や説明、言語)の入力について説明していました。また、複数の言語を含むデータセットのサポートや、フォーマットされたJSONラベルファイルの取り込み方法も含まれていました。この情報の削除により、ユーザーはプロジェクトインポートの重要な手順を失い、Language Studioでの操作が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To swap deployments from within [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/laguageStudio):
-1. In the **Deploying a model** page, select the two deployments you want to swap and select **Swap deployments** from the top menu. 
-2. From the window that appears, select the names of the deployments you want to swap. 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのデプロイメントのスワップに関する情報の削除"


この変更では、swap-deployment.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してデプロイメントをスワップする手順を説明しており、ユーザーがモデルを効率的に管理できるようにするための重要な情報を提供していました。具体的には、デプロイメントページからスワップしたい2つのデプロイメントを選択し、「デプロイメントをスワップ」するための選択肢を使用して、デプロイメント名を選ぶ手順が含まれていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはデプロイメントの管理方法に関する知識を失い、操作が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-text-analytics-for-health-model-testing
-To test your deployed models from within the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/LanguageStudio):
-1. Select **Testing deployments** from the left side menu.
-2. Select the deployment you want to test. You can only test models that are assigned to deployments. 
-3. Select the deployment you want to query/test from the dropdown.
-4. You can enter the text you want to submit to the request or upload a `.txt` file to use.
-5. Select **Run the test** from the top menu.
-6. In the **Result** tab, you can see the extracted entities from your text and their types. You can also view the [JSON response](../../how-to/call-api.md#get-task-results) under the **JSON** tab.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/test-model-results.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the deployment testing screen in Language Studio." lightbox="../../media/test-model-results.png":::


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのモデルテストに関する情報の削除"


この変更では、test-model.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してデプロイされたモデルをテストするための手順を詳細に説明していました。具体的には、ユーザーがテストしたいデプロイメントを選択し、テキストを入力したり.txtファイルをアップロードしたりする方法、テストを実行するための手順、そして結果として抽出されたエンティティやそのタイプを確認する方法が含まれていました。また、JSONレスポンスを確認するための方法も記載されていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはモデルテストを行うための重要な手順を失い、Language Studioでの操作が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To start training your model from within the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/LanguageStudio):
-1. Select **Training jobs** from the left side menu.
-2. Select **Start a training job** from the top menu.
-3. Select **Train a new model** and type in the model name in the text box. You can also **overwrite an existing model** by selecting this option and choosing the model you want to overwrite from the dropdown menu. Overwriting a trained model is irreversible, but it won't affect your deployed models until you deploy the new model.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/train-model.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the training job creation screen in Language Studio." lightbox="../../media/train-model.png":::
-4. Select data splitting method. You can choose **Automatically splitting the testing set from training data** where the system will split your labeled data between the training and testing sets, according to the specified percentages. Or you can **Use a manual split of training and testing data**, this option is only enabled if you have added documents to your testing set. See [data labeling](../../how-to/label-data.md) and [how to train a model](../../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting) for information about data splitting.
-5. Select the **Train** button.
-6. If you select the Training Job ID from the list, a side pane will appear where you can check the **Training progress**, **Job status**, and other details for this job.
-    > [!NOTE]
-    > * Only successfully completed training jobs will generate models.
-    > * Training can take some time between a couple of minutes and several hours based on the size of your labeled data.
-    > * You can only have one training job running at a time. You can't start other training job within the same project until the running job is completed. 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioでのモデルトレーニングに関する情報の削除"


この変更では、train-model.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してモデルをトレーニングするための手順を詳細に説明していました。具体的には、トレーニングジョブを開始するための選択メニューや、新しいモデルの名前を入力する方法、既存のモデルを上書きするオプション、データの分割方法の選択肢、トレーニングの進捗状況やジョブのステータスを確認する方法が含まれていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはモデルのトレーニングに関する重要な手順を失い、Language Studioでの作業が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-After you have created an Azure storage account and connected it to your Language resource, you will need to upload the documents from the sample dataset to the root directory of your container. These documents will later be used to train your model.
-1. [Download the sample dataset](https://aka.ms/custom-ta4h-quickstart-samples) from GitHub. 
-2. Open the .zip file, and extract the folder containing the documents. 
-2. In the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com), navigate to the storage account you created, and select it.
-3. In your storage account, select **Containers** from the left menu, located below **Data storage**. On the screen that appears, select **+ Container**. Give the container the name **example-data** and leave the default **Public access level**.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/storage-screen.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the main page for a storage account." lightbox="../../media/storage-screen.png":::
-4. After your container has been created, select it. Then select **Upload** button to select the `.txt` and `.json` files you downloaded earlier. 
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/file-upload-screen.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing the button for uploading files to the storage account." lightbox="../../media/file-upload-screen.png":::
-The provided sample dataset contains 12 clinical notes. Each clinical note includes several medical entities and the treatment location. We will use the prebuilt entities to extract the medical entities and train the custom model to extract the treatment location using the entity's learned and list components.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Blobストレージへのアップロードに関するクイックスタート情報の削除"




@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-## Prerequisites
-* Azure subscription - [Create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/cognitive-services)
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Prerequisites" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Create a new Azure AI Language resource and Azure storage account
-Before you can use custom Text Analytics for health, you need to create an Azure AI Language resource, which will give you the credentials that you need to create a project and start training a model. You'll also need an Azure storage account, where you can upload your dataset that is used to build your model.
-> To quickly get started, we recommend creating a new Azure AI Language resource using the steps provided in this article. Using the steps in this article will let you create the Language resource and storage account at the same time, which is easier than doing it later.
-> If you have a pre-existing resource that you'd like to use, you will need to connect it to storage account. For more information, see [guidance to using a pre-existing resource](../../how-to/create-project.md#using-a-pre-existing-language-resource).
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from the Azure portal](../resource-creation-azure-portal.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Create-a-new-azure-language-resource-and-storage-account" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Upload sample data to blob container
-[!INCLUDE [Uploading sample data for custom TA4H](blob-storage-upload.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Upload-sample-data-to-blob-container" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Create a custom Text Analytics for health project
-Once your resource and storage account are configured, create a new custom Text Analytics for health project. A project is a work area for building your custom ML models based on your data. Your project can only be accessed by you and others who have access to the Language resource being used.
-[!INCLUDE [Create a custom Text Analytics for health project](../language-studio/create-project.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Create-custom-named-entity-recognition-project" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Train your model
-Typically after you create a project, you go ahead and start labeling the documents you have in the container connected to your project. For this quickstart, you have imported a sample tagged dataset and initialized your project with the sample JSON labels file so there is no need to add additional labels.
-[!INCLUDE [Train a model using Language Studio](../language-studio/train-model.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Train-model" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Deploy your model
-Generally after training a model you would review its evaluation details and make improvements if necessary. In this quickstart, you will just deploy your model, and make it available for you to try in Language studio, or you can call the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-[!INCLUDE [Deploy a model using Language Studio](../language-studio/deploy-model.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Deploy-model" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Test your model
-After your model is deployed, you can start using it to extract entities from your text via [Prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger). For this quickstart, you will use the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/LanguageStudio) to submit the custom Text Analytics for health prediction task and visualize the results. In the sample dataset you downloaded earlier, you can find some test documents that you can use in this step.
-[!INCLUDE [Test a model using Language Studio](../language-studio/test-model.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Test-model" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Clean up resources
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using Language Studio](../language-studio/delete-project.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=Language-studio&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Clean-up-projects" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Language Studioに関するクイックスタート情報の削除"


この変更では、language-studio.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、Language Studioを使用してカスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトを作成し、モデルをトレーニングするための手順を包括的に説明していました。具体的には、Azure AI Languageリソースとストレージアカウントの作成、サンプルデータのアップロード、プロジェクトの作成、モデルのトレーニング、デプロイ、テスト、リソースのクリーンアップに関する詳細なガイドが含まれていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはカスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトを効果的に開始するための重要な手順を失い、その結果、Language Studioの利用が困難になる恐れがあります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-## Prerequisites
-* Azure subscription - [Create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/cognitive-services)
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Trigger-import-project-job" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Create a new Azure AI Language resource and Azure storage account
-Before you can use custom Text Analytics for health, you'll need to create an Azure AI Language resource, which will give you the credentials that you need to create a project and start training a model. You'll also need an Azure storage account, where you can upload your dataset that will be used in building your model.
-> To get started quickly, we recommend creating a new Azure AI Language resource using the steps provided in this article, which will let you create the Language resource, and create and/or connect a storage account at the same time, which is easier than doing it later.
-> If you have a pre-existing resource that you'd like to use, you will need to connect it to storage account. See [create project](../../how-to/create-project.md#using-a-pre-existing-language-resource) for more information.
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from the Azure portal](../resource-creation-azure-portal.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Create-new-resource" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Upload sample data to blob container
-[!INCLUDE [Uploading sample data for custom Text Analytics for health](blob-storage-upload.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Upload-sample-data-to-blob-container" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-### Get your resource keys and endpoint
-[!INCLUDE [Get keys and endpoint Azure Portal](../get-keys-endpoint-azure.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Get-resource-keys-and-endpoint" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Create a custom Text Analytics for health project
-Once your resource and storage account are configured, create a new custom Text Analytics for health project. A project is a work area for building your custom ML models based on your data. Your project can only be accessed by you and others who have access to the Language resource being used.
-Use the labels file you downloaded from the sample data in the previous step and add it to the body of the following request. 
-### Trigger import project job 
-[!INCLUDE [Import a project using the REST API](../rest-api/import-project.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Trigger-import-project-job" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-### Get import job status
- [!INCLUDE [get import project status](../rest-api/get-import-status.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Get-import-job-status" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Train your model
-Typically after you create a project, you go ahead and start labeling the documents you have in the container connected to your project. For this quickstart, you have imported a sample tagged dataset and initialized your project with the sample JSON tags file.
-### Start training job
-After your project has been imported, you can start training your model. 
-[!INCLUDE [train model](../rest-api/train-model.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Start-training-your-job" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-### Get training job status
-Training could take sometime between 10 and 30 minutes for this sample dataset. You can use the following request to keep polling the status of the training job until it is successfully completed.
-[!INCLUDE [get training model status](../rest-api/get-training-status.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Get-training-job-status" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Deploy your model
-Generally after training a model you would review its evaluation details and make improvements if necessary. In this quickstart, you will just deploy your model, and make it available for you to try in Language Studio, or you can call the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-### Start deployment job
-[!INCLUDE [deploy model](../rest-api/deploy-model.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Submit-deployment-job" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-### Get deployment job status
-[!INCLUDE [get deployment status](../rest-api/get-deployment-status.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Get-deployment-job-status" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Make predictions with your trained model
-After your model is deployed, you can start using it to extract entities from your text using the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger). In the sample dataset you downloaded earlier you can find some test documents that you can use in this step.
-### Submit a custom Text Analytics for health task
-[!INCLUDE [submit a custom Text Analytics for health task using the REST API](../rest-api/submit-task.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Submit-custom-text-analytics-for-health-task" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-### Get task results
-[!INCLUDE [get custom Text Analytics for health task results](../rest-api/get-results.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Get-task-results" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>
-## Clean up resources
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using the REST API](../rest-api/delete-project.md)]
-> [!div class="nextstepaction"]
-> <a href="https://microsoft.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0Cl5zkG3CnDjq6O?PLanguage=REST API&Pillar=Language&Product=Custom-text-analytics-for-health&Page=quickstart&Section=Clean-up-resources" target="_target">I ran into an issue</a>


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "REST APIに関するクイックスタート情報の削除"


この変更では、rest-api.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、カスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトをREST APIを利用して作成、トレーニング、デプロイ、そして予測を行う手順を詳しく説明していました。内容には、Azure AI Languageリソースおよびストレージアカウントの作成、サンプルデータのアップロード、プロジェクトの作成、モデルのトレーニング、デプロイ、テスト、リソースのクリーンアップに関する具体的な手順が含まれていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはREST APIを通じてカスタムテキスト分析プロジェクトを進めるための重要なガイドラインを失い、プロジェクトの実施が難しくなる恐れがあります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-### Create a new resource from the Azure portal
-1. Sign in to the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesTextAnalytics) to create a new Azure AI Language resource.
-1. In the window that appears, select **Custom text classification & custom named entity recognition** from the custom features. Select **Continue to create your resource** at the bottom of the screen. 
-    :::image type="content" source="../media/select-custom-feature-azure-portal.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing custom text classification & custom named entity recognition in the Azure portal." lightbox="../media/select-custom-feature-azure-portal.png":::
-1. Create a Language resource with following details.
-    |Name  | Description  |
-    |---------|---------|
-    | Subscription | Your Azure subscription. |
-    | Resource group | A resource group that will contain your resource. You can use an existing one, or create a new one. |
-    |Region | The region for your Language resource. For example, "West US 2". |
-    | Name | A name for your resource. |
-    |Pricing tier     | The pricing tier for your Language resource. You can use the Free (F0) tier to try the service.       |
-    > [!NOTE]
-    > If you get a message saying "*your login account is not an owner of the selected storage account's resource group*", your account needs to have an owner role assigned on the resource group before you can create a Language resource. Contact your Azure subscription owner for assistance.
-1. In the **Custom text classification & custom named entity recognition** section, select an existing storage account or select **New storage account**. These values are to help you get started, and not necessarily the [storage account values](/azure/storage/common/storage-account-overview) you’ll want to use in production environments. To avoid latency during building your project connect to storage accounts in the same region as your Language resource.
-    |Storage account value  |Recommended value  |
-    |---------|---------|
-    | Storage account name | Any name |
-    | Storage account type | Standard LRS |
-1. Make sure the **Responsible AI Notice** is checked. Select **Review + create** at the bottom of the page, then select **Create**.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Azureポータルからのリソース作成に関する情報の削除"


この変更では、resource-creation-azure-portal.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書には、Azureポータルを使用して新しいAzure AI Languageリソースを作成する手順が詳述されていました。具体的には、カスタムテキスト分類やカスタム命名エンティティ認識の選択、リソースの詳細(サブスクリプション、リソースグループ、リージョン、名称、価格プラン)を含む手順が含まれていました。また、ストレージアカウントの選択に関する推奨事項や、リソースを作成する前に確認すべき重要な情報も記載されていました。この情報が削除されることで、ユーザーはAzureポータルからリソースを作成する方法に関する重要なガイダンスを失い、新しいリソースの作成が困難になる恐れがあります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Create a **POST** request by using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to cancel a training job. 
-### Request URL
-Use the following URL when creating your API request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `EmailApp` |
-|`{JOB-ID}`       | This value is the training job ID.|  `XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXX-XX`|
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced is for the latest released [model version](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data).  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-After you send your API request, you'll receive a 202 response with an `Operation-Location` header used to check the status of the job.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "トレーニング取消に関するREST API情報の削除"


この変更では、cancel-training.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、トレーニングジョブをキャンセルするためのREST APIのリクエストを作成する方法について説明していました。具体的には、キャンセルリクエストを送信するためのPOSTリクエストのURL、必須のヘッダー情報、各プレースホルダーの詳細な説明(エンドポイント、プロジェクト名、ジョブID、APIバージョン)が含まれていました。ユーザーはAPIリクエストを送信した後に受け取るレスポンスについても言及されており、ジョブのステータスを確認する方法が示されていました。この情報の削除により、ユーザーはトレーニングジョブを適切にキャンセルできなくなる可能性があり、APIを使用する上での重要なガイダンスを失います。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-To start creating a custom Text Analytics for health model, you need to create a project. Creating a project will let you label data, train, evaluate, improve, and deploy your models.
-> [!NOTE]
-> The project name is case-sensitive for all operations.
-Create a **PATCH** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to create your project.
-### Request URL
-Use the following URL to create a project. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Body
-Use the following JSON in your request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values.
-  "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-  "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-  "projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-  "description": "Project description",
-  "multilingual": "True",
-  "storageInputContainerName": "{CONTAINER-NAME}"
-|Key  |Placeholder|Value  | Example |
-| projectName | `{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive. | `myProject` |
-| language | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the documents used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the documents. See [language support](../../language-support.md) to learn more about supported language codes. |`en-us`|
-| projectKind | `CustomHealthcare` | Your project kind. | `CustomHealthcare` |
-| multilingual | `true`| A boolean value that enables you to have documents in multiple languages in your dataset and when your model is deployed you can query the model in any supported language (not necessarily ones included in your training documents). See [language support](../../language-support.md) to learn more about multilingual support.  | `true`|
-| storageInputContainerName | `{CONTAINER-NAME` | The name of your Azure storage container where you have uploaded your documents.   | `myContainer` |
-This request will return a 201 response, which means that the project is created.
-This request will return an error if:
-* The selected resource doesn't have proper permission for the storage account. 


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムプロジェクト作成に関するREST API情報の削除"


この変更により、create-project.mdドキュメントが完全に削除されました。この文書は、カスタムText Analytics for Healthモデルを作成するためのプロジェクトを作成する手順について詳しく説明していました。具体的には、プロジェクトを作成するためのPATCHリクエストのURL、必要なヘッダー、JSONボディの内容が含まれており、プレースホルダーの説明や具体的な入力例も提供されていました。また、成功時のレスポンスや、エラーが発生する可能性のある条件についても説明されていました。この情報の削除により、ユーザーはAPIを使用してプロジェクトを適切に作成する方法が分からなくなり、カスタムモデルの開発や管理が困難になる可能性があります。変更の詳細は、GitHubのリポジトリで確認できます。


@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Create a **DELETE** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to delete a deployment.
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`     | The name for your deployment name. This value is case-sensitive.   | `prod` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-Once you send your API request, you will receive a `202` response indicating success, which means your deployment has been deleted. A successful call results with an `Operation-Location` header used to check the status of the job.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "デプロイメント削除に関するREST API情報の削除"




@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-When you no longer need your project, you can delete it with the following **DELETE** request. Replace the placeholder values with your own values.   
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.  | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-Once you send your API request, you will receive a `202` response indicating success, which means your project has been deleted. A successful call results with an Operation-Location header used to check the status of the job.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクト削除に関するREST API情報の削除"




@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Submit a **PUT** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to submit a deployment job. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-| Placeholder |Value | Example |
-| `{ENDPOINT}` | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-| `{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-| `{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`     | The name of your deployment. This value is case-sensitive.  | `staging` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Request body
-Use the following JSON in the body of your request. Use the name of the model you to assign to the deployment.  
-  "trainedModelLabel": "{MODEL-NAME}"
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| trainedModelLabel | `{MODEL-NAME}` | The model name that will be assigned to your deployment. You can only assign successfully trained models. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myModel` |
-Once you send your API request, you’ll receive a `202` response indicating that the job was submitted correctly. In the response headers, extract the `operation-location` value. It will be formatted like this: 
-`{JOB-ID}` is used to identify your request, since this operation is asynchronous. You can use this URL to get the deployment status.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "モデルデプロイメントのAPI情報の削除"




@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Create a **POST** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to export your project.
-### Request URL
-Use the following URL when creating your API request. Replace the placeholder values with your own values. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `MyProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is the latest [model version](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) released.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Body
-Use the following JSON in your request body specifying that you want to export all the assets.
-  "assetsToExport": ["*"]
-Once you send your API request, you’ll receive a `202` response indicating that the job was submitted correctly. In the response headers, extract the `operation-location` value. It's formatted like this: 
-`{JOB-ID}` is used to identify your request, since this operation is asynchronous. You’ll use this URL to get the export job status.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクト輸出に関するAPI情報の削除"





@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to query the status of the deployment job. You can use the URL you received from the previous step, or replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-| Placeholder |Value | Example |
-| `{ENDPOINT}` | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-| `{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-| `{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`     | The name of your deployment. This value is case-sensitive.  | `staging` |
-|`{JOB-ID}`     | The ID for locating your model's training status. This is in the `location` header value you received in the previous step.  | `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Response Body
-You'll receive the following request when you send the request. Keep polling this endpoint until the **status** parameter changes to "succeeded". You should get a `200` code to indicate the success of the request. 
-    "jobId":"{JOB-ID}",
-    "createdDateTime":"{CREATED-TIME}",
-    "lastUpdatedDateTime":"{UPDATED-TIME}",
-    "expirationDateTime":"{EXPIRATION-TIME}",
-    "status":"running"


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "デプロイメントステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to get the status of exporting your project assets. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{JOB-ID}`     | The ID for locating your model's training status. This is in the `location` header value you received in the previous step.  | `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Response body
-  "resultUrl": "{RESULT-URL}",
-  "jobId": "string",
-  "createdDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-  "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-  "expirationDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-  "status": "unknown",
-  "errors": [
-    {
-      "code": "unknown",
-      "message": "string"
-    }
-  ]
-Use the URL from the `resultUrl` key in the body to view the exported assets from this job.
-### Get export results
-Submit a **GET** request using the `{RESULT-URL}` you received from the previous step to view the results of the export job.
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクトエクスポートステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to get the status of your importing your project. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{JOB-ID}`     | The ID for locating your model's training status. This value is in the `location` header value you received in the previous step.  | `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクトインポートステータス取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to get your project details. Replace the placeholder values with your own values. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.  | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Response body
-    {
-        "createdDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastTrainedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastDeployedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "projectKind": "CustomEntityRecognition",
-        "storageInputContainerName": "{CONTAINER-NAME}",
-        "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-        "multilingual": false,
-        "description": "Project description",
-        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}"
-    }


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクト詳細取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to query the status/results of the custom entity recognition task. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-|Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key| Your key that provides access to this API.|
-### Response Body
-The response is a JSON document with the following parameters
-	"createdDateTime": "2021-05-19T14:32:25.578Z",
-	"displayName": "MyJobName",
-	"expirationDateTime": "2021-05-19T14:32:25.578Z",
-	"jobId": "xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx",
-	"lastUpdateDateTime": "2021-05-19T14:32:25.578Z",
-	"status": "succeeded",
-	"tasks": {
-		"completed": 1,
-		"failed": 0,
-		"inProgress": 0,
-		"total": 1,
-		"items": [
-			{
-				"kind": "CustomHealthcareLROResults",
-				"taskName": "Custom Text Analytics for Health Test",
-				"lastUpdateDateTime": "2020-10-01T15:01:03Z",
-				"status": "succeeded",
-				"results": {
-					"documents": [
-						{
-							"entities": [
-								{
-									"entityComponentInformation": [
-										{
-											"entityComponentKind": "learnedComponent"
-										}
-									],
-									"offset": 0,
-									"length": 11,
-									"text": "first entity",
-									"category": "Entity1",
-									"confidenceScore": 0.98
-								},
-								{
-									"entityComponentInformation": [
-										{
-											"entityComponentKind": "listComponent"
-										}
-									],
-									"offset": 0,
-									"length": 11,
-									"text": "first entity",
-									"category": "Entity1.Dictionary",
-									"confidenceScore": 1.0
-								},
-								{
-									"entityComponentInformation": [
-										{
-											"entityComponentKind": "learnedComponent"
-										}
-									],
-									"offset": 16,
-									"length": 9,
-									"text": "entity two",
-									"category": "Entity2",
-									"confidenceScore": 1.0
-								},
-								{
-									"entityComponentInformation": [
-										{
-											"entityComponentKind": "prebuiltComponent"
-										}
-									],
-									"offset": 37,
-									"length": 9,
-									"text": "ibuprofen",
-									"category": "MedicationName",
-									"confidenceScore": 1,
-									"assertion": {
-										"certainty": "negative"
-									},
-									"name": "ibuprofen",
-									"links": [
-										{
-											"dataSource": "UMLS",
-											"id": "C0020740"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "AOD",
-											"id": "0000019879"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "ATC",
-											"id": "M01AE01"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "CCPSS",
-											"id": "0046165"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "CHV",
-											"id": "0000006519"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "CSP",
-											"id": "2270-2077"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "DRUGBANK",
-											"id": "DB01050"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "GS",
-											"id": "1611"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "LCH_NW",
-											"id": "sh97005926"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "LNC",
-											"id": "LP16165-0"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "MEDCIN",
-											"id": "40458"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "MMSL",
-											"id": "d00015"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "MSH",
-											"id": "D007052"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "MTHSPL",
-											"id": "WK2XYI10QM"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI",
-											"id": "C561"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI_CTRP",
-											"id": "C561"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI_DCP",
-											"id": "00803"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI_DTP",
-											"id": "NSC0256857"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI_FDA",
-											"id": "WK2XYI10QM"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NCI_NCI-GLOSS",
-											"id": "CDR0000613511"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "NDDF",
-											"id": "002377"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "PDQ",
-											"id": "CDR0000040475"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "RCD",
-											"id": "x02MO"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "RXNORM",
-											"id": "5640"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "SNM",
-											"id": "E-7772"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "SNMI",
-											"id": "C-603C0"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "SNOMEDCT_US",
-											"id": "387207008"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "USP",
-											"id": "m39860"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "USPMG",
-											"id": "MTHU000060"
-										},
-										{
-											"dataSource": "VANDF",
-											"id": "4017840"
-										}
-									]
-								},
-								{
-									"entityComponentInformation": [
-										{
-											"entityComponentKind": "prebuiltComponent"
-										}
-									],
-									"offset": 30,
-									"length": 6,
-									"text": "100 mg",
-									"category": "Dosage",
-									"confidenceScore": 0.98
-								}
-							],
-							"relations": [
-								{
-									"confidenceScore": 1,
-									"relationType": "DosageOfMedication",
-									"entities": [
-										{
-											"ref": "#/documents/0/entities/1",
-											"role": "Dosage"
-										},
-										{
-											"ref": "#/documents/0/entities/0",
-											"role": "Medication"
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							],
-							"id": "1",
-							"warnings": []
-						}
-					],
-					"errors": [],
-					"modelVersion": "2020-04-01"
-				}
-			}
-		]
-	}
-|Key|Sample Value|Description|
-|entities|[]|An array containing all the extracted entities.|
-|entityComponentKind|`prebuiltComponent`| A variable that indicates which component returned the specific entity. Possible values: `prebuiltComponent`, `learnedComponent`, `listComponent` |
-|offset|`0`| A number denoting the starting point of the extracted entity by indexing over the characters|
-|length| `10`| A number denoting the length of the extracted entity in number of characters.|
-|text|`first entity`| The text that was extracted for a specific entity.|
-|category|`MedicationName`| The name of the entity type or category corresponding to the extracted text.|
-|confidenceScore|`0.9`| A number denoting the model's certainty level of the extracted entity ranging from 0 to 1 with higher number denoting higher certainty.|
-|assertion|`certainty`| [Assertions](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/assertion-detection.md) associated with the extracted entity. Assertions are only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md?tabs=entity-linking#text-analytics-for-health-features).|
-|name|`Ibuprofen`| The normalized name for the [entity linking](../../../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md?tabs=entity-linking#text-analytics-for-health-features) associated with the extracted entity. Entity linking is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|links| [] | An array containing all the results from the [entity linking](../../../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md?tabs=entity-linking#text-analytics-for-health-features) associated with the extracted entity. Entity linking is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|dataSource| `UMLS` | The reference standard resulting from the [entity linking](../../../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md?tabs=entity-linking#text-analytics-for-health-features) associated with the extracted entity. Entity linking is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|ID| `C0020740` | The reference code resulting from the [entity linking](../../../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md?tabs=entity-linking#text-analytics-for-health-features) associated with the extracted entity belonging to the extracted data source. Entity linking is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|relations| [] | Array containing all the extracted relationships. [Relationship extraction](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/relation-extraction.md) is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|relationType| `DosageOfMedication` | The category of the extracted [relationship](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/relation-extraction.md). Relationship extraction is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|
-|entities| `"Dosage", "Medication"` | The entities associated with the extracted relationship. Relationship extraction is only supported for prebuilt [Text Analytics for health entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md).|


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムエンティティ認識タスクの結果取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to get the status of your model's training progress. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{JOB-ID}`     | The ID for locating your model's training status. This value is in the `location` header value you received in the previous step.  | `xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxx` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Response Body
-After sending the request, you will get the following response. 
-  "result": {
-    "modelLabel": "{MODEL-NAME}",
-    "trainingConfigVersion": "{CONFIG-VERSION}",
-    "estimatedEndDateTime": "2022-04-18T15:47:58.8190649Z",
-    "trainingStatus": {
-      "percentComplete": 3,
-      "startDateTime": "2022-04-18T15:45:06.8190649Z",
-      "status": "running"
-    },
-    "evaluationStatus": {
-      "percentComplete": 0,
-      "status": "notStarted"
-    }
-  },
-  "jobId": "{JOB-ID}",
-  "createdDateTime": "2022-04-18T15:44:44Z",
-  "lastUpdatedDateTime": "2022-04-18T15:45:48Z",
-  "expirationDateTime": "2022-04-25T15:44:44Z",
-  "status": "running"


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "モデルのトレーニング進行状況取得に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Submit a **POST** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to import your labels file. Make sure that your labels file follow the [accepted format](../../concepts/data-formats.md).
-If a project with the same name already exists, the data of that project is replaced.
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Body
-Use the following JSON in your request. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-	"projectFileVersion": "{API-VERSION}",
-	"stringIndexType": "Utf16CodeUnit",
-	"metadata": {
-		"projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-		"projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-		"description": "Trying out custom Text Analytics for health",
-		"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-		"multilingual": true,
-		"storageInputContainerName": "{CONTAINER-NAME}",
-		"settings": {}
-	},
-	"assets": {
-		"projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-		"entities": [
-			{
-				"category": "Entity1",
-				"compositionSetting": "{COMPOSITION-SETTING}",
-				"list": {
-					"sublists": [
-						{
-							"listKey": "One",
-							"synonyms": [
-								{
-									"language": "en",
-									"values": [
-										"EntityNumberOne",
-										"FirstEntity"
-									]
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-			},
-			{
-				"category": "Entity2"
-			},
-			{
-				"category": "MedicationName",
-				"list": {
-					"sublists": [
-						{
-							"listKey": "research drugs",
-							"synonyms": [
-								{
-									"language": "en",
-									"values": [
-										"rdrug a",
-										"rdrug b"
-									]
-								}
-							]
-						}
-					]
-				}
-				"prebuilts": "MedicationName"
-			}
-		],
-		"documents": [
-			{
-				"location": "{DOCUMENT-NAME}",
-				"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-				"dataset": "{DATASET}",
-				"entities": [
-					{
-						"regionOffset": 0,
-						"regionLength": 500,
-						"labels": [
-							{
-								"category": "Entity1",
-								"offset": 25,
-								"length": 10
-							},
-							{
-								"category": "Entity2",
-								"offset": 120,
-								"length": 8
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			{
-				"location": "{DOCUMENT-NAME}",
-				"language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-				"dataset": "{DATASET}",
-				"entities": [
-					{
-						"regionOffset": 0,
-						"regionLength": 100,
-						"labels": [
-							{
-								"category": "Entity2",
-								"offset": 20,
-								"length": 5
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				]
-			}
-		]
-	}
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| `multilingual` | `true`| A boolean value that enables you to have documents in multiple languages in your dataset and when your model is deployed you can query the model in any supported language (not necessarily included in your training documents). See [language support](../../language-support.md) to learn more about multilingual support. | `true`|
-|`projectName`|`{PROJECT-NAME}`|Project name|`myproject`|
-| `storageInputContainerName` |`{CONTAINER-NAME}`|Container name|`mycontainer`|
-| `entities` | | Array containing all the entity types you have in the project. These are the entity types that will be extracted from your documents into.|  |
-| `category` | | The name of the entity type, which can be user defined for new entity definitions, or predefined for prebuilt entities. |  |
-|`compositionSetting`|`{COMPOSITION-SETTING}`|Rule that defines how to manage multiple components in your entity. Options are `combineComponents` or `separateComponents`. |`combineComponents`|
-| `list` | | Array containing all the sublists you have in the project for a specific entity. Lists can be added to prebuilt entities or new entities with learned components.|  |
-|`sublists`|`[]`|Array containing sublists. Each sublist is a key and its associated values.|`[]`|
-| `listKey`| `One` | A normalized value for the list of synonyms to map back to in prediction. | `One` |
-|`synonyms`|`[]`|Array containing all the synonyms|synonym|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the synonym in your sublist. If your project is a multilingual project and you want to support your list of synonyms for all the languages in your project, you have to explicitly add your synonyms to each language. See [Language support](../../language-support.md) for more information about supported language codes. |`en`|
-| `values`| `"EntityNumberone"`, `"FirstEntity"`  | A list of comma separated strings that will be matched exactly for extraction and map to the list key. | `"EntityNumberone"`, `"FirstEntity"` |
-| `prebuilts` | `MedicationName` | The name of the prebuilt component populating the prebuilt entity. [Prebuilt entities](../../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) are automatically loaded into your project by default but you can extend them with list components in your labels file.  | `MedicationName` |
-| `documents` | | Array containing all the documents in your project and list of the entities labeled within each document. | [] |
-| `location` | `{DOCUMENT-NAME}` |  The location of the documents in the storage container. Since all the documents are in the root of the container this should be the document name.|`doc1.txt`|
-| `dataset` | `{DATASET}` |  The [test set](../../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting) to which this file will go to when split before training. Possible values for this field are `Train` and `Test`.      |`Train`|
-| `regionOffset` |  |  The inclusive character position of the start of the text.      |`0`|
-| `regionLength` |  |  The length of the bounding box in terms of UTF16 characters. Training only considers the data in this region.      |`500`|
-| `category` |  |  The type of entity associated with the span of text specified. | `Entity1`|
-| `offset` |  |  The start position for the entity text. | `25`|
-| `length` |  |  The length of the entity in terms of UTF16 characters. | `20`|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the document used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the documents. See [Language support](../../language-support.md) for more information about supported language codes. |`en`|
-Once you send your API request, you’ll receive a `202` response indicating that the job was submitted correctly. In the response headers, extract the `operation-location` value. It will be formatted like this: 
-`{JOB-ID}` is used to identify your request, since this operation is asynchronous. You’ll use this URL to get the import job status.  
-Possible error scenarios for this request:
-* The selected resource doesn't have [proper permissions](../../how-to/create-project.md#using-a-pre-existing-language-resource) for the storage account.
-* The `storageInputContainerName` specified doesn't exist.
-* Invalid language code is used, or if the language code type isn't string.
-* `multilingual` value is a string and not a boolean.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "ラベルファイルのインポートに関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Submit a **GET** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to get trained model evaluation summary.
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{trainedModelLabel}`     | The name for your trained model. This value is case-sensitive.   | `Model1` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Response Body
-Once you send the request, you'll get the following response.
-  "projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-  "customEntityRecognitionEvaluation": {
-    "confusionMatrix": {
-      "additionalProp1": {
-        "additionalProp1": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp2": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp3": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        }
-      },
-      "additionalProp2": {
-        "additionalProp1": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp2": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp3": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        }
-      },
-      "additionalProp3": {
-        "additionalProp1": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp2": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        },
-        "additionalProp3": {
-          "normalizedValue": 0,
-          "rawValue": 0
-        }
-      }
-    },
-    "entities": {
-      "additionalProp1": {
-        "f1": 0,
-        "precision": 0,
-        "recall": 0,
-        "truePositivesCount": 0,
-        "trueNegativesCount": 0,
-        "falsePositivesCount": 0,
-        "falseNegativesCount": 0
-      },
-      "additionalProp2": {
-        "f1": 0,
-        "precision": 0,
-        "recall": 0,
-        "truePositivesCount": 0,
-        "trueNegativesCount": 0,
-        "falsePositivesCount": 0,
-        "falseNegativesCount": 0
-      },
-      "additionalProp3": {
-        "f1": 0,
-        "precision": 0,
-        "recall": 0,
-        "truePositivesCount": 0,
-        "trueNegativesCount": 0,
-        "falsePositivesCount": 0,
-        "falseNegativesCount": 0
-      }
-    },
-    "microF1": 0,
-    "microPrecision": 0,
-    "microRecall": 0,
-    "macroF1": 0,
-    "macroPrecision": 0,
-    "macroRecall": 0
-  },
-  "evaluationOptions": {
-    "kind": "percentage",
-    "trainingSplitPercentage": 0,
-    "testingSplitPercentage": 0
-  }


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "トレーニング済みモデルの評価に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use the following **GET** request to get your project details. Replace the placeholder values below with your own values. 
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.  | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Response body
-    {
-        "createdDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastModifiedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastTrainedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "lastDeployedDateTime": "2021-10-19T23:24:41.572Z",
-        "projectKind": "CustomHealthcare",
-        "storageInputContainerName": "{CONTAINER-NAME}",
-        "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-        "multilingual": false,
-        "description": "Project description",
-        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}"
-    }
-|Value | Placeholder  | Description | Example |
-| `projectKind` | `CustomHealthcare` | Your project kind. | `CustomHealthcare` |
-| `storageInputContainerName` | `{CONTAINER-NAME}` | The name of your Azure storage container where you have uploaded your documents.   | `myContainer` |
-| `projectName` | `{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive. | `myProject` |
-| `multilingual` | `true`| A boolean value that enables you to have documents in multiple languages in your dataset and when your model is deployed you can query the model in any supported language (not necessarily ones included in your training documents). For more information about multilingual support, see [Language support](../../language-support.md). | `true`|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the documents used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the documents. |`en`|
-Once you send your API request, you will receive a `200` response indicating success and JSON response body with your project details.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクト詳細に関するAPI情報の削除"



リクエストURLにはエンドポイント、プロジェクト名、APIバージョンを指定する必要があり、レスポンスボディには作成日時、最終修正日時、プロジェクト名、ストレージコンテナ名、マルチリンガル設定など重要な情報が含まれていました。これにより、ユーザーは自分のプロジェクトの current 状態を把握できるようになっていました。



@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Use this **POST** request to start a Custom Text Analytics for health extraction task.
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you are calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-|Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key| Your key that provides access to this API.|
-#### Body
-  "displayName": "Extracting entities",
-  "analysisInput": {
-    "documents": [
-      {
-        "id": "1",
-        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-        "text": "Text1"
-      },
-      {
-        "id": "2",
-        "language": "{LANGUAGE-CODE}",
-        "text": "Text2"
-      }
-    ]
-  },
-  "tasks": [
-     {
-      "kind": "CustomHealthcare",
-      "taskName": "Custom TextAnalytics for Health Test",
-      "parameters": {
-        "projectName": "{PROJECT-NAME}",
-        "deploymentName": "{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}"
-      }
-    }
-  ]
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| `displayName` | `{JOB-NAME}` | Your job name. | `MyJobName` |
-| `documents` | [{},{}] | List of documents to run tasks on. | `[{},{}]` |
-| `id` | `{DOC-ID}` | Document name or ID. | `doc1`|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the document. If this key isn't specified, the service will assume the default language of the project that was selected during project creation. See [language support](../../language-support.md) for a list of supported language codes. |`en-us`|
-| `text` | `{DOC-TEXT}` | Document task to run the tasks on. | `Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet` |
-|`tasks`| | List of tasks we want to perform.|`[]`|
-| `taskName`|`Custom Text Analytics for Health Test`|The task name|`Custom Text Analytics for Health Test`|
-| `kind`|`CustomHealthcare`|The project or task kind we are trying to perform|`CustomHealthcare`|
-|`parameters`| |List of parameters to pass to the task.| |
-| `project-name` |`{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.  | `myProject` |
-| `deployment-name` |`{DEPLOYMENT-NAME}` | The name of your deployment. This value is case-sensitive.  | `prod` |
-#### Response
-You will receive a 202 response indicating that your task has been submitted successfully. In the response **headers**, extract `operation-location`.
-`operation-location` is formatted like this:
-You can use this URL to query the task completion status and get the results when task is completed.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析タスクの送信に関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Create a **POST** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to start a swap deployments job.
-### Request URL
-|Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-|`{ENDPOINT}`     | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-|`{PROJECT-NAME}`     | The name for your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest [model version](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md#choose-the-model-version-used-on-your-data) released. | `2022-05-01` |
-### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-### Request Body
-  "firstDeploymentName": "{FIRST-DEPLOYMENT-NAME}",
-  "secondDeploymentName": "{SECOND-DEPLOYMENT-NAME}"
-|Key|Placeholder| Value| Example|
-|firstDeploymentName |`{FIRST-DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`| The name for your first deployment. This value is case-sensitive.   | `production` |
-|secondDeploymentName | `{SECOND-DEPLOYMENT-NAME}`|The name for your second deployment. This value is case-sensitive.   | `staging` |
-Once you send your API request, you will receive a `202` response indicating success.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "デプロイメントのスワップに関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-Submit a **POST** request using the following URL, headers, and JSON body to submit a training job. Replace the placeholder values with your own values. 
-| Placeholder |Value | Example |
-| `{ENDPOINT}` | The endpoint for authenticating your API request.   | `https://<your-custom-subdomain>.cognitiveservices.azure.com` |
-| `{PROJECT-NAME}` | The name of your project. This value is case-sensitive.   | `myProject` |
-|`{API-VERSION}`     | The version of the API you're calling. The value referenced here is for the latest version released. See [Model lifecycle](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md) to learn more about other available API versions.  | `2022-05-01` |
-#### Headers
-Use the following header to authenticate your request. 
-|`Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key`| The key to your resource. Used for authenticating your API requests.|
-#### Request body
-Use the following JSON in your request body. The model is given the `{MODEL-NAME}` once training is complete. Only successful training jobs produce models. 
-	"modelLabel": "{MODEL-NAME}",
-	"trainingConfigVersion": "{CONFIG-VERSION}",
-	"evaluationOptions": {
-		"kind": "percentage",
-		"trainingSplitPercentage": 80,
-		"testingSplitPercentage": 20
-	}
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| modelLabel | `{MODEL-NAME}` | The model name that is assigned to your model once trained successfully.  | `myModel` |
-| trainingConfigVersion | `{CONFIG-VERSION}` | This is the [model version](../../../concepts/model-lifecycle.md) that is used to train the model. | `2022-05-01`| 
-| evaluationOptions |  | Option to split your data across training and testing sets. | `{}` |
-| kind | `percentage` |  Split methods. Possible values are `percentage` or `manual`. See [How to train a model](../../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting) for more information. |`percentage`|
-| trainingSplitPercentage | `80`| Percentage of your tagged data to be included in the training set. Recommended value is `80`. | `80`|
-| testingSplitPercentage | `20` | Percentage of your tagged data to be included in the testing set. Recommended value is `20`.   | `20` |
-  > [!NOTE]
-  > The `trainingSplitPercentage` and `testingSplitPercentage` are only required if `Kind` is set to `percentage` and the sum of both percentages should be equal to 100.
-Once you send your API request, you’ll receive a `202` response indicating that the job was submitted correctly. In the response headers, extract the `location` value. It is formatted like this: 
-`{JOB-ID}` is used to identify your request, since this operation is asynchronous. You can use this URL to get the training status.  


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "モデルのトレーニングに関するAPI情報の削除"






@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the steps for using Azure resources with custom NER.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/19/2023
-ms.author: jboback
-You can use an existing Language resource to get started with custom NER as long as this resource meets the below requirements:
-|Requirement  |Description  |
-|Regions     | Make sure your existing resource is provisioned in one of the supported regions. If not, you will need to create a new resource in one of these regions.        |
-|Pricing tier     | The [pricing tier](../reference/service-limits.md#language-resource-limits) for your resource.       |
-|Managed identity     | Make sure that the resource's managed identity setting is enabled. Otherwise, read the next section. |
-To use custom text analytics for health, you'll need to [create an Azure storage account](/azure/storage/common/storage-account-create) if you don't have one already. 
-## Enable identity management for your resource
-# [Azure portal](#tab/portal)
-Your Language resource must have identity management. To enable it using the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com):
-1. Go to your Language resource
-2. From left hand menu, under **Resource Management** section, select **Identity**
-3. From **System assigned** tab, make sure to set **Status** to **On**
-# [Language Studio](#tab/studio)
-Your Language resource must have identity management, to enable it using [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio):
-1. Select the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen
-2. Select **Resources**
-3. Select the check box **Managed Identity** for your Azure AI Language resource.
-### Enable custom text analytics for health
-Make sure to enable **Custom text classification / Custom Named Entity Recognition / Custom text analytics for health** feature from Azure portal.
-1. Go to your Language resource in the [Azure portal](https://portal.azure.com).
-2. From the left side menu, under **Resource Management** section, select **Features**
-3. Enable the **Custom text classification / Custom Named Entity Recognition / Custom text analytics** feature
-4. Connect your storage account
-5. Select **Apply**
-> * Make sure that your **Language resource** has **storage blob data contributor** role assigned on the storage account you are connecting.
-### Add required roles
-[!INCLUDE [required roles](../../includes/custom/roles-for-resource-and-storage.md)]
-### Enable CORS for your storage account
-Make sure to allow (**GET, PUT, DELETE**) methods when enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS). 
-Set allowed origins field to `https://language.cognitive.azure.com`. Allow all header by adding `*` to the allowed header values, and set the maximum age to `500`.
-:::image type="content" source="../media/resource-sharing.png" alt-text="A screenshot showing how to use CORS for storage accounts." lightbox="../media/resource-sharing.png":::


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "既存のリソースを使用する方法に関する情報の削除"


この変更により、use-pre-existing-resource.mdドキュメントが削除されました。この文書は、カスタムNER(Named Entity Recognition)を使用するために、既存のLanguageリソースを利用する手順について説明していました。具体的には、リソースが満たすべき要件(地域、価格帯、マネージドアイデンティティの設定)や、AzureポータルおよびLanguage Studioを使用してアイデンティティ管理を有効にする方法が含まれていました。

また、カスタムテキスト分析を有効にするための手順や、ストレージアカウントの作成についても詳細に説明されていました。CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)の設定方法、およびストレージアカウントに必要な役割を追加するための情報も含まれていました。



@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-title: Language and region support for custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the languages and regions supported by custom Text Analytics for health
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-ms.author: jboback
-# Language support for custom text analytics for health
-Use this article to learn about the languages currently supported by custom Text Analytics for health.
-## Multilingual option
-With custom Text Analytics for health, you can train a model in one language and use it to extract entities from documents other languages. This feature saves you the trouble of building separate projects for each language and instead combining your datasets in a single project, making it easy to scale your projects to multiple languages. You can train your project entirely with English documents, and query it in: French, German, Italian, and others. You can enable the multilingual option as part of the project creation process or later through the project settings.
-You aren't expected to add the same number of documents for every language. You should build the majority of your project in one language, and only add a few documents in languages you observe aren't performing well. If you create a project that is primarily in English, and start testing it in French, German, and Spanish, you might observe that German doesn't perform as well as the other two languages. In that case, consider adding 5% of your original English documents in German, train a new model and test in German again. In the [data labeling](how-to/label-data.md) page in Language Studio, you can select the language of the document you're adding. You should see better results for German queries. The more labeled documents you add, the more likely the results are going to get better. When you add data in another language, you shouldn't expect it to negatively affect other languages. 
-Hebrew is not supported in multilingual projects. If the primary language of the project is Hebrew, you will not be able to add training data in other languages, or query the model with other languages. Similarly, if the primary language of the project is not Hebrew, you will not be able to add training data in Hebrew, or query the model in Hebrew.
-## Language support
-Custom Text Analytics for health supports `.txt` files in the following languages:
-| Language | Language code |
-| --- | --- |
-| English | `en` |
-| French | `fr` |
-| German | `de` |
-| Spanish | `es` |
-| Italian | `it` |
-| Portuguese (Portugal) | `pt-pt` |
-| Hebrew | `he` |
-## Next steps
-* [Custom Text Analytics for health overview](overview.md)
-* [Service limits](reference/service-limits.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析の言語サポートに関する情報の削除"







    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "デプロイメント画像の削除"






    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "ストレージ接続画像の削除"







    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "プロジェクト作成画像の削除"







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138.244 107.403C138.473 107.403 138.649 107.428 138.771 107.479V108.392ZM144.147 110.47H140.264C140.278 111.083 140.443 111.555 140.758 111.888C141.073 112.221 141.506 112.388 142.058 112.388C142.677 112.388 143.246 112.184 143.766 111.775V112.603C143.282 112.953 142.643 113.129 141.848 113.129C141.071 113.129 140.461 112.88 140.017 112.382C139.573 111.881 139.351 111.177 139.351 110.271C139.351 109.416 139.592 108.719 140.076 108.182C140.563 107.641 141.166 107.371 141.886 107.371C142.605 107.371 143.162 107.604 143.556 108.069C143.95 108.535 144.147 109.181 144.147 110.008V110.47ZM143.245 109.724C143.241 109.215 143.118 108.819 142.874 108.537C142.634 108.254 142.299 108.112 141.87 108.112C141.454 108.112 141.102 108.261 140.812 108.558C140.521 108.855 140.342 109.244 140.274 109.724H143.245ZM150.812 114.751H150.028C148.918 113.483 148.363 111.92 148.363 110.062C148.363 108.196 148.918 106.608 150.028 105.298H150.823C149.699 106.659 149.137 108.243 149.137 110.051C149.137 111.845 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108.961C156.828 108.703 156.887 108.476 157.005 108.279C157.124 108.078 157.281 107.912 157.478 107.779C157.675 107.643 157.899 107.541 158.149 107.473C158.404 107.405 158.665 107.371 158.934 107.371C159.41 107.371 159.836 107.453 160.212 107.618V108.51C159.807 108.245 159.342 108.112 158.815 108.112C158.651 108.112 158.502 108.132 158.37 108.171C158.237 108.207 158.123 108.259 158.026 108.327C157.933 108.395 157.859 108.478 157.806 108.574C157.756 108.667 157.73 108.771 157.73 108.886C157.73 109.029 157.756 109.149 157.806 109.246C157.859 109.342 157.936 109.428 158.037 109.503C158.137 109.579 158.259 109.647 158.402 109.708C158.545 109.768 158.708 109.835 158.891 109.906C159.134 109.999 159.353 110.096 159.546 110.196C159.739 110.293 159.904 110.404 160.04 110.529C160.176 110.651 160.28 110.792 160.352 110.954C160.427 111.115 160.464 111.306 160.464 111.528C160.464 111.8 160.403 112.037 160.282 112.237C160.164 112.438 160.004 112.604 159.804 112.737C159.603 112.869 159.372 112.968 159.111 113.032C158.849 113.097 158.576 113.129 158.289 113.129C157.723 113.129 157.233 113.02 156.817 112.801ZM164.375 112.946C164.167 113.061 163.893 113.118 163.553 113.118C162.59 113.118 162.108 112.581 162.108 111.507V108.252H161.163V107.5H162.108V106.157L162.989 105.873V107.5H164.375V108.252H162.989V111.351C162.989 111.72 163.051 111.983 163.177 112.141C163.302 112.298 163.51 112.377 163.8 112.377C164.022 112.377 164.213 112.316 164.375 112.194V112.946ZM165.572 114.751H164.788C165.905 113.412 166.464 111.845 166.464 110.051C166.464 108.243 165.902 106.659 164.777 105.298H165.572C166.689 106.608 167.248 108.196 167.248 110.062C167.248 111.92 166.689 113.483 165.572 114.751Z" fill="#EF6950"/>
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-    <path d="M22.04 33.168C22.04 35.1341 21.153 36.1172 19.3789 36.1172C17.6797 36.1172 16.8301 35.1715 16.8301 33.2803V28.998H17.6504V33.2266C17.6504 34.6621 18.2559 35.3799 19.4668 35.3799C20.6354 35.3799 21.2197 34.6865 21.2197 33.2998V28.998H22.04V33.168ZM27.9336 29.7402H25.9121V36H25.0918V29.7402H23.0752V28.998H27.9336V29.7402ZM33.373 29.7402H31.3516V36H30.5312V29.7402H28.5146V28.998H33.373V29.7402ZM38.1875 36H34.4766V28.998H38.0312V29.7402H35.2969V32.0693H37.8262V32.8066H35.2969V35.2578H38.1875V36ZM44.5547 36H43.5781L42.4062 34.0371C42.2988 33.8548 42.1947 33.7002 42.0938 33.5732C41.9928 33.443 41.8887 33.3372 41.7812 33.2559C41.6771 33.1745 41.5632 33.1159 41.4395 33.0801C41.319 33.041 41.1823 33.0215 41.0293 33.0215H40.3555V36H39.5352V28.998H41.625C41.931 28.998 42.2126 29.0371 42.4697 29.1152C42.7301 29.1901 42.9548 29.3057 43.1436 29.4619C43.3356 29.6182 43.4854 29.8135 43.5928 30.0479C43.7002 30.279 43.7539 30.5508 43.7539 30.8633C43.7539 31.1074 43.7165 31.332 43.6416 31.5371C43.57 31.7389 43.4658 31.9196 43.3291 32.0791C43.1956 32.2386 43.0329 32.3753 42.8408 32.4893C42.652 32.5999 42.4388 32.6862 42.2012 32.748V32.7676C42.3184 32.8197 42.4193 32.8799 42.5039 32.9482C42.5918 33.0133 42.6748 33.0915 42.7529 33.1826C42.8311 33.2738 42.9076 33.3779 42.9824 33.4951C43.0605 33.609 43.1468 33.7425 43.2412 33.8955L44.5547 36ZM40.3555 29.7402V32.2793H41.4688C41.6738 32.2793 41.8626 32.2484 42.0352 32.1865C42.2109 32.1247 42.3623 32.0368 42.4893 31.9229C42.6162 31.8057 42.7155 31.6641 42.7871 31.498C42.8587 31.3288 42.8945 31.14 42.8945 30.9316C42.8945 30.5573 42.7725 30.266 42.5283 30.0576C42.2874 29.846 41.9375 29.7402 41.4785 29.7402H40.3555ZM50.9414 36H50.0332L49.291 34.0371H46.3223L45.624 36H44.7109L47.3965 28.998H48.2461L50.9414 36ZM49.0225 33.2998L47.9238 30.3164C47.888 30.2188 47.8522 30.0625 47.8164 29.8477H47.7969C47.7643 30.0462 47.7269 30.2025 47.6846 30.3164L46.5957 33.2998H49.0225ZM57.6211 36H56.6152L53.0117 30.4189C52.9206 30.279 52.8457 30.1325 52.7871 29.9795H52.7578C52.7839 30.1292 52.7969 30.4499 52.7969 30.9414V36H51.9766V28.998H53.041L56.5469 34.4912C56.6934 34.7191 56.7878 34.8753 56.8301 34.96H56.8496C56.8171 34.7581 56.8008 34.4147 56.8008 33.9297V28.998H57.6211V36ZM64.2227 35.707C63.7051 35.9805 63.0605 36.1172 62.2891 36.1172C61.293 36.1172 60.4954 35.7965 59.8965 35.1553C59.2975 34.514 58.998 33.6725 58.998 32.6309C58.998 31.5111 59.335 30.6061 60.0088 29.916C60.6826 29.2259 61.5371 28.8809 62.5723 28.8809C63.2363 28.8809 63.7865 28.9769 64.2227 29.1689V30.043C63.7214 29.763 63.168 29.623 62.5625 29.623C61.7585 29.623 61.1058 29.8916 60.6045 30.4287C60.1064 30.9658 59.8574 31.6836 59.8574 32.582C59.8574 33.4349 60.0902 34.1152 60.5557 34.623C61.0244 35.1276 61.638 35.3799 62.3965 35.3799C63.0996 35.3799 63.7083 35.2236 64.2227 34.9111V35.707ZM69.3594 36H65.6484V28.998H69.2031V29.7402H66.4688V32.0693H68.998V32.8066H66.4688V35.2578H69.3594V36ZM78.8711 36H77.9629L77.2207 34.0371H74.252L73.5537 36H72.6406L75.3262 28.998H76.1758L78.8711 36ZM76.9521 33.2998L75.8535 30.3164C75.8177 30.2188 75.7819 30.0625 75.7461 29.8477H75.7266C75.694 30.0462 75.6566 30.2025 75.6143 30.3164L74.5254 33.2998H76.9521ZM85.5508 36H84.5449L80.9414 30.4189C80.8503 30.279 80.7754 30.1325 80.7168 29.9795H80.6875C80.7135 30.1292 80.7266 30.4499 80.7266 30.9414V36H79.9062V28.998H80.9707L84.4766 34.4912C84.623 34.7191 84.7174 34.8753 84.7598 34.96H84.7793C84.7467 34.7581 84.7305 34.4147 84.7305 33.9297V28.998H85.5508V36ZM87.3867 36V28.998H89.3203C91.7878 28.998 93.0215 30.1357 93.0215 32.4111C93.0215 33.4919 92.6781 34.361 91.9912 35.0186C91.3076 35.6729 90.3913 36 89.2422 36H87.3867ZM88.207 29.7402V35.2578H89.252C90.1699 35.2578 90.8844 35.012 91.3955 34.5205C91.9066 34.029 92.1621 33.3324 92.1621 32.4307C92.1621 30.637 91.2083 29.7402 89.3008 29.7402H88.207ZM97.1426 36V28.998H99.0762C101.544 28.998 102.777 30.1357 102.777 32.4111C102.777 33.4919 102.434 34.361 101.747 35.0186C101.063 35.6729 100.147 36 98.998 36H97.1426ZM97.9629 29.7402V35.2578H99.0078C99.9258 35.2578 100.64 35.012 101.151 34.5205C101.662 34.029 101.918 33.3324 101.918 32.4307C101.918 30.637 100.964 29.7402 99.0566 29.7402H97.9629ZM107.865 36H104.154V28.998H107.709V29.7402H104.975V32.0693H107.504V32.8066H104.975V35.2578H107.865V36ZM113.354 29.7402H111.332V36H110.512V29.7402H108.495V28.998H113.354V29.7402ZM118.168 36H114.457V28.998H118.012V29.7402H115.277V32.0693H117.807V32.8066H115.277V35.2578H118.168V36ZM124.281 35.707C123.764 35.9805 123.119 36.1172 122.348 36.1172C121.352 36.1172 120.554 35.7965 119.955 35.1553C119.356 34.514 119.057 33.6725 119.057 32.6309C119.057 31.5111 119.394 30.6061 120.067 29.916C120.741 29.2259 121.596 28.8809 122.631 28.8809C123.295 28.8809 123.845 28.9769 124.281 29.1689V30.043C123.78 29.763 123.227 29.623 122.621 29.623C121.817 29.623 121.164 29.8916 120.663 30.4287C120.165 30.9658 119.916 31.6836 119.916 32.582C119.916 33.4349 120.149 34.1152 120.614 34.623C121.083 35.1276 121.697 35.3799 122.455 35.3799C123.158 35.3799 123.767 35.2236 124.281 34.9111V35.707ZM129.848 29.7402H127.826V36H127.006V29.7402H124.989V28.998H129.848V29.7402ZM134.662 36H130.951V28.998H134.506V29.7402H131.771V32.0693H134.301V32.8066H131.771V35.2578H134.662V36ZM136.01 36V28.998H137.943C140.411 28.998 141.645 30.1357 141.645 32.4111C141.645 33.4919 141.301 34.361 140.614 35.0186C139.931 35.6729 139.014 36 137.865 36H136.01ZM136.83 29.7402V35.2578H137.875C138.793 35.2578 139.507 35.012 140.019 34.5205C140.53 34.029 140.785 33.3324 140.785 32.4307C140.785 30.637 139.831 29.7402 137.924 29.7402H136.83ZM150.531 35.707C150.014 35.9805 149.369 36.1172 148.598 36.1172C147.602 36.1172 146.804 35.7965 146.205 35.1553C145.606 34.514 145.307 33.6725 145.307 32.6309C145.307 31.5111 145.644 30.6061 146.317 29.916C146.991 29.2259 147.846 28.8809 148.881 28.8809C149.545 28.8809 150.095 28.9769 150.531 29.1689V30.043C150.03 29.763 149.477 29.623 148.871 29.623C148.067 29.623 147.414 29.8916 146.913 30.4287C146.415 30.9658 146.166 31.6836 146.166 32.582C146.166 33.4349 146.399 34.1152 146.864 34.623C147.333 35.1276 147.947 35.3799 148.705 35.3799C149.408 35.3799 150.017 35.2236 150.531 34.9111V35.707ZM154.506 36.1172C153.513 36.1172 152.717 35.79 152.118 35.1357C151.522 34.4814 151.225 33.6302 151.225 32.582C151.225 31.4557 151.529 30.5573 152.138 29.8867C152.746 29.2161 153.575 28.8809 154.623 28.8809C155.59 28.8809 156.368 29.2064 156.957 29.8574C157.549 30.5085 157.846 31.3597 157.846 32.4111C157.846 33.5537 157.543 34.457 156.938 35.1211C156.332 35.7852 155.521 36.1172 154.506 36.1172ZM154.564 29.623C153.829 29.623 153.231 29.8883 152.772 30.4189C152.313 30.9495 152.084 31.6462 152.084 32.5088C152.084 33.3714 152.307 34.0664 152.753 34.5938C153.202 35.1178 153.786 35.3799 154.506 35.3799C155.274 35.3799 155.88 35.1292 156.322 34.6279C156.765 34.1266 156.986 33.4251 156.986 32.5234C156.986 31.599 156.771 30.8844 156.342 30.3799C155.912 29.8753 155.32 29.623 154.564 29.623ZM166.361 36H165.546V31.3027C165.546 30.9316 165.569 30.4775 165.614 29.9404H165.595C165.517 30.2562 165.447 30.4824 165.385 30.6191L162.992 36H162.592L160.204 30.6582C160.136 30.502 160.066 30.2627 159.994 29.9404H159.975C160.001 30.2204 160.014 30.6777 160.014 31.3125V36H159.223V28.998H160.307L162.455 33.8809C162.621 34.2552 162.729 34.5352 162.777 34.7207H162.807C162.947 34.3366 163.059 34.0501 163.144 33.8613L165.336 28.998H166.361V36ZM169.027 33.3535V36H168.207V28.998H170.131C170.88 28.998 171.459 29.1803 171.869 29.5449C172.283 29.9095 172.489 30.4238 172.489 31.0879C172.489 31.752 172.26 32.2956 171.801 32.7188C171.345 33.1419 170.728 33.3535 169.95 33.3535H169.027ZM169.027 29.7402V32.6113H169.887C170.453 32.6113 170.884 32.4827 171.181 32.2256C171.48 31.9652 171.63 31.599 171.63 31.127C171.63 30.2025 171.083 29.7402 169.989 29.7402H169.027ZM176.635 36.1172C175.642 36.1172 174.846 35.79 174.247 35.1357C173.651 34.4814 173.354 33.6302 173.354 32.582C173.354 31.4557 173.658 30.5573 174.267 29.8867C174.875 29.2161 175.704 28.8809 176.752 28.8809C177.719 28.8809 178.497 29.2064 179.086 29.8574C179.678 30.5085 179.975 31.3597 179.975 32.4111C179.975 33.5537 179.672 34.457 179.066 35.1211C178.461 35.7852 177.65 36.1172 176.635 36.1172ZM176.693 29.623C175.958 29.623 175.36 29.8883 174.901 30.4189C174.442 30.9495 174.213 31.6462 174.213 32.5088C174.213 33.3714 174.436 34.0664 174.882 34.5938C175.331 35.1178 175.915 35.3799 176.635 35.3799C177.403 35.3799 178.008 35.1292 178.451 34.6279C178.894 34.1266 179.115 33.4251 179.115 32.5234C179.115 31.599 178.9 30.8844 178.471 30.3799C178.041 29.8753 177.449 29.623 176.693 29.623ZM186.996 36H185.99L182.387 30.4189C182.296 30.279 182.221 30.1325 182.162 29.9795H182.133C182.159 30.1292 182.172 30.4499 182.172 30.9414V36H181.352V28.998H182.416L185.922 34.4912C186.068 34.7191 186.163 34.8753 186.205 34.96H186.225C186.192 34.7581 186.176 34.4147 186.176 33.9297V28.998H186.996V36ZM192.543 36H188.832V28.998H192.387V29.7402H189.652V32.0693H192.182V32.8066H189.652V35.2578H192.543V36ZM199.535 36H198.529L194.926 30.4189C194.835 30.279 194.76 30.1325 194.701 29.9795H194.672C194.698 30.1292 194.711 30.4499 194.711 30.9414V36H193.891V28.998H194.955L198.461 34.4912C198.607 34.7191 198.702 34.8753 198.744 34.96H198.764C198.731 34.7581 198.715 34.4147 198.715 33.9297V28.998H199.535V36ZM205.512 29.7402H203.49V36H202.67V29.7402H200.653V28.998H205.512V29.7402ZM206.093 35.7168V34.75C206.203 34.8477 206.335 34.9355 206.488 35.0137C206.645 35.0918 206.807 35.1585 206.977 35.2139C207.149 35.266 207.322 35.3066 207.494 35.3359C207.667 35.3652 207.826 35.3799 207.973 35.3799C208.477 35.3799 208.853 35.2871 209.101 35.1016C209.351 34.9128 209.477 34.6426 209.477 34.291C209.477 34.1022 209.434 33.9378 209.35 33.7979C209.268 33.6579 209.154 33.5309 209.008 33.417C208.861 33.2998 208.687 33.1891 208.485 33.085C208.287 32.9775 208.072 32.8652 207.841 32.748C207.597 32.6243 207.369 32.499 207.157 32.3721C206.946 32.2451 206.762 32.1051 206.605 31.9521C206.449 31.7992 206.326 31.6266 206.234 31.4346C206.146 31.2393 206.103 31.0114 206.103 30.751C206.103 30.432 206.173 30.1553 206.312 29.9209C206.452 29.6833 206.636 29.488 206.864 29.335C207.092 29.182 207.351 29.068 207.641 28.9932C207.934 28.9183 208.231 28.8809 208.534 28.8809C209.224 28.8809 209.727 28.9639 210.043 29.1299V30.0527C209.63 29.7663 209.099 29.623 208.451 29.623C208.272 29.623 208.093 29.6426 207.914 29.6816C207.735 29.7174 207.576 29.7777 207.436 29.8623C207.296 29.9469 207.182 30.056 207.094 30.1895C207.006 30.3229 206.962 30.4857 206.962 30.6777C206.962 30.8568 206.994 31.0114 207.06 31.1416C207.128 31.2718 207.227 31.3906 207.357 31.498C207.488 31.6055 207.646 31.7096 207.831 31.8105C208.02 31.9115 208.236 32.0221 208.48 32.1426C208.731 32.2663 208.969 32.3965 209.193 32.5332C209.418 32.6699 209.615 32.8213 209.784 32.9873C209.953 33.1533 210.087 33.3372 210.185 33.5391C210.285 33.7409 210.336 33.972 210.336 34.2324C210.336 34.5775 210.268 34.8704 210.131 35.1113C209.997 35.349 209.815 35.5426 209.584 35.6924C209.356 35.8421 209.092 35.9495 208.793 36.0146C208.493 36.083 208.178 36.1172 207.846 36.1172C207.735 36.1172 207.598 36.1074 207.436 36.0879C207.273 36.0716 207.107 36.0456 206.938 36.0098C206.768 35.9772 206.607 35.9365 206.454 35.8877C206.304 35.8356 206.184 35.7786 206.093 35.7168Z" fill="#323130"/>


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@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom Text Analytics for health - Azure AI services
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Customize an AI model to label and extract healthcare information from documents using Azure AI services.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: overview
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# What is custom Text Analytics for health?
-> [!NOTE]
-> Custom text analytics for health (preview) will be retired on 10 January 2025, please transition to other custom model training services, such as custom named entity recognition in Azure AI Language, by that date. From now to 10 January 2025, you can continue to use custom text analytics for health (preview) in your existing projects without disruption. You can’t create new projects. On 10 January 2025 – workloads running on custom text analytics for health (preview) will be deleted and associated project data will be lost.
-Custom Text Analytics for health is one of the custom features offered by [Azure AI Language](../overview.md). It is a cloud-based API service that applies machine-learning intelligence to enable you to build custom models on top of [Text Analytics for health](../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md) for custom healthcare entity recognition tasks.
-Custom Text Analytics for health enables users to build custom AI models to extract healthcare specific entities from unstructured text, such as clinical notes and reports. By creating a custom Text Analytics for health project, developers can iteratively define new vocabulary, label data, train, evaluate, and improve model performance before making it available for consumption. The quality of the labeled data greatly impacts model performance. To simplify building and customizing your model, the service offers a web portal that can be accessed through the [Language studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio). You can easily get started with the service by following the steps in this [quickstart](quickstart.md). 
-This documentation contains the following article types:
-* [Quickstarts](quickstart.md) are getting-started instructions to guide you through creating making requests to the service.
-* [Concepts](concepts/evaluation-metrics.md) provide explanations of the service functionality and features.
-* [How-to guides](how-to/label-data.md) contain instructions for using the service in more specific or customized ways.
-## Example usage scenarios
-Similarly to Text Analytics for health, custom Text Analytics for health can be used in multiple [scenarios](../text-analytics-for-health/overview.md#example-use-cases) across a variety of healthcare industries. However, the main usage of this feature is to provide a layer of customization on top of Text Analytics for health to extend its existing entity map.
-## Project development lifecycle
-Using custom Text Analytics for health typically involves several different steps. 
-:::image type="content" source="media/development-lifecycle.png" alt-text="A diagram showing the project development lifecycle when working with custom models." lightbox="media/development-lifecycle.png":::
-* **Define your schema**: Know your data and define the new entities you want extracted on top of the existing Text Analytics for health entity map. Avoid ambiguity.
-* **Label your data**: Labeling data is a key factor in determining model performance. Label precisely, consistently and completely.
-    * **Label precisely**: Label each entity to its right type always. Only include what you want extracted, avoid unnecessary data in your labels.
-    * **Label consistently**:  The same entity should have the same label across all the files.
-    * **Label completely**: Label all the instances of the entity in all your files.
-* **Train the model**: Your model starts learning from your labeled data.
-* **View the model's performance**: After training is completed, view the model's evaluation details, its performance and guidance on how to improve it. 
-* **Deploy the model**: Deploying a model makes it available for use via an API.
-* **Extract entities**: Use your custom models for entity extraction tasks.
-## Reference documentation and code samples
-As you use custom Text Analytics for health, see the following reference documentation for Azure AI Language:
-|APIs| Reference documentation|
-|REST APIs (Authoring)   | [REST API documentation](/rest/api/language/2023-04-01/text-analysis-authoring)        |
-|REST APIs (Runtime)    | [REST API documentation](/rest/api/language/text-analysis-runtime/analyze-text)        |
-## Responsible AI 
-An AI system includes not only the technology, but also the people who will use it, the people who will be affected by it, and the environment in which it is deployed. Read the [transparency note for Text Analytics for health](/legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-health?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context) to learn about responsible AI use and deployment in your systems. You can also see the following articles for more information:
-[!INCLUDE [Responsible AI links](../includes/overview-responsible-ai-links.md)]
-## Next steps
-* Use the [quickstart article](quickstart.md) to start using custom Text Analytics for health.  
-* As you go through the project development lifecycle, review the glossary to learn more about the terms used throughout the documentation for this feature. 
-* Remember to view the [service limits](reference/service-limits.md) for information such as [regional availability](reference/service-limits.md#regional-availability).


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析の概要文書の削除"


この変更は、custom-text-analytics-for-health/overview.mdというファイルの削除に関するものであり、内容が79行削除されました。この文書は、Azure AIのカスタムテキスト分析サービスに関する概要を提供しており、ユーザーがこのサービスの機能や利点を理解するための重要なリソースでした。




@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-title: Quickstart - Custom Text Analytics for health (Custom TA4H)
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Quickly start building an AI model to categorize and extract information from healthcare unstructured text.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: quickstart
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-TA4H, mode-other
-zone_pivot_groups: usage-custom-language-features
-# Quickstart: custom Text Analytics for health
-> [!NOTE]
-> Custom text analytics for health (preview) will be retired on 10 January 2025, please transition to other custom model training services, such as custom named entity recognition in Azure AI Language, by that date. From now to 10 January 2025, you can continue to use custom text analytics for health (preview) in your existing projects without disruption. You can’t create new projects. On 10 January 2025 – workloads running on custom text analytics for health (preview) will be deleted and associated project data will be lost.
-Use this article to get started with creating a custom Text Analytics for health project where you can train custom models on top of Text Analytics for health for custom entity recognition. A model is artificial intelligence software that's trained to do a certain task. For this system, the models extract healthcare related named entities and are trained by learning from labeled data.
-In this article, we use Language Studio to demonstrate key concepts of custom Text Analytics for health. As an example we’ll build a custom Text Analytics for health model to extract the Facility or treatment location from short discharge notes.
-::: zone pivot="language-studio"
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio quickstart](includes/quickstarts/language-studio.md)]
-::: zone-end
-::: zone pivot="rest-api"
-[!INCLUDE [REST API quickstart](includes/quickstarts/rest-api.md)]
-::: zone-end
-## Next steps
-* [Text analytics for health overview](./overview.md)
-After you've created entity extraction model, you can:
-* [Use the runtime API to extract entities](how-to/call-api.md)
-When you start to create your own custom Text Analytics for health projects, use the how-to articles to learn more about data labeling, training and consuming your model in greater detail:
-* [Data selection and schema design](how-to/design-schema.md)
-* [Tag data](how-to/label-data.md)
-* [Train a model](how-to/train-model.md)
-* [Model evaluation](how-to/view-model-evaluation.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析のクイックスタート文書の削除"



削除された文書には、カスタムモデルの作成方法や、データから医療関連のエンティティを抽出する方法、Language StudioやREST APIを使った具体的な手順が含まれていました。また、クイックスタートの後に続くステップとして、エンティティ抽出モデルの使用方法やデータのラベル付け、モデルのトレーニング、評価についてのさらなるリソースが参照されていました。



@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-title: Definitions used in custom Text Analytics for health
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about definitions used in custom Text Analytics for health
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: overview
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-TA4H
-# Terms and definitions used in custom Text Analytics for health
-Use this article to learn about some of the definitions and terms you may encounter when using Custom Text Analytics for health
-## Entity
-Entities are words in input data that describe information relating to a specific category or concept. If your entity is complex and you would like your model to identify specific parts, you can break your entity into subentities. For example, you might want your model to predict an address, but also the subentities of street, city, state, and zipcode. 
-## F1 score
-The F1 score is a function of Precision and Recall. It's needed when you seek a balance between [precision](#precision) and [recall](#recall).
-## Prebuilt entity component
-Prebuilt entity components represent pretrained entity components that belong to the [Text Analytics for health entity map](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md). These entities are automatically loaded into your project as entities with prebuilt components. You can define list components for entities with prebuilt components but you cannot add learned components. Similarly, you can create new entities with learned and list components, but you cannot populate them with additional prebuilt components.
-## Learned entity component
-The learned entity component uses the entity tags you label your text with to train a machine learned model. The model learns to predict where the entity is, based on the context within the text. Your labels provide examples of where the entity is expected to be present in text, based on the meaning of the words around it and as the words that were labeled. This component is only defined if you add labels by labeling your data for the entity. If you do not label any data with the entity, it will not have a learned component. Learned components cannot be added to entities with prebuilt components.
-## List entity component
-A list entity component represents a fixed, closed set of related words along with their synonyms. List entities are exact matches, unlike machined learned entities.
-The entity will be predicted if a word in the list entity is included in the list. For example, if you have a list entity called "clinics" and you have the words "clinic a, clinic b, clinic c" in the list, then the size entity will be predicted for all instances of the input data where "clinic a, clinic b, clinic c" are used regardless of the context. List components can be added to all entities regardless of whether they are prebuilt or newly defined.
-## Model
-A model is an object that's trained to do a certain task, in this case custom Text Analytics for health models perform all the features of Text Analytics for health in addition to custom entity extraction for the user's defined entities. Models are trained by providing labeled data to learn from so they can later be used to understand context from the input text.
-* **Model evaluation** is the process that happens right after training to know how well does your model perform.
-* **Deployment** is the process of assigning your model to a deployment to make it available for use via the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-## Overfitting
-Overfitting happens when the model is fixated on the specific examples and is not able to generalize well.
-## Precision
-Measures how precise/accurate your model is. It's the ratio between the correctly identified positives (true positives) and all identified positives. The precision metric reveals how many of the predicted entities are correctly labeled.
-## Project
-A project is a work area for building your custom ML models based on your data. Your project can only be accessed by you and others who have access to the Azure resource being used.
-## Recall
-Measures the model's ability to predict actual positive entities. It's the ratio between the predicted true positives and what was actually labeled. The recall metric reveals how many of the predicted entities are correct.
-## Schema
-Schema is defined as the combination of entities within your project. Schema design is a crucial part of your project's success. When creating a schema, you want think about what are the new entities should you add to your project to extend the existing [Text Analytics for health entity map](../../text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md) and which new vocabulary should you add to the prebuilt entities using list components to enhance their recall. For example, adding a new entity for patient name or extending the prebuilt entity "Medication Name" with a new research drug (Ex: research drug A).
-## Training data
-Training data is the set of information that is needed to train a model.
-## Next steps
-* [Data and service limits](service-limits.md).


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析の用語集文書の削除"






@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom Text Analytics for health service limits
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the data and service limits when using Custom Text Analytics for health.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h, references_regions
-# Custom Text Analytics for health service limits
-Use this article to learn about the data and service limits when using custom Text Analytics for health.
-## Language resource limits
-* Your Language resource has to be created in one of the [supported regions](#regional-availability).
-* Your resource must be one of the supported pricing tiers:
-    |Tier|Description|Limit|
-    |--|--|--|
-    |S |Paid tier|You can have unlimited Language S tier resources per subscription. | 
-* You can only connect one storage account per resource. This process is irreversible. If you connect a storage account to your resource, you cannot unlink it later. Learn more about [connecting a storage account](../how-to/create-project.md#create-language-resource-and-connect-storage-account)
-* You can have up to 500 projects per resource.
-* Project names have to be unique within the same resource across all custom features.
-## Regional availability 
-See [Language service regional availability](../../concepts/regional-support.md#custom-text-analytics-for-health).
-## API limits
-|Item|Request type| Maximum limit|
-|Authoring API|POST|10 per minute|
-|Authoring API|GET|100 per minute|
-|Prediction API|GET/POST|1,000 per minute|
-|Document size|--|125,000 characters. You can send up to 20 documents as long as they collectively do not exceed 125,000 characters|
-> [!TIP]
-> If you need to send larger files than the limit allows, you can break the text into smaller chunks of text before sending them to the API. You use can the [chunk command from CLUtils](https://github.com/microsoft/CognitiveServicesLanguageUtilities/blob/main/CustomTextAnalytics.CLUtils/Solution/CogSLanguageUtilities.ViewLayer.CliCommands/Commands/ChunkCommand/README.md) for this process.
-## Quota limits
-|Pricing tier |Item |Limit |
-| --- | --- | ---|
-|S|Training time| Unlimited, free |
-|S|Prediction Calls| 5,000 text records for free per language resource|
-## Document limits
-* You can only use `.txt`. files. If your data is in another format, you can use the [CLUtils parse command](https://github.com/microsoft/CognitiveServicesLanguageUtilities/blob/main/CustomTextAnalytics.CLUtils/Solution/CogSLanguageUtilities.ViewLayer.CliCommands/Commands/ParseCommand/README.md) to open your document and extract the text.
-* All files uploaded in your container must contain data. Empty files are not allowed for training.
-* All files should be available at the root of your container.
-## Data limits
-The following limits are observed for authoring.
-|Item|Lower Limit| Upper Limit |
-| --- | --- | --- |
-|Documents count | 10 | 100,000 |
-|Document length in characters | 1 | 128,000 characters; approximately 28,000 words or 56 pages. |
-|Count of entity types | 1 | 200 |
-|Entity length in characters | 1 | 500 |
-|Count of trained models per project| 0 | 10 |
-|Count of deployments per project| 0 | 10 |
-## Naming limits
-| Item | Limits |
-| Project name |  You can only use letters `(a-z, A-Z)`, and numbers `(0-9)` , symbols  `_ . -`, with no spaces. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters. |
-| Model name |  You can only use letters `(a-z, A-Z)`, numbers `(0-9)` and symbols `_ . -`. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.  |
-| Deployment name |  You can only use letters `(a-z, A-Z)`, numbers `(0-9)` and symbols `_ . -`. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters.  |
-| Entity name| You can only use letters `(a-z, A-Z)`, numbers `(0-9)` and all symbols except ":", `$ & %  * (  ) + ~ # / ?`. Maximum allowed length is 50 characters. See the supported [data format](../concepts/data-formats.md#entity-naming-rules) for more information on entity names when importing a labels file. |
-| Document name | You can only use letters `(a-z, A-Z)`, and numbers `(0-9)` with no spaces. |
-## Next steps
-* [Custom text analytics for health overview](../overview.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析のサービス制限に関する文書の削除"






@@ -53,9 +53,6 @@ conceptualContent:
         - itemType: overview
           text: Text analytics for health
           url:  text-analytics-for-health/overview.md
-        - itemType: overview
-          text: Custom text analytics for health
-          url:  custom-text-analytics-for-health/overview.md
     - title: Summarize text-based content
       summary: Summarize lengthy documents and conversation transcripts.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "カスタムテキスト分析の概要に関する項目の削除"






@@ -180,17 +180,6 @@ The Language service also provides several new features as well, which can eithe
-### Custom text analytics for health
-   :::column span="":::
-      :::image type="content" source="text-analytics-for-health/media/call-api/health-named-entity-recognition.png" alt-text="A screenshot of a custom text analytics for health example." lightbox="text-analytics-for-health/media/call-api/health-named-entity-recognition.png":::
-   :::column-end:::
-   :::column span="":::
-      [Custom text analytics for health](./custom-text-analytics-for-health/overview.md) is a custom feature that extract healthcare specific entities from unstructured text, using a model you create.  
-   :::column-end:::
 ## Which Language service feature should I use?
 This section will help you decide which Language service feature you should use for your application:
@@ -206,7 +195,6 @@ This section will help you decide which Language service feature you should use
 | Disambiguate entities and get links to Wikipedia. | Unstructured text | [Entity linking](./entity-linking/overview.md) | | 
 | Classify documents into one or more categories. | Unstructured text | [Custom text classification](./custom-text-classification/overview.md) | ✓|
 | Extract medical information from clinical/medical documents, without building a model. | Unstructured text | [Text analytics for health](./text-analytics-for-health/overview.md) | |
-| Extract medical information from clinical/medical documents using a model that's trained on your data. | Unstructured text | [Custom text analytics for health](./custom-text-analytics-for-health/overview.md) | |
 | Build a conversational application that responds to user inputs. | Unstructured user inputs | [Question answering](./question-answering/overview.md) | ✓ |
 | Detect the language that a text was written in. | Unstructured text | [Language detection](./language-detection/overview.md) | | 
 | Predict the intention of user inputs and extract information from them. | Unstructured user inputs | [Conversational language understanding](./conversational-language-understanding/overview.md) | ✓ |


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "健康に関するカスタムテキスト分析の情報の削除"






@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-title: Custom sentiment analysis data formats
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the data formats accepted by custom sentiment analysis.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ner
-# Accepted custom sentiment analysis data formats
-If you are trying to [import your data](../how-to/create-project.md#import-a-custom-sentiment-analysis-project) into custom sentiment analysis, it has to follow a specific format. If you don't have data to import, you can [create your project](../how-to/create-project.md) and use Language Studio to [label your documents](../how-to/label-data.md).
-## Labels file format
-Your Labels file should be in the `json` format below to be used in [importing](../how-to/create-project.md#import-a-custom-sentiment-analysis-project) your labels into a project.
-    "projectFileVersion": "2023-04-15-preview",
-    "stringIndexType": "Utf16CodeUnit",
-    "metadata": {
-        "projectKind": "CustomTextSentiment",
-        "storageInputContainerName": "custom-sentiment-2",
-        "projectName": "sa-test",
-        "multilingual": false,
-        "description": "",
-        "language": "en-us"
-    },
-    "assets": {
-        "projectKind": "CustomTextSentiment",
-        "documents": [
-            {
-                "location": "document_1.txt",
-                "language": "en-us",
-                "sentimentSpans": [
-                    {
-                        "category": "positive",
-                        "offset": 0,
-                        "length": 60
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "category": "neutral",
-                        "offset": 61,
-                        "length": 31
-                    }
-                ],
-                "dataset": "Train"
-            },
-            {
-                "location": "document_2.txt",
-                "language": "en-us",
-                "sentimentSpans": [
-                    {
-                        "category": "positive",
-                        "offset": 0,
-                        "length": 50
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "category": "positive",
-                        "offset": 51,
-                        "length": 49
-                    },
-                    {
-                        "category": "positive",
-                        "offset": 101,
-                        "length": 26
-                    }
-                ],
-                "dataset": "Train"
-            }
-        ]
-    }
-|Key  |Placeholder  |Value  | Example |
-| `multilingual` | `true`| A boolean value that enables you to have documents in multiple languages in your dataset and when your model is deployed you can query the model in any supported language (not necessarily included in your training documents). See [language support](../../language-support.md#multi-lingual-option-custom-sentiment-analysis-only) to learn more about multilingual support. | `true`|
-|`projectName`|`{PROJECT-NAME}`|Project name|`myproject`|
-| storageInputContainerName|`{CONTAINER-NAME}`|Container name|`mycontainer`|
-| `sentimentSpans` | | Array containing all the sentiments and their locations in the document. |  |
-| `documents` | | Array containing all the documents in your project and list of the entities labeled within each document. | [] |
-| `location` | `{DOCUMENT-NAME}` |  The location of the documents in the storage container. Since all the documents are in the root of the container this should be the document name.|`doc1.txt`|
-| `dataset` | `{DATASET}` |  The test set to which this file will go to when split before training. Learn more about data splitting [here](../how-to/train-model.md#data-splitting) . Possible values for this field are `Train` and `Test`.      |`Train`|
-| `offset` |  |  The inclusive character position of the start of a sentiment in the text.      |`0`|
-| `length` |  |  The length of the bounding box in terms of UTF16 characters. Training only considers the data in this region.      |`500`|
-| `category` |  |  The sentiment associated with the span of text specified. | `positive`|
-| `offset` |  |  The start position for the entity text. | `25`|
-| `length` |  |  The length of the entity in terms of UTF16 characters. | `20`|
-| `language` | `{LANGUAGE-CODE}` |  A string specifying the language code for the document used in your project. If your project is a multilingual project, choose the language code of the majority of the documents. See [Language support](../../language-support.md) for more information about supported language codes. |`en-us`|
-## Next steps
-* You can import your labeled data into your project directly. Learn how to [import project](../how-to/create-project.md#import-a-custom-sentiment-analysis-project)
-* See the [how-to article](../how-to/label-data.md)  more information about labeling your data. When you're done labeling your data, you can [train your model](../how-to/train-model.md).  


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析データフォーマットに関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-title: Send a Custom sentiment analysis request to your custom model
-description: Learn how to send requests for Custom sentiment analysis.
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.devlang: csharp
-# ms.devlang: csharp, python
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ner
-# Send a Custom sentiment analysis request to your custom model
-After the deployment is added successfully, you can query the deployment to extract entities from your text based on the model you assigned to the deployment.
-You can query the deployment programmatically using the [Prediction API](/rest/api/language/text-analysis-runtime/analyze-text) or through the client libraries (Azure SDK). 
-## Test a deployed Custom sentiment analysis model
-You can use Language Studio to submit the custom entity recognition task and visualize the results. 
-[!INCLUDE [Test model](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/test-model.md)]
-<!--:::image type="content" source="../media/test-model-results.png" alt-text="View the test results" lightbox="../media/test-model-results.png":::--->
-## Send a sentiment analysis request to your model
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Get prediction URL](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/get-prediction-url.md)]
-# [REST API](#tab/rest-api)
-First you need to get your resource key and endpoint:
-[!INCLUDE [Get keys and endpoint Azure Portal](../../../includes/key-endpoint-page-azure-portal.md)]
-### Submit a Custom sentiment analysis task
-[!INCLUDE [submit a Custom sentiment analysis task using the REST API](../../includes/custom/rest-api/submit-task.md)]
-### Get task results
-[!INCLUDE [get Custom sentiment analysis task results](../../includes/custom/rest-api/get-results.md)]
-## Next steps
-* [Sentiment Analysis overview](../../overview.md)


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析API呼び出しに関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-title: How to create Custom sentiment analysis projects
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about the steps for using Azure resources with Custom sentiment analysis.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-classification, references_regions
-# How to create Custom sentiment analysis project
-Use this article to learn how to set up the requirements for starting with Custom sentiment analysis and create a project.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you start using Custom sentiment analysis, you'll need:
-* An Azure subscription - [Create one for free](https://azure.microsoft.com/free/cognitive-services).
-## Create a Language resource 
-Before you start using Custom sentiment analysis, you'll need an Azure Language resource. It's recommended to create your Language resource and connect a storage account to it in the Azure portal. Creating a resource in the Azure portal lets you create an Azure storage account at the same time, with all of the required permissions preconfigured. You can also read further in the article to learn how to use a pre-existing resource, and configure it to work with Custom sentiment analysis.
-You also need an Azure storage account where you'll upload your `.txt` documents that will be used to train a model to classify text.
-> [!NOTE]
->  * You need to have an **owner** role assigned on the resource group to create a Language resource.
->  * If you will connect a pre-existing storage account, you should have an **owner** role assigned to it.
-## Create Language resource and connect storage account
-> [!Note]
-> You shouldn't move the storage account to a different resource group or subscription once it's linked with the Language resource.
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from the Azure portal](../../../includes/custom/resource-creation-azure-portal.md)]
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource from Language Studio](../../../includes/custom/resource-creation-language-studio.md)]
-[!INCLUDE [create a new resource with Azure PowerShell](../../../includes/custom/resource-creation-powershell.md)]
-> [!NOTE]
-> * The process of connecting a storage account to your Language resource is irreversible, it cannot be disconnected later.
-> * You can only connect your language resource to one storage account.
-## Using a pre-existing Language resource
-[!INCLUDE [use an existing resource](../../../includes/custom/use-pre-existing-resource.md)]
-## Create a Custom sentiment analysis project
-Once your resource and storage container are configured, create a new Custom sentiment analysis project. A project is a work area for building your custom AI models based on your data. Your project can only be accessed by you and others who have access to the Azure resource being used. If you have labeled data, you can [import it](#import-a-custom-sentiment-analysis-project) to get started.
-### [Language Studio](#tab/studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio project creation](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/create-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/apis)
-[!INCLUDE [REST APIs project creation](../../includes/custom/rest-api/create-project.md)]
-## Import a Custom sentiment analysis project
-<!--If you have already labeled data, you can use it to get started with the service. Make sure that your labeled data follows the [accepted data formats](../concepts/data-formats.md).-->
-### [Language Studio](#tab/studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Import project](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/import-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/apis)
-[!INCLUDE [Import project](../../includes/custom/rest-api/import-project.md)]
-## Get project details
-### [Language Studio](#tab/studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio project details](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/project-details.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/apis)
-[!INCLUDE [REST API project details](../../includes/custom/rest-api/project-details.md)]
-## Delete project
-### [Language Studio](#tab/studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using Language Studio](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/delete-project.md)]
-### [REST APIs](#tab/apis)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete project using the REST API](../../includes/custom/rest-api/delete-project.md)]
-## Next steps
-* [Sentiment analysis overview](../../overview.md)
-<!--* You should have an idea of the [project schema](design-schema.md) you will use to label your data.
-* After your project is created, you can start [labeling your data](tag-data.md), which will inform your text classification model how to interpret text, and is used for training and evaluation.-->


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析プロジェクト作成に関する文書の削除"



削除された文書には、カスタム感情分析を開始するために必要な要件やプロジェクト作成手順が含まれていました。これには、Azureサブスクリプションの作成、言語リソースの作成、ストレージアカウントの接続、およびカスタム感情分析プロジェクトの具体的な設定方法が説明されていました。また、事前に設定されたリソースを使用する方法や、Azure PortalやREST APIを通じてのプロジェクト作成手順も詳述されていました。



@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-title: Deploy a Custom sentiment analysis model
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about deploying a model for Custom sentiment analysis.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-ta4h
-# Deploy a Custom sentiment analysis model
-Once you're satisfied with how your model performs, it's ready to be deployed and used to recognize entities in text. Deploying a model makes it available for use through the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-## Prerequisites
-* A successfully [created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure storage account.
-* Text data that has [been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-<!--* [Labeled data](label-data.md) and a successfully [trained model](train-model.md).
-* Reviewed the [model evaluation details](view-model-evaluation.md) to determine how your model is performing.
-For more information, see [project development lifecycle](../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle).-->
-## Deploy model
-After you've reviewed your model's performance and decided it can be used in your environment, you need to assign it to a deployment. Assigning the model to a deployment makes it available for use through the [prediction API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger). It is recommended to create a deployment named *production* to which you assign the best model you have built so far and use it in your system. You can create another deployment called *staging* to which you can assign the model you're currently working on to be able to test it. You can have a maximum of 10 deployments in your project. 
-<!--# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Deploy a model using Language Studio](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/deploy-model.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-### Submit deployment job
-[!INCLUDE [deploy model](../../includes/custom/rest-api/deploy-model.md)]
-### Get deployment job status
-[!INCLUDE [get deployment status](../../includes/custom/rest-api/get-deployment-status.md)]
-## Swap deployments
-After you are done testing a model assigned to one deployment and you want to assign this model to another deployment you can swap these two deployments. Swapping deployments involves taking the model assigned to the first deployment, and assigning it to the second deployment. Then taking the model assigned to second deployment, and assigning it to the first deployment. You can use this process to swap your *production* and *staging* deployments when you want to take the model assigned to *staging* and assign it to *production*. 
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Swap deployments](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/swap-deployment.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Swap deployments](../../includes/custom/rest-api/swap-deployment.md)]
-## Delete deployment
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete deployment](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/delete-deployment.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Delete deployment](../../includes/custom/rest-api/delete-deployment.md)]
-## Assign deployment resources
-You can [deploy your project to multiple regions](../../../concepts/custom-features/multi-region-deployment.md) by assigning different Language resources that exist in different regions.
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Assign resource](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/assign-resources.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Assign resource](../../includes/custom/rest-api/assign-resources.md)]
-## Unassign deployment resources
-When unassigning or removing a deployment resource from a project, you will also delete all the deployments that have been deployed to that resource's region.
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Unassign resource](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/unassign-resources.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Unassign resource](../../includes/custom/rest-api/unassign-resources.md)]
-## Next steps
-* [Sentiment analysis overview](../../overview.md)
-<!--After you have a deployment, you can use it to [extract entities](call-api.md) from text.-->


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析モデルのデプロイに関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-title: How to prepare data and define a custom sentiment analysis schema
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about data selection and preparation for custom sentient analysis projects.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-classification
-# How to prepare data for custom sentiment analysis
-In order to create a Custom sentiment analysis model, you will need quality data to train it. This article covers how you should select and prepare your data, along with defining a schema. Defining the schema is the first step in the project development lifecycle, and it defines the classes that you need your model to classify your text into at runtime.
-## Data selection
-The quality of data you train your model with affects model performance greatly.
-* Use real-life data that reflects your domain's problem space to effectively train your model. You can use synthetic data to accelerate the initial model training process, but it will likely differ from your real-life data and make your model less effective when used.
-* Balance your data distribution as much as possible without deviating far from the distribution in real-life.
-* Use diverse data whenever possible to avoid overfitting your model. Less diversity in training data may lead to your model learning spurious correlations that may not exist in real-life data. 
-* Avoid duplicate documents in your data. Duplicate data has a negative effect on the training process, model metrics, and model performance. 
-* Consider where your data comes from. If you are collecting data from one person, department, or part of your scenario, you are likely missing diversity that may be important for your model to learn about. 
-> [!NOTE]
-> If your documents are in multiple languages, select the **multiple languages** option during project creation and set the **language** option to the language of the majority of your documents.
-## Data preparation
-As a prerequisite for creating a Custom sentiment analysis project, your training data needs to be uploaded to a blob container in your storage account. You can create and upload training documents from Azure directly, or through using the Azure Storage Explorer tool. Using the Azure Storage Explorer tool allows you to upload more data quickly.  
-* [Create and upload documents from Azure](/azure/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-portal#create-a-container)
-* [Create and upload documents using Azure Storage Explorer](/azure/vs-azure-tools-storage-explorer-blobs)
-You can only use `.txt`. documents for custom text. If your data is in other format, you can use [CLUtils parse command](https://github.com/microsoft/CognitiveServicesLanguageUtilities/blob/main/CustomTextAnalytics.CLUtils/Solution/CogSLanguageUtilities.ViewLayer.CliCommands/Commands/ParseCommand/README.md) to change your file format.
-## Test set
-When defining the testing set, make sure to include example documents that are not present in the training set. Defining the testing set is an important step to calculate the model performance<!--[model performance](view-model-evaluation.md#model-details)-->. Also, make sure that the testing set include documents that represent all classes used in your project.
-## Next steps
-If you haven't already, create a Custom sentiment analysis project. If it's your first time using Custom sentiment analysis, consider following the [quickstart](../quickstart.md) to create an example project. You can also see the [project requirements](../how-to/create-project.md) for more details on what you need to create a project.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析スキーマの定義に関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-title: How to label your data for Custom sentiment analysis - Azure AI services
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about how to label your data for use with the custom Sentiment analysis.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-classification
-# Label text data for training your model for Custom sentiment analysis
-Before training your model you need to label your documents with the sentiments you want to categorize them into. This data will be used in the next step when training your model so that your model can learn from the labeled data. If you already have labeled data, you can directly [import](create-project.md) it into your project. Be sure that your data follows the [accepted data format](../concepts/data-formats.md).
-Before creating a Custom sentiment analysis model, you need to have labeled data first. If your data isn't labeled already, you can label it in the [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio). Labeled data informs the model how to interpret text, and is used for training and evaluation.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you can label data, you need:
-* [A successfully created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure blob storage account.
-* Documents containing text data that have [been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-See the [project development lifecycle](../../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle) for more information.
-## Data labeling guidelines
-After [preparing your data](design-schema.md) and [creating your project](create-project.md), you will need to label your data. Labeling your data is important so your model knows which documents will be associated with the sentiments you need. When you label your data in [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio) (or import labeled data), these labels will be stored in the JSON file in your storage container that you've connected to this project. 
-As you label your data, keep in mind:
-* In general, more labeled data leads to better results, provided the data is labeled accurately.
-* There is no fixed number of labels that can guarantee your model will perform the best. Model performance on possible ambiguity in your [data](design-schema.md), and the quality of your labeled data.
-## Label your data
-Use the following steps to label your data:
-1. Go to your project page in [Language Studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio).
-2. From the left side menu, select **Data labeling**. You can find a list of all documents in your storage container.
-    >[!TIP]
-    > You can use the filters in top menu to view the unlabeled files so that you can start labeling them.
-    > You can also use the filters to view the documents that are labeled with a specific sentiment.
-3. Change to a single file view from the left side in the top menu or select a specific file to start labeling. You can find a list of all `.txt` files available in your projects to the left. You can use the **Back** and **Next** button from the bottom of the page to navigate through your documents.
-    > [!NOTE]
-    > If you enabled multiple languages for your project, you will find a **Language** dropdown in the top menu, which lets you select the language of each document.
-4. In the right side pane, you can add sentiments to your project to start labeling your data with them. <!--You can also use the [auto labeling feature](use-autolabeling.md) to ensure complete labeling.-->
-6. In the right side pane under the **Labels** pivot you can find all the sentiments in your project and the count of labeled instances for each.
-7. In the bottom section of the right side pane you can add the current file you are viewing to the training set or the testing set. By default all the documents are added to your training set. Learn more about [training and testing sets](train-model.md#data-splitting) and how they are used for model training and evaluation.
-    > [!TIP]
-    > If you are planning on using **Automatic** data splitting use the default option of assigning all the documents into your training set.
-8. Under the **Distribution** pivot you can view the distribution across training and testing sets. You have two options for viewing:
-   * *Total instances* where you can view count of all labeled instances of a specific sentiment.
-   * *Documents with at least one label* where each document is counted if it contains at least one labeled instance of this sentiment.
-9. While you're labeling, your changes will be synced periodically, if they have not been saved yet you will find a warning at the top of your page. If you want to save manually, click on **Save labels** button at the bottom of the page.
-## Next steps
-After you've labeled your data, you can begin [training a model](train-model.md) that will learn based on your data.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析のためのデータラベリングに関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-title: How to train your Custom sentiment analysis model - Azure AI services
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Learn about how to train your model for Custom sentiment analysis.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-custom-classification
-# How to train a Custom sentiment analysis model
-<!--Training is the process where the model learns from your [labeled data](label-data.md). After training is completed, you'll be able to [view the model's performance](view-model-evaluation.md) to determine if you need to improve your model.-->
-To train a model, start a training job. Only successfully completed jobs create a usable model. Training jobs expire after seven days. After this period, you won't be able to retrieve the job details. If your training job completed successfully and a model was created, it won't be affected by the job expiration. You can only have one training job running at a time, and you can't start other jobs in the same project. 
-The training times can be anywhere from a few minutes when dealing with few documents, up to several hours depending on the dataset size and the complexity of your schema.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you train your model, you need:
-* [A successfully created project](create-project.md) with a configured Azure blob storage account.
-<!--* Text data that has [been uploaded](design-schema.md#data-preparation) to your storage account.
-* [Labeled data](label-data.md).
-See the [project development lifecycle](../../overview.md#project-development-lifecycle) for more information.-->
-## Data splitting
-Before you start the training process, labeled documents in your project are divided into a training set and a testing set. Each one of them serves a different function.
-The **training set** is used in training the model, this is the set from which the model learns the class/classes assigned to each document. 
-The **testing set** is a blind set that is not introduced to the model during training but only during evaluation. 
-After the model is trained successfully, it is used to make predictions from the documents in the testing set. Based on these predictions, the model's evaluation metrics will be calculated. 
-It is recommended to make sure that all your classes are adequately represented in both the training and testing set.
-Custom sentiment analysis supports two methods for data splitting:
-* **Automatically splitting the testing set from training data**: The system will split your labeled data between the training and testing sets, according to the percentages you choose. The system attempts to have a representation of all classes in your training set. The recommended percentage split is 80% for training and 20% for testing. 
- > [!NOTE]
- > If you choose the **Automatically splitting the testing set from training data** option, only the data assigned to training set will be split according to the percentages provided.
-* **Use a manual split of training and testing data**: This method enables users to define which labeled documents should belong to which set. <!--This step is only enabled if you have added documents to your testing set during [data labeling](tag-data.md).-->
-## Train model
-# [Language studio](#tab/Language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Train model](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/train-your-model.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/REST-APIs)
-### Start training job
-[!INCLUDE [train model](../../includes/custom/rest-api/train-model.md)]
-### Get training job status
-Training could take sometime depending on the size of your training data and complexity of your schema. You can use the following request to keep polling the status of the training job until it is successfully completed.
- [!INCLUDE [get training model status](../../includes/custom/rest-api/get-training-status.md)]
-### Cancel training job
-# [Language Studio](#tab/language-studio)
-[!INCLUDE [Cancel training](../../../includes/custom/language-studio/cancel-training.md)]
-# [REST APIs](#tab/rest-api)
-[!INCLUDE [Cancel training](../../includes/custom/rest-api/cancel-training.md)]
-## Next steps
-After training is completed, you will be able to view the model's performance to optionally improve your model if needed. Once you're satisfied with your model, you can deploy it, making it available to use for use.


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析モデルの訓練に関する文書の削除"






@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-title: Quickstart - Custom sentiment analysis
-titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: Quickly start building an AI model to identify the sentiment of text.
-#services: cognitive-services
-author: jboback
-manager: nitinme
-ms.service: azure-ai-language
-ms.topic: quickstart
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
-ms.author: jboback
-ms.custom: language-service-sentiment-opinion-mining
-zone_pivot_groups: usage-custom-language-features
-# Quickstart: Custom sentiment analysis (preview)
-> [NOTE]
-> Custom sentiment analysis (preview) will be retired on 10 January 2025, please transition to other custom model training services, such as custom text classification in Azure AI Language, by that date. From now to 10 January 2025, you can continue to use custom sentiment analysis (preview) in your existing projects without disruption. You can’t create new projects. On 10 January 2025 – workloads running on custom sentiment analysis (preview) will be deleted and associated project data will be lost. 
-Use this article to get started with creating a Custom sentiment analysis project where you can train custom models for detecting the sentiment of text. A model is artificial intelligence software that's trained to do a certain task. For this system, the models classify text, and are trained by learning from tagged data.
-::: zone pivot="language-studio"
-[!INCLUDE [Language Studio quickstart](../includes/custom/quickstarts/language-studio.md)]
-::: zone-end
-::: zone pivot="rest-api"
-[!INCLUDE [REST API quickstart](../includes/custom/quickstarts/rest-api.md)]
-::: zone-end
-## Next steps
-After you've created a Custom sentiment analysis model, you can:
-* [Use the runtime API to classify text](how-to/call-api.md)
-When you start to create your own Custom sentiment analysis projects, use the how-to articles to learn more about developing your model in greater detail:
-* [Data selection](how-to/design-schema.md)
-* [Tag data](how-to/label-data.md)
-* [Train a model](how-to/train-model.md)
-<!--* [View the model's evaluation](how-to/view-model-evaluation.md)-->
\ No newline at end of file


    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "カスタム感情分析のクイックスタート文書の削除"



削除された文書には、カスタム感情分析プロジェクトを迅速に開始するための手順や説明が含まれていました。特に、カスタム感情分析が2025年1月10日に退役することに関する重要な警告や、プロジェクトの作成と使用についてのガイダンスが記載されていました。また、言語スタジオやREST APIを使用したクイックスタートのリンクも含まれており、ユーザーがモデルを作成するための具体的な手順を示していました。



@@ -16,17 +16,15 @@ ms.custom: language-service-sentiment-opinion-mining
 Sentiment analysis and opinion mining are features offered by [the Language service](../overview.md), a collection of machine learning and AI algorithms in the cloud for developing intelligent applications that involve written language. These features help you find out what people think of your brand or topic by mining text for clues about positive or negative sentiment, and can associate them with specific aspects of the text. 
-Both sentiment analysis and opinion mining work with a variety of [written languages](./language-support.md).
+Both sentiment analysis and opinion mining work with various [written languages](./language-support.md).
 ## Sentiment analysis 
-The sentiment analysis feature provides sentiment labels (such as "negative", "neutral" and "positive") based on the highest confidence score found by the service at a sentence and document-level. This feature also returns confidence scores between 0 and 1 for each document & sentences within it for positive, neutral and negative sentiment. 
+The sentiment analysis feature provides sentiment labels (such as "negative", "neutral" and "positive") based on the highest confidence score found by the service at a sentence and document-level. This feature also returns confidence scores between 0 and 1 for each document & sentences within it for positive, neutral, and negative sentiment. 
 ## Opinion mining
-Opinion mining is a feature of sentiment analysis. Also known as aspect-based sentiment analysis in Natural Language Processing (NLP), this feature provides more granular information about the opinions related to words (such as the attributes of products or services) in text.
-#### [Prebuilt model](#tab/prebuilt)
+Opinion mining is a feature of sentiment analysis, also known as aspect-based sentiment analysis in Natural Language Processing (NLP). This feature provides more granular information about the opinions related to words (such as the attributes of products or services) in text.
 [!INCLUDE [Typical workflow for pre-configured language features](../includes/overview-typical-workflow.md)]
@@ -36,43 +34,9 @@ Opinion mining is a feature of sentiment analysis. Also known as aspect-based se
 [!INCLUDE [Developer reference](../includes/reference-samples-text-analytics.md)] 
-#### [Custom model (preview)](#tab/custom)
-Custom sentiment analysis enables users to build custom AI models to classify text into sentiments pre-defined by the user. By creating a Custom sentiment analysis project, developers can iteratively label data, train, evaluate, and improve model performance before making it available for consumption. The quality of the labeled data greatly impacts model performance. To simplify building and customizing your model, the service offers a custom web portal that can be accessed through the [Language studio](https://aka.ms/languageStudio). You can easily get started with the service by following the steps in this [quickstart](quickstart.md). 
-## Project development lifecycle
-Creating a Custom sentiment analysis project typically involves several different steps. 
-:::image type="content" source="media/development-lifecycle.png" alt-text="Diagram of the development lifecycle" lightbox="media/development-lifecycle.png":::
-Follow these steps to get the most out of your model:
-1. **Define your schema**: Know your data and identify the sentiments you want, to avoid ambiguity.
-2. **Label your data**: The quality of data labeling is a key factor in determining model performance. Avoid ambiguity, make sure that your sentiments are clearly separable from each other.
-3. **Train the model**: Your model starts learning from your labeled data.
-4. **View the model's performance**: View the evaluation details for your model to determine how well it performs when introduced to new data.
-5. **Deploy the model**: Deploying a model makes it available for use via the [Analyze API](https://aka.ms/ct-runtime-swagger).
-6. **Classify text**: Use your custom model for sentiment analysis tasks.
-## Development options
-|Development option  |Description  |
-|Language studio     | Language Studio is a web-based platform that lets you try entity linking with text examples without an Azure account, and your own data when you sign up.       |
-|REST API     | Integrate sentiment analysis into your applications programmatically using the REST API.    |
-For more information, see [sentiment analysis quickstart](./custom/quickstart.md).   
 ## Reference documentation
-As you use Custom sentiment analysis, see the following reference documentation and samples for the Language service:
+As you use sentiment analysis, see the following reference documentation and samples for the Language service:
 |Development option / language  |Reference documentation |Samples  |
@@ -81,13 +45,11 @@ As you use Custom sentiment analysis, see the following reference documentation
 ## Responsible AI 
-An AI system includes not only the technology, but also the people who use it, the people who will be affected by it, and the environment in which it's deployed. Read the [transparency note for sentiment analysis](/legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-sentiment-analysis?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context) to learn about responsible AI use and deployment in your systems. You can also see the following articles for more information:
+An AI system includes not only the technology, but also the people who use it, the people who are affected by it, and the environment in which it's deployed. Read the [transparency note for sentiment analysis](/legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-sentiment-analysis?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context) to learn about responsible AI use and deployment in your systems. You can also see the following articles for more information:
 ## Next steps
 * The quickstart articles with instructions on using the service for the first time.
-    * [Use the prebuilt model](./quickstart.md)
-    * [Create a custom model](./custom/quickstart.md)  
+    * [Use sentiment analysis and opinion mining](./quickstart.md)
\ No newline at end of file


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "感情分析と意見マイニングの概要文書の更新"




  1. 文章の明確化: 「さまざまな言語」というフレーズが「多様な言語」に変更され、文の流れが改善されています。
  2. センテンスのコンマ: センテンスの最後におけるコンマの使用に一貫性が持たされ、可読性が向上しました。
  3. カスタムモデルに関するセクションの削除: カスタム感情分析に関する詳細な説明やプロジェクト開発ライフサイクル、開発オプションの部分が削除され、より簡潔な形式となりました。これにより、文書がより短く、必要な情報がすっきりと整理されています。
  4. 責任あるAIに関するセクションの簡略化: AIシステムに関する説明が要約され、重要な情報を維持しつつ、冗長性が削減されました。



@@ -555,116 +555,15 @@ items:
       - name: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining overview
         href: sentiment-opinion-mining/overview.md
+      - name: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining quickstart
+        href: sentiment-opinion-mining/quickstart.md
       - name: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining language support
         href: sentiment-opinion-mining/language-support.md
-      - name: Prebuilt
-        items:
-        - name: Sentiment analysis and opinion mining quickstart
-          href: sentiment-opinion-mining/quickstart.md
-        - name: Responsible use of AI
-          items:
-          - name: Transparency note for sentiment analysis and opinion mining
-            href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-sentiment-analysis?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
-            displayName: Transparency note for sentiment analysis, opinion mining transparency, Responsible AI, Responsible use of AI
-          - name: Integration and responsible use
-            href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/guidance-integration-responsible-use?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
-            displayName: Responsible deployment, Responsible use, Responsible integration, AI deployment, AI use
-          - name: Data, privacy, and security
-            href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/data-privacy?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
-            displayName: Data privacy, logging, data retention
-        - name: How-to guides
-          items:
-          - name: Call Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
-            href: sentiment-opinion-mining/how-to/call-api.md
-          - name: Use containers
-            items:
-            - name: Use Docker Containers
-              href: sentiment-opinion-mining/how-to/use-containers.md
-            - name: Configure containers
-              href: concepts/configure-containers.md
-            - name: Use container instances
-              href: ../containers/azure-container-instance-recipe.md?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
-            - name: Use containers in disconnected environments
-              href: ../containers/disconnected-containers.md
-            - name: Azure AI containers overview
-              href: ../cognitive-services-container-support.md
-        - name: Tutorials
-          items:
-          - name: Use Flask to translate text, analyze sentiment, and synthesize speech
-            href: /training/modules/python-flask-build-ai-web-app/
-        - name: Reference
-          items:
-          - name: REST API
-            items:
-              - name: Text analysis runtime API (v2023-04-01)
-                href: https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2239169
-              - name: Text analysis runtime API (v2022-04-15-preview)
-                href: /rest/api/language/2023-04-15-preview/text-analysis-runtime
-              - name: Previous versions
-                items:
-                - name: v3.2-preview.2
-                  href: https://westus2.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/TextAnalytics-v3-2-Preview-2/operations/Sentiment
-                - name: v3.1
-                  href: https://westus2.dev.cognitive.microsoft.com/docs/services/TextAnalytics-v3-1/operations/Sentiment
-          - name: SDKs
-            items:
-            - name: Latest
-              items:
-                - name: .NET
-                  href: /dotnet/api/azure.ai.textanalytics?view=azure-dotnet&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Python
-                  href: /python/api/overview/azure/ai-textanalytics-readme?view=azure-python&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Java
-                  href: /java/api/overview/azure/ai-textanalytics-readme?view=azure-java-stable&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Node.js
-                  href: /javascript/api/overview/azure/ai-language-text-readme?view=azure-node-latest&preserve-view=true
-            - name: Preview
-              items:
-                - name: .NET
-                  href: /dotnet/api/azure.ai.textanalytics?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Python
-                  href: /python/api/azure-ai-textanalytics/azure.ai.textanalytics?view=azure-python-preview&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Java
-                  href: /java/api/overview/azure/ai-textanalytics-readme?view=azure-java-preview&preserve-view=true
-                - name: Node.js
-                  href: /javascript/api/overview/azure/ai-language-text-readme?view=azure-node-preview&preserve-view=true
-      - name: Custom (preview)
-        items:
-          - name: Quickstart
-            href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/quickstart.md
-          - name: Concepts
-            items:
-              - name: Data formats
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/concepts/data-formats.md
-          - name: How-to guides
-            items:
-              - name: Data preparation
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/design-schema.md
-              - name: Label data
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/label-data.md
-              - name: Create projects
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/create-project.md
-              - name: Train model
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/train-model.md
-              - name: Deploy model
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/deploy-model.md
-              - name: Call the API
-                href: sentiment-opinion-mining/custom/how-to/call-api.md
-  - name: Text Analytics for health
-    items:
-    - name: Text Analytics for health overview
-      href: text-analytics-for-health/overview.md
-    - name: Text Analytics for health quickstart
-      href: text-analytics-for-health/quickstart.md
-    - name: Text Analytics for health language support
-      href: text-analytics-for-health/language-support.md
-    - name: Prebuilt
-      items:
       - name: Responsible use of AI
-        - name: Transparency note for Text Analytics for health
-          href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-health?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
-          displayName: Transparency note for Text Analytics health, Text Analytics for health transparency, Responsible AI, Responsible use of AI
+        - name: Transparency note for sentiment analysis and opinion mining
+          href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-sentiment-analysis?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+          displayName: Transparency note for sentiment analysis, opinion mining transparency, Responsible AI, Responsible use of AI
         - name: Integration and responsible use
           href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/guidance-integration-responsible-use?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
           displayName: Responsible deployment, Responsible use, Responsible integration, AI deployment, AI use
@@ -673,66 +572,67 @@ items:
           displayName: Data privacy, logging, data retention
       - name: How-to guides
-        - name: How to call the API
-          href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/call-api.md
+        - name: Call Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining
+          href: sentiment-opinion-mining/how-to/call-api.md
         - name: Use containers
-          - name: Use Docker containers
-            href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/use-containers.md
-          - name: Configure Docker containers
-            href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/configure-containers.md
+          - name: Use Docker Containers
+            href: sentiment-opinion-mining/how-to/use-containers.md
+          - name: Configure containers
+            href: concepts/configure-containers.md
           - name: Use container instances
             href: ../containers/azure-container-instance-recipe.md?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+          - name: Use containers in disconnected environments
+            href: ../containers/disconnected-containers.md
           - name: Azure AI containers overview
             href: ../cognitive-services-container-support.md
-      - name: Concepts
-        items:
-        - name: Recognized entity categories
-          href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md
-        - name: Relation extraction
-          href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/relation-extraction.md
-        - name: Assertion detection
-          href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/assertion-detection.md
-        - name: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) structuring
-          href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/fhir.md
-    - name: Custom (preview)
-      items:
-      - name: Custom text analytics for health overview
-        href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/overview.md
-      - name: Custom text analytics for health quickstart
-        href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/quickstart.md
-      - name: Custom text analytics for health language support
-        href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/language-support.md
-      - name: How-to guides
-        items:
-        - name: Create projects
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/create-project.md
-        - name: Data selection and schema design
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/design-schema.md
-        - name: Label data
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/label-data.md
-        - name: Train a model
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/train-model.md
-        - name: View your model's evaluation
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/view-model-evaluation.md
-        - name: Deploy a model
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/deploy-model.md
-        - name: Call the API
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/call-api.md
-        - name: Back up and recover your models
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/how-to/fail-over.md
-      - name: Concepts
+      - name: Tutorials
-        - name: Data formats
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/concepts/data-formats.md
-        - name: Entity components
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/concepts/entity-components.md
-        - name: Evaluation metrics
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/concepts/evaluation-metrics.md
-      - name: Reference
+        - name: Use Flask to translate text, analyze sentiment, and synthesize speech
+          href: /training/modules/python-flask-build-ai-web-app/
+  - name: Text Analytics for health
+    items:
+    - name: Text Analytics for health overview
+      href: text-analytics-for-health/overview.md
+    - name: Text Analytics for health quickstart
+      href: text-analytics-for-health/quickstart.md
+    - name: Text Analytics for health language support
+      href: text-analytics-for-health/language-support.md
+    - name: Responsible use of AI
+      items:
+      - name: Transparency note for Text Analytics for health
+        href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/transparency-note-health?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+        displayName: Transparency note for Text Analytics health, Text Analytics for health transparency, Responsible AI, Responsible use of AI
+      - name: Integration and responsible use
+        href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/guidance-integration-responsible-use?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+        displayName: Responsible deployment, Responsible use, Responsible integration, AI deployment, AI use
+      - name: Data, privacy, and security
+        href: /legal/cognitive-services/language-service/data-privacy?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+        displayName: Data privacy, logging, data retention
+    - name: How-to guides
+      items:
+      - name: How to call the API
+        href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/call-api.md
+      - name: Use containers
-        - name: Service limits
-          href: custom-text-analytics-for-health/reference/service-limits.md
+        - name: Use Docker containers
+          href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/use-containers.md
+        - name: Configure Docker containers
+          href: text-analytics-for-health/how-to/configure-containers.md
+        - name: Use container instances
+          href: ../containers/azure-container-instance-recipe.md?context=/azure/ai-services/language-service/context/context
+        - name: Azure AI containers overview
+          href: ../cognitive-services-container-support.md
+    - name: Concepts
+      items:
+      - name: Recognized entity categories
+        href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/health-entity-categories.md
+      - name: Relation extraction
+        href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/relation-extraction.md
+      - name: Assertion detection
+        href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/assertion-detection.md
+      - name: Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR) structuring
+        href: text-analytics-for-health/concepts/fhir.md
   - name: Summarization
     - name: Summarization overview


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "感情分析および意見マイニングのTOCの更新"



  1. 新たなクイックスタートリンクの追加: 目次に「感情分析および意見マイニングのクイックスタート」というセクションが新たに追加されました。これにより、ユーザーはこの機能を迅速に始めるための情報にアクセスしやすくなります。

  2. 不要なセクションの削除: 以前は目次に含まれていた多くのサブセクション(例: プリビルトモデルに関する詳細やカスタムモデルの手順)が削除され、情報が簡潔になりました。これにより、ユーザーがより必要な情報に集中できるようになっています。

  3. 責任あるAIに関する情報の整理: 「透明性ノート」や「統合と責任ある使用」などのリファレンスに関するリンクが整頓され、関連する情報が一箇所にまとめられました。

  4. コンテナに関するセクションの新しいリンク: Dockerコンテナや関連する設定に関する新しい情報へのリンクが明確に整理され、開発者が必要な手続きを確認しやすくなった。



@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ author: jboback
 ms.author: jboback
 ms.service: azure-ai-language
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 07/09/2024
+ms.date: 01/31/2025
 # Use Language in Azure prompt flow


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "プロンプトフローに関するチュートリアルの日付の更新"




  1. 日付の更新: チュートリアルが説明している内容が将来的に有効であることを示すために、関連する日付が変更されました。これは、ユーザーにとって、最新の内容に基づいたガイダンスを受け取っていることを示すものです。



@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.custom:
   - ignite-2023
   - build-2024
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 5/21/2024
+ms.date: 01/31/2025
 ms.reviewer: keli19
 ms.author: lagayhar
 author: lgayhardt
@@ -29,15 +29,12 @@ Sign up on the [Serp API home page](https://serpapi.com/).
 To create a Serp connection:
 1. Sign in to [Azure AI Foundry](https://ml.azure.com/).
-1. Go to **Project settings** > **Connections**.
-1. Select **+ New connection**.
-1. Add the following custom keys to the connection:
+1. Go to project settings by selecting  **Management Center** > **Overview**
+1. Under *Connected resources*, select **+ New connection**.
+1. Under *Other resource types*, select **Serp**.
+1. Add your API key for Serp and make a connection name. Then select **Add connection**.
-    - `azureml.flow.connection_type`: `Custom`
-    - `azureml.flow.module`: `promptflow.connections`
-    - `api_key`: Your Serp API key. You must select the **is secret** checkbox to keep the API key secure.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../media/prompt-flow/serp-custom-connection-keys.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows adding extra information to a custom connection in Azure AI Foundry portal." lightbox = "../../media/prompt-flow/serp-custom-connection-keys.png":::
+    :::image type="content" source="../../media/prompt-flow/serp-connection-keys.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows adding Serp connection in Azure AI Foundry portal." lightbox = "../../media/prompt-flow/serp-connection-keys.png":::
 The connection is the model used to establish connections with the Serp API. Get your API key from the Serp API account dashboard.
@@ -52,7 +49,7 @@ The connection is the model used to establish connections with the Serp API. Get
     :::image type="content" source="../../media/prompt-flow/serp-api-tool.png" alt-text="Screenshot that shows the Serp API tool added to a flow in Azure AI Foundry portal." lightbox="../../media/prompt-flow/serp-api-tool.png":::
-1. Select the connection to one of your provisioned resources. For example, select **SerpConnection** if you created a connection with that name. For more information, see [Prerequisites](#prerequisites).
+1. Select the connection to one of your provisioned resources. For example, select "Serp Connection" if you created a connection with that name. For more information, see [Prerequisites](#prerequisites).
 1. Enter values for the Serp API tool input parameters described in the [Inputs table](#inputs).
 1. Add more tools to your flow, as needed. Or select **Run** to run the flow.
 1. The outputs are described in the [Outputs table](#outputs).


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Serp APIツールに関するドキュメントの更新"


この変更では、Serp APIツールに関するドキュメント(serp-api-tool.md)に対して、軽微な修正が加えられました。内容の更新に伴い、7行が追加され、10行が削除され、合計17行の変更が行われました。


  1. 日付の更新: 文書のメタデータにおける日付が変更され、2024年5月21日から2025年1月31日に更新されました。この変更は文書が最新の情報を反映していることを示しています。

  2. 手順の改訂: プロジェクト設定に関する手順で、アクセス手順が明確化されました。以前の手順から、新しい手順に変更され、「管理センター > 概要」を選択してプロジェクト設定に移行するよう指示があります。

  3. 接続情報の強化: Serp APIの接続を追加する手順が細かく説明されており、ユーザーがAPIキーを簡単に追加できるように具体的な指示が提供されています。また、関連するスクリーンショットも更新され、視覚的に手順をサポートしています。

  4. 用語の修正: 他の小さな用語の修正も行われており、例として「SerpConnection」という名前が「Serp Connection」に変更され、より明確な表現になっています。

これらの変更によって、ユーザーはSerp APIツールをより円滑に理解し、利用できるような内容になっています。教育的効果が強化され、アクセスのしやすさが向上しています。



    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Serp APIツールの画像に関する変更"


この変更では、Serp APIツールに関連する画像ファイル(serp-api-tool.png)が修正されました。しかし、追加、削除、変更は行われておらず、実質的なコンテンツの変更はありません。


  1. 画像の更新: 画像ファイルにアクセスするためのリンクが提供されていますが、これに対する具体的な修正内容は示されていません。ファイル自体は変更されていないと考えられます。

  2. ファイルのリファレンス: 画像は、Azure AI Foundryツールと関連してユーザーにとって重要な視覚リソースであるため、アクセスしやすい場所に保持されています。この状態は、ユーザーが必要な情報を見つけやすくする役割を果たします。




    "modification_type": "new feature",
    "modification_title": "Serp API接続キーの画像が追加されました"


この変更では、新しい画像ファイル(serp-connection-keys.png)が追加されました。これにより、Serp APIに関連する接続キーの視覚的な情報が提供され、ユーザーの理解を助ける役割を果たします。


  1. 新しいリソースの追加: このファイルは、Serp APIの接続キーに関する情報を視覚的に示すものであり、ユーザーが手順や設定を理解しやすくするための重要な要素です。

  2. アクセスリンクの提供: 画像ファイルにアクセスするためのリンクが提供され、ユーザーは必要に応じてこの情報を参照することができます。

  3. ドキュメントの充実: 新しい画像の追加により、関連する内容が視覚的に強化され、読者がドキュメントをより効果的に利用できるようになります。この変更により、説明がより具体的になり、ユーザーの学習体験が向上します。




    "modification_type": "breaking change",
    "modification_title": "Serp APIカスタム接続キーの画像が削除されました"


この変更では、Serp APIに関連するカスタム接続キーの画像ファイル(serp-custom-connection-keys.png)が削除されました。この変更は、リファレンスやドキュメントの内容に影響を与える可能性があります。


  1. 画像の削除: この画像が削除されたことで、Serp APIのカスタム接続キーに関する視覚的な情報が失われています。これにより、ユーザーは該当する情報をビジュアルで理解するのが難しくなる可能性があります。

  2. 情報の利用への影響: 削除された画像が、ドキュメント内で重要な役割を果たしていた場合、読者がその内容を理解するのに支障が出るかもしれません。この変更は、ユーザーの体験に直接的な影響を及ぼす重要な更新です。

  3. ドキュメントの更新が必要: この画像の削除に伴い、関連する説明や手順についても更新が必要かもしれません。利用者が他のリソースに依存することが求められます。
