Diff Insight Report - misc

最終更新日: 2025-02-12


このポストは Microsoft 社の Azure 公式ドキュメント(CC BY 4.0 または MIT ライセンス) をもとに生成AIを用いて翻案・要約した派生作品です。 元の文書は MicrosoftDocs/azure-ai-docs にホストされています。

生成AIの性能には限界があり、誤訳や誤解釈が含まれる可能性があります。 本ポストはあくまで参考情報として用い、正確な情報は必ず元の文書を参照してください。


View Diff on GitHub


このコードの差分では、Azure AIおよびDocument Intelligenceに関連するSDKとAPIドキュメントで、リンクの更新や表現の改善がなされました。具体的には、C#、Java、JavaScript、およびPythonを含む複数のプログラミング言語向けのSDKのバージョンやリンクを最新のものに修正し、関連するドキュメントの整合性と読みやすさを向上させています。


  • 新しく公開されたSDKバージョン1.0.0(GA)についての情報の追加。
  • 各SDKにおけるパッケージ名や依存関係の最新バージョン変更。


  • なし


  • ファイルの日付が最新のものに更新。
  • ドキュメント内の表現がより正確かつ明解に改善。
  • Azure AI FoundryやAzure AI Studio関連のドキュメントにおける手続きや注意書きの明確化。


この差分は、Azure AIサービスのドキュメンテーションにおけるメンテナンスと最新情報への対応を反映しています。特に、ドキュメントの正確さと信頼性を確保するための継続的な更新が強調されています。開発者にとって、SDKのバージョンとリンクが最新のものに保たれていることは、最新の機能やセキュリティパッチにアクセスできるという点で重要です。これは、Azure AIプラットフォームの利用体験をスムーズにし、開発者が新しいAPI機能を効率的に活用できるようにするための重要な施策です。


全体として、この変更はAzure AIのユーザードキュメンテーションの質を向上させ、開発者がこのプラットフォームの能力を最大限に発揮できるようにするための取り組みの一環です。今後もユーザーのフィードバックを取り入れつつ、より良い使い勝手を提供するための改良が続けられることが期待されます。

Summary Table

Filename Type Title Status A D M
faq.yml minor update FAQのAPIパッケージ名の更新 modified 4 4 8
csharp-sdk.md minor update C# SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新 modified 3 7 10
java-sdk.md minor update Java SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新 modified 3 3 6
javascript-sdk.md minor update JavaScript SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新 modified 3 3 6
python-sdk.md minor update Python SDKに関する日付の更新 modified 1 1 2
id-document.md minor update ID文書に関する更新と表現の修正 modified 2 2 4
csharp-sdk.md minor update C# SDKに関するキーワードの変更 modified 5 5 10
java-sdk.md minor update Java SDKに関する更新と表現の修正 modified 5 5 10
javascript-sdk.md minor update JavaScript SDKに関する更新と表現の修正 modified 3 3 6
python-sdk.md minor update Python SDKに関する更新と表現の修正 modified 2 2 4
custom-model.md minor update カスタムモデルに関する文書の更新と修正 modified 16 16 32
sdk-overview-v3-1.md minor update Document Intelligence SDKのバージョンと日付の更新 modified 6 6 12
sdk-overview-v4-0.md minor update Document Intelligence SDKのバージョンと日付の更新 modified 16 16 32
architecture.md minor update Azure AI Foundryに関する文章の読みやすさ向上 modified 3 3 6
model-lifecycle-retirement.md minor update Mistral AIモデルのバージョン更新 modified 1 1 2
create-azure-ai-hub-template.md minor update Azure AI Hub作成に関する文書の更新 modified 3 3 6
data-add.md minor update データ追加の手順に関する文書の更新 modified 16 16 32

Modified Contents


@@ -175,13 +175,13 @@ sections:
           - [Document Intelligence Studio](https://formrecognizer.appliedai.azure.com/studio)
-          - [C#/.NET](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer/4.0.0)
+          - [C#/.NET](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0)
-          - [Java](https://oss.sonatype.org/#nexus-search;quick~azure-ai-formrecognizer)
+          - [Java](https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0)
-          - [JavaScript/TypeScript](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure/ai-form-recognizer/v/4.0.0-beta.4)
+          - [JavaScript/TypeScript](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/v/1.0.0)
-          - [Python](https://pypi.org/project/azure-ai-formrecognizer/3.2.0/)
+          - [Python](https://pypi.org/project/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/)
       - question: |
            Can I migrate my application to the latest version of Document Intelligence?


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "FAQのAPIパッケージ名の更新"




@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 02/07/2025
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content
 monikerRange: 'doc-intel-4.0.0'
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ monikerRange: 'doc-intel-4.0.0'
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 -->
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 -->
-[Client library](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ai.documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-dotnet-preview&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/dotnet/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0-beta.3/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0-beta.3)| [Samples]( https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/documentintelligence/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/samples/README.md)|[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
+[Client library](/dotnet/api/overview/azure/ai.documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-dotnet&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/dotnet/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0)| [Samples]( https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/documentintelligence/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/samples/README.md)|[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
 ## Prerequisites
@@ -70,11 +70,7 @@ monikerRange: 'doc-intel-4.0.0'
     :::image type="content" source="../../../media/quickstarts/select-nuget-package-console.png" alt-text="Screenshot of select NuGet package window in Visual Studio.":::
- 1. Select the **Browse** tab and type *Azure.AI.FormRecognizer*.
- 1. Select the **`Include prerelease`** checkbox.
-    :::image type="content" source="../../../media/quickstarts/azure-nuget-package.png" alt-text="Screenshot of select prerelease NuGet package in Visual Studio.":::
+ 1. Select the **Browse** tab and type *Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence*.
  1. Choose a version from the dropdown menu and install the package in your project.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "C# SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新"


この変更は、csharp-sdk.mdファイル内でいくつかの重要な情報が更新されました。まず、文書の日付が2025年2月7日から2025年2月10日に変更されました。次に、C# SDKおよび関連するリソースへのリンクが更新され、最新のバージョンに対応したものに修正されています。具体的には、クライアントライブラリやSDKリファレンスのリンクが新しいバージョン1.0.0に更新され、パッケージのリンクも最新のものに変更されました。更に、NuGetパッケージの検索方法も、Azure.AI.FormRecognizerからAzure.AI.DocumentIntelligenceに変更されています。このように、SDKに関する情報が最新の状態に保たれることで、開発者が正確な情報に基づいて作業できるようになります。


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 -->
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 -->
-[Client library](/java/api/overview/azure/ai-documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-java-preview&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/java/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0-beta.4/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (Maven)](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0-beta.4) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0-beta.4/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/src/samples) |[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
+[Client library](/java/api/com.azure.ai.documentintelligence?view=azure-java-stable&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/java/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (Maven)](https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/src/samples/README.md) |[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
 ## Prerequisites
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ This article uses the Gradle dependency manager. You can find the client library
    dependencies {
-       implementation group: 'com.azure', name: 'azure-ai-documentintelligence', version: '1.0.0-beta.4'
+       implementation group: 'com.azure', name: 'azure-ai-documentintelligence', version: '1.0.0'


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Java SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新"


今回の変更は、java-sdk.mdファイルにおいて、Java SDKに関連する情報を更新したものです。具体的には、文書の日付が2024年11月19日から2025年2月10日に変更されました。また、クライアントライブラリやSDKリファレンスのリンクが新しいバージョン1.0.0に更新され、最新の情報に更新されています。この変更により、パッケージ(Maven)のリンクやサンプルコードへのリンクも新しいバージョンに対応したものに修正されました。さらに、Gradleで依存関係を指定する際のバージョン番号も、1.0.0-beta.4から1.0.0に変更され、最新の安定版に基づいて作業できるようになっています。このように、SDKに関する情報が最新の状態に保たれることで、開発者が正確な情報をもとに作業できるようになります。


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD033 -->
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD034 -->
-[Client library](/javascript/api/overview/azure/ai-document-intelligence-rest-readme?view=azure-node-preview&preserve-view=true) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (npm)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/v/1.0.0-beta.3) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/documentintelligence/ai-document-intelligence-rest/samples/v1/javascript) |[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
+[Client library](/javascript/api/%40azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/?view=azure-node-latest&preserve-view=true) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (npm)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/v/1.0.0) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/documentintelligence/ai-document-intelligence-rest/samples/v1/javascript) |[Supported REST API version](../../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
 ## Prerequisites
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ Create a Node.js Express application.
 1. Install the `ai-document-intelligence` client library and `azure/identity` npm packages:
-    npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0-beta.3 @azure/identity
+    npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0 @azure/identity
   Your app's *package.json* file is updated with the dependencies.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "JavaScript SDKに関する日付とリンクの更新"


この変更は、javascript-sdk.mdファイルに含まれるJavaScript SDKに関連する情報を更新したものです。主な変更点は、文書の日付が2024年11月19日から2025年2月10日に変更されたことです。また、クライアントライブラリや関連するリソースに対するリンクが新しいバージョン1.0.0に更新されており、以前のバージョン1.0.0-beta.3から降格されています。具体的には、REST APIリファレンスやnpmパッケージへのリンクも改訂され、最新のものに適合させています。さらに、Node.jsアプリケーションの依存関係をインストールする際のnpmコマンドも、正しいバージョン1.0.0を指定するように変更されています。これにより、開発者が最新の安定版に基づいて作業できるようになり、正確な情報に依存できるようになります。


@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 ms.custom: devx-track-csharp, linux-related-content


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Python SDKに関する日付の更新"


この変更は、python-sdk.mdファイル内の日付を更新したものです。具体的には、文書の日付が2024年11月19日から2025年2月10日に変更されました。これにより、Python SDKに関連する情報が最新の状態に保たれ、開発者が最新の日付情報を参照できるようになっています。このような更新は、ドキュメントが常に正確で信頼性のある情報を提供するために重要です。その他の内容に関する変更はありません。


@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 ms.custom: references.regions
@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ Extract data, including name, birth date, and expiration date, from ID documents
     * The "documentResults" field contains key/value pairs information and line items information for the most relevant parts of the document.
 > [!NOTE]
-> The [Sample Labeling tool](https://fott-2-1.azurewebsites.net/) does not support the BMP file format. This is a limitation of the tool not the Document Intelligence Service.
+> The [Sample Labeling tool](https://fott-2-1.azurewebsites.net/) doesn't support the BMP file format. This restriction is a limitation of the tool not the Document Intelligence Service.
 ::: moniker-end


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "ID文書に関する更新と表現の修正"




@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/17/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 monikerRange: ">=doc-intel-3.0.0"
@@ -678,15 +678,15 @@ for (int i = 0; i < result.Documents.Count; i++)
     if (document.Fields.TryGetValue("Items", out DocumentField itemsField)
-        && itemsField.Type == DocumentFieldType.Array)
+        && itemsField.Type == DocumentFieldType.List)
-        foreach (DocumentField itemField in itemsField.ValueArray)
+        foreach (DocumentField itemField in itemsField.ValueList)
-            if (itemField.Type == DocumentFieldType.Object)
+            if (itemField.Type == DocumentFieldType.Dictionary)
-                IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DocumentField> itemFields = itemField.ValueObject;
+                IReadOnlyDictionary<string, DocumentField> itemFields = itemField.ValueDictionary;
                 if (itemFields.TryGetValue("Description", out DocumentField itemDescriptionField)
                     && itemDescriptionField.Type == DocumentFieldType.String)


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "C# SDKに関するキーワードの変更"



コードの部分では、いくつかの変数名とデータ型に関する用語が変更されています。具体的には、「Array」というデータ型が「List」に、「Object」が「Dictionary」に置き換えられ、これに伴い関連する変数名も変更されています。このようにして、C# SDKのドキュメントはより正確で一貫性のある表現になり、開発者が理解しやすくなっています。全体として、情報の正確性と可読性が向上しています。


@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/17/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD025 -->
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD036 -->
 :::moniker range="doc-intel-4.0.0"
-[Client library](/java/api/overview/azure/ai-documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-java-preview&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/java/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (Maven)](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0-beta.4) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/src/samples#examples) |[Supported REST API version](../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
+[Client library](/java/api/com.azure.ai.documentintelligence?view=azure-java-stable&preserve-view=true) | [SDK reference](https://azuresdkdocs.blob.core.windows.net/$web/java/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/index.html) | [REST API reference](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true) | [Package (Maven)](https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0) | [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/tree/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/src/samples#examples) |[Supported REST API version](../../sdk-overview-v4-0.md)
 :::moniker range="doc-intel-3.1.0"
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ In this quickstart, use the following features to analyze and extract data and v
   > * Visual Studio Code offers a **Coding Pack for Java** for Windows and macOS.The coding pack is a bundle of VS Code, the Java Development Kit (JDK), and a collection of suggested extensions by Microsoft. The Coding Pack can also be used to fix an existing development environment.
-  > * If you are using VS Code and the Coding Pack For Java, install the [**Gradle for Java**](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle) extension.
+  > * If you're using VS Code and the Coding Pack For Java, install the [**Gradle for Java**](https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=vscjava.vscode-gradle) extension.
 * If you aren't using Visual Studio Code, make sure you have the following installed in your development environment:
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ In this quickstart, use the following features to analyze and extract data and v
 * An Azure AI services or Document Intelligence resource. Once you have your Azure subscription, create a [single-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesFormRecognizer) or [multi-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesAIServices) Document Intelligence resource, in the Azure portal, to get your key and endpoint. You can use the free pricing tier (`F0`) to try the service, and upgrade later to a paid tier for production.
     > [!TIP]
-    > Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. Please note that you'll  need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
+    > Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. You need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
 * After your resource deploys, select **Go to resource**. You need the key and endpoint from the resource you create to connect your application to the Document Intelligence API. Later, you paste your key and endpoint into the code:
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ Open the project's *build.gradle.kts* file in your IDE. Copay and past the follo
      dependencies {
-         implementation group: 'com.azure', name: 'azure-ai-documentintelligence', version: '1.0.0-beta.4'
+         implementation group: 'com.azure', name: 'azure-ai-documentintelligence', version: '1.0.0'


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Java SDKに関する更新と表現の修正"






@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/17/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD025 -->
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ In this quickstart, use the following features to analyze and extract data and v
 * An Azure AI services or Document Intelligence resource. Once you have your Azure subscription, create a [single-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesFormRecognizer) or [multi-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesAIServices) Document Intelligence resource, in the Azure portal, to get your key and endpoint. You can use the free pricing tier (`F0`) to try the service, and upgrade later to a paid tier for production.
     > [!TIP]
-    > Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. Please note that you'll  need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
+    > Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. You need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
 * After your resource deploys, select **Go to resource**. You need the key and endpoint from the resource you create to connect your application to the Document Intelligence API. You paste your key and endpoint into the code later in the quickstart:
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ In this quickstart, use the following features to analyze and extract data and v
  4. Install the `ai-document-intelligence` client library and `azure/identity` npm packages:
-    npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0-beta.3 @azure/core-auth
+    npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0 @azure/core-auth
     Your app's `package.json` file is updated with the dependencies.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "JavaScript SDKに関する更新と表現の修正"



さらに、Azure AI サービスのリソースに関する指示文で、より流暢な表現に修正されました。具体的には、「You’ll need」という表現が「You need」となり、これにより文の一貫性が保たれています。



@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
 ms.topic: include
-ms.date: 12/17/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD025 -->
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ In this quickstart, use the following features to analyze and extract data from
 * An Azure AI services or Document Intelligence resource. Once you have your Azure subscription, create a [single-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesFormRecognizer) or [multi-service](https://portal.azure.com/#create/Microsoft.CognitiveServicesAIServices) Document Intelligence resource, in the Azure portal, to get your key and endpoint. You can use the free pricing tier (`F0`) to try the service, and upgrade later to a paid tier for production.
 > [!TIP]
-> Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. Please note that you'll  need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
+> Create an Azure AI services resource if you plan to access multiple Azure AI services under a single endpoint/key. For Document Intelligence access only, create a Document Intelligence resource. You  need a single-service resource if you intend to use [Microsoft Entra authentication](/azure/active-directory/authentication/overview-authentication).
 * After your resource deploys, select **Go to resource**. You need the key and endpoint from the resource you create to connect your application to the Document Intelligence API. You paste your key and endpoint into the code later in the quickstart:


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Python SDKに関する更新と表現の修正"



さらに、Azure AIサービスのリソースに関するアドバイス文の表現がわずかに改善されました。「You’ll need」というフレーズが「You need」と言い換えられ、文の一貫性と明確さが高まっています。この変更により、ユーザーに対する指示がより直接的で理解しやすくなっています。

全体として、この更新は情報の正確性と可読性を向上させ、開発者がAzure Document Intelligence APIを利用する際のガイドとしての役割を強化しています。


@@ -85,19 +85,19 @@ If the language of your documents and extraction scenarios supports custom neura
 * For PDF and TIFF, up to 2,000 pages can be processed (with a free tier subscription, only the first two pages are processed).
-* The file size for analyzing documents is 500 MB for paid (S0) tier and 4 MB for free (F0) tier.
+* The file size for analyzing documents is `500 MB` for paid (S0) tier and `4 MB` for free (F0) tier.
-* Image dimensions must be between 50 x 50 pixels and 10,000 px x 10,000 pixels.
+* Image dimensions must be between 50 x 50 pixels and 10,000 pixels x 10,000 pixels.
 * If your PDFs are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submission.
-* The minimum height of the text to be extracted is 12 pixels for a 1024 x 768 pixel image. This dimension corresponds to about `8`-point text at 150 dots per inch.
+* The minimum height of the text to be extracted is 12 pixels for a 1024 x 768 pixel image. This dimension corresponds to about `8`-point text at `150` dots per inch.
 * For custom model training, the maximum number of pages for training data is 500 for the custom template model and 50,000 for the custom neural model.
-* For custom extraction model training, the total size of training data is 50 MB for template model and 1GB for the neural model.
+* For custom extraction model training, the total size of training data is `50 MB` for template model and `1 GB` for the neural model.
-* For custom classification model training, the total size of training data is `1GB`  with a maximum of 10,000 pages.
+* For custom classification model training, the total size of training data is `1 GB`  with a maximum of 10,000 pages.
 ### Optimal training data
@@ -133,10 +133,10 @@ This table provides links to the build mode programming language SDK references
 |Programming language | SDK reference | Code sample |
-| C#/.NET | [DocumentBuildMode Struct](/dotnet/api/azure.ai.formrecognizer.documentanalysis.documentbuildmode?view=azure-dotnet&preserve-view=true#properties) | [Sample_BuildCustomModelAsync.cs](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/formrecognizer/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer/tests/samples/Sample_BuildCustomModelAsync.cs)
-|Java| DocumentBuildMode Class | [BuildModel.java](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/formrecognizer/azure-ai-formrecognizer/src/samples/java/com/azure/ai/formrecognizer/administration/BuildDocumentModel.java)|
-|JavaScript | [DocumentBuildMode type](/javascript/api/@azure/ai-form-recognizer/documentbuildmode?view=azure-node-latest&preserve-view=true)| [buildModel.js](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/blob/main/sdk/formrecognizer/ai-form-recognizer/samples/v4-beta/javascript/buildModel.js)|
-|Python | DocumentBuildMode Enum| [sample_build_model.py](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-python/blob/azure-ai-formrecognizer_3.2.0b3/sdk/formrecognizer/azure-ai-formrecognizer/samples/v3.2-beta/sample_build_model.py)|
+| C#/.NET | [DocumentBuildMode Struct](/dotnet/api/azure.ai.documentintelligence.documenttypedetails.buildmode??view=azure-dotnet&preserve-view=true) | [Sample_BuildCustomModelAsync](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/blob/main/sdk/formrecognizer/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer/tests/samples/Sample_BuildCustomModelAsync.cs)|
+|Java| [DocumentBuildMode Class](/java/api/com.azure.ai.documentintelligence.models.documentbuildmode?view=azure-java-stable&preserve-view=true) | [BuildDocumentModel](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/main/sdk/formrecognizer/azure-ai-formrecognizer/src/samples/java/com/azure/ai/formrecognizer/administration/BuildDocumentModel.java)|
+|JavaScript | [DocumentBuildMode type](/javascript/api/@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/builddocumentmodelrequest?view=azure-node-latest#@azure-rest-ai-document-intelligence-builddocumentmodelrequest-buildmodel&preserve-view=true)| [buildModel.js](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/blob/main/sdk/documentintelligence/ai-document-intelligence-rest/samples/v1/javascript/buildModel.js)|
+|Python | [DocumentBuildMode Enum](/python/api/azure-ai-documentintelligence/azure.ai.documentintelligence.models.builddocumentmodelrequest?view=azure-python&preserve-view=true)| |
 ## Compare model features
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ This table compares the supported data extraction areas:
 *-Behaves differently depending upon model. With template models, synthetic data is generated at training time. With neural models, exiting text recognized in the region is selected.
 > [!TIP]
-> When choosing between the two model types, start with a custom neural model if it meets your functional needs. See [custom neural](custom-neural.md) to learn more about custom neural models.
+> To choose between the two model types, start with a custom neural model if it meets your functional needs. See [custom neural](custom-neural.md) to learn more about custom neural models.
@@ -266,22 +266,22 @@ The following table describes the features available with the associated tools a
 | Custom neural v4.0 v3.1 v3.0 | [Document Intelligence 3.1](/rest/api/aiservices/document-models/analyze-document?view=rest-aiservices-2023-07-31&preserve-view=true&tabs=HTTP)| [Document Intelligence SDK](../quickstarts/get-started-sdks-rest-api.md?view=doc-intel-3.0.0&preserve-view=true)| [Document Intelligence Studio](https://formrecognizer.appliedai.azure.com/studio)
 | Custom form v2.1 | [Document Intelligence 2.1 GA API](/rest/api/aiservices/analyzer?view=rest-aiservices-v2.1&preserve-view=true) | [Document Intelligence SDK](../quickstarts/get-started-sdks-rest-api.md?view=doc-intel-2.1.0&preserve-view=true?pivots=programming-language-python)| [Sample labeling tool](https://fott-2-1.azurewebsites.net/)|
 > [!NOTE]
-> Custom template models trained with the 3.0 API will have a few improvements over the 2.1 API stemming from improvements to the OCR engine. Datasets used to train a custom template model using the 2.1 API can still be used to train a new model using the 3.0 API.
+> Custom template models trained with the 3.0 API have a few improvements over the 2.1 API stemming from improvements to the OCR engine. Datasets used to train a custom template model using the 2.1 API can still be used to train a new model using the 3.0 API.
-* For best results, provide one clear photo or high-quality scan per document.
-* Supported file formats are JPEG/JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and PDF (text-embedded or scanned). Text-embedded PDFs are best to eliminate the possibility of error in character extraction and location.
-* For PDF and TIFF files, up to 2,000 pages can be processed. With a free tier subscription, only the first two pages are processed.
+* One clear photo or high-quality scan per document should be provided for best results.
+* File formats supported are JPEG/JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and PDF (text-embedded or scanned). Text-embedded PDFs are best to eliminate the possibility of error in character extraction and location.
+* PDF and TIFF files, up to 2,000 pages, can be processed. With a free tier subscription, only the first two pages are processed.
 * The file size must be less than 500 MB for paid (S0) tier and 4 MB for free (F0) tier.
 * Image dimensions must be between 50 x 50 pixels and 10,000 x 10,000 pixels.
 * PDF dimensions are up to 17 x 17 inches, corresponding to Legal or A3 paper size, or smaller.
 * The total size of the training data is 500 pages or less.
-* If your PDFs are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submission.
+* PDFs that are password-locked must have the password lock removed before submission.
   > [!TIP]
   > Training data:
   > * If possible, use text-based PDF documents instead of image-based documents. Scanned PDFs are handled as images.
-  > * Please supply only a single instance of the form per document.
+  > * Supply only a single instance of the form per document.
   > * For filled-in forms, use examples that have all their fields filled in.
   > * Use forms with different values in each field.
   > * If your form images are of lower quality, use a larger dataset. For example, use 10 to 15 images.


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "カスタムモデルに関する文書の更新と修正"



また、いくつかの文は表現が改善され、文法的にも正確さが増しています。例えば、「If your PDFs are password-locked, you must remove the lock before submission.」は「PDFs that are password-locked must have the password lock removed before submission.」と変更され、より自然な表現となりました。



@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-title: Document Intelligence SDK target REST API 2023-07-31 (GA) latest.
+title: Document Intelligence SDK target REST API v3.1 (GA) latest
 titleSuffix: Azure AI services
-description: The Document Intelligence 2023-07-31 (GA) software development kits (SDKs) expose Document Intelligence models, features, and capabilities that are in active development for C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python programming language.
+description: The Document Intelligence v3.1 (GA) software development kits (SDKs) expose Document Intelligence models, features, and capabilities that are in active development for C#, Java, JavaScript, or Python programming language.
 author: laujan
 manager: nitinme
 ms.service: azure-ai-document-intelligence
   - devx-track-python
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 monikerRange: 'doc-intel-3.1.0'
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ monikerRange: 'doc-intel-3.1.0'
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD001 -->
 <!-- markdownlint-disable MD051 -->
-# SDK target: REST API 2023-07-31 (GA)
+# SDK target: REST API v3.1 (GA)
 ![Document Intelligence checkmark](../media/yes-icon.png) **REST API version 2023-07-31 (GA)**
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ async function main() {
 #### Use a Microsoft Entra token credential
 > [!NOTE]
-> Regional endpoints do not support Microsoft Entra authentication. Create a [custom subdomain](../../../ai-services/authentication.md?tabs=powershell#create-a-resource-with-a-custom-subdomain) for your resource in order to use this type of authentication.
+> Regional endpoints don't support Microsoft Entra authentication. Create a [custom subdomain](../../../ai-services/authentication.md?tabs=powershell#create-a-resource-with-a-custom-subdomain) for your resource in order to use this type of authentication.
 Authorization is easiest using the `DefaultAzureCredential`. It provides a default token credential, based upon the running environment, capable of handling most Azure authentication scenarios.
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ Here's how to acquire and use the [DefaultAzureCredential](/dotnet/api/azure.ide
     var client = new DocumentAnalysisClient(new Uri(endpoint), new DefaultAzureCredential());
-For more information, *see* [Authenticate the client](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer_4.0.0-beta.4/sdk/formrecognizer/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer#authenticate-the-client).
+For more information, *see* [Authenticate the client](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-net/tree/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer_4.0.0/sdk/formrecognizer/Azure.AI.FormRecognizer#authenticate-the-client).
 ### [Java](#tab/java)


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Document Intelligence SDKのバージョンと日付の更新"


この変更は、sdk-overview-v3-1.mdファイルに対するもので、主にドキュメントタイトル、説明、および関連する日付の更新が含まれています。まず、SDKターゲットのREST APIのバージョンが2023-07-31からv3.1に変更され、最新のバージョン情報が強調されています。

説明文も同様に、SDKが「v3.1 (GA)」として言及され、読者に最新のSDK情報を提供することに寄与しています。また、文書の日付が2024年11月19日から2025年2月10日に更新され、最新の開発状況を反映しています。

加えて、記述されている「Microsoft Entra認証」に関する注意事項の表現が若干修正され、よりスムーズに読みやすくなっています。たとえば、「do not support」から「don’t support」への変更により、カジュアルなトーンが加わり、ユーザーに対して親しみやすい印象を与えています。

最後に、クライアントの認証に関するリンクも更新され、より正確な情報を提供するようになっています。これらの変更は、ユーザーがDocument Intelligence SDKをより効果的に利用するために必要な情報を明確に示しています。


@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ ms.custom:
   - devx-track-js
   - devx-track-python
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 12/17/2024
+ms.date: 02/10/2025
 ms.author: lajanuar
 monikerRange: 'doc-intel-4.0.0'
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Document Intelligence SDK supports the following languages and platforms:
 | [**.NET/C# → 1.0.0 (GA)**](/dotnet/api/azure.ai.documentintelligence?view=azure-dotnet&preserve-view=true)|[NuGet](https://www.nuget.org/packages/Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence/1.0.0)|[2024-11-30 (GA)](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true)|[Windows, macOS, Linux, Docker](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download)|
 |[**Java → 1.0.0 (GA**](/java/api/com.azure.ai.documentintelligence?view=azure-java-stable&preserve-view=true) |[Maven repository](https://central.sonatype.com/artifact/com.azure/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0) |[2024-11-30 (GA)](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true)|[Windows, macOS, Linux](/java/openjdk/install)|
 |[**JavaScript → 1.0.0 (GA)**](/javascript/api/%40azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/?view=azure-node-latest&preserve-view=true)| [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence/v/1.0.0)|[2024-11-30 (GA)](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true)| [Browser, Windows, macOS, Linux](https://nodejs.org/en/download/) |
-|[**Python → 1.0.0b4 (preview)**](/python/api/overview/azure/ai-documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-python&preserve-view=true) | [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/)|[2024-11-30 (GA)](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true)|[Windows, macOS, Linux](/azure/developer/python/configure-local-development-environment?tabs=windows%2Capt%2Ccmd#use-the-azure-cli)|
+|[**Python → 1.0.0 (GA)**](/python/api/overview/azure/ai-documentintelligence-readme?view=azure-python&preserve-view=true) | [PyPI](https://pypi.org/project/azure-ai-documentintelligence/1.0.0/)|[2024-11-30 (GA)](/rest/api/aiservices/operation-groups?view=rest-aiservices-v4.0%20(2024-11-30)&preserve-view=true)|[Windows, macOS, Linux](/azure/developer/python/configure-local-development-environment?tabs=windows%2Capt%2Ccmd#use-the-azure-cli)|
 For more information on other SDK versions, see:
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ The following tables present the correlation between each SDK version the suppor
 | Language| SDK alias | API version (default) &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; | Supported clients|
 | :------ | :-----------|:---------- | :-----------------|
- |**.NET/C# 1.0.0-beta.2 (preview)**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-11-30 GA|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
+ |**.NET/C# 1.0.0 (GA)**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-11-30 GA|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
 |**.NET/C# 4.1.0**| v3.1 latest (GA)| 2023-07-31|**DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**.NET/C# 4.0.0**| v3.0 (GA)| 2022-08-31|  **DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**.NET/C# 3.1.x**| v2.1 |  v2.1 |  **FormRecognizerClient**</br>**FormTrainingClient** |
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ The following tables present the correlation between each SDK version the suppor
 | Language| SDK alias | API version (default) &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; | Supported clients|
 | :------ | :-----------|:---------- | :-----------------|
-|**Java 1.0.0-beta.2 (preview)**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-07-31-preview|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
+|**Java 1.0.0 (GA)**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-11-30 GA|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
 |**Java 4.1.0**| v3.1 latest (GA)| 2023-07-31|**DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**Java 4.0.0**</br>| v3.0 (GA)| 2022-08-31|  **DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**Java 3.1.x**| v2.1 |  v2.1 |  **FormRecognizerClient**</br>**FormTrainingClient** |
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ The following tables present the correlation between each SDK version the suppor
 | Language| SDK alias | API version (default) &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; | Supported clients|
 | :------ | :-----------|:---------- | :-----------------|
-|**JavaScript 1.0.0-beta.2**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-07-31-preview|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
+|**JavaScript 1.0.0 (GA)**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-11-30 GA|**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
 |**JavaScript 5.0.0**| v3.1 latest (GA)| 2023-07-31 |**DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**JavaScript 4.0.0**</br>| v3.0 (GA)| 2022-08-31|  **DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient** |
 |**JavaScript 3.1.x**</br>| v2.1 |  v2.1 |  **FormRecognizerClient**</br>**FormTrainingClient** |
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ The following tables present the correlation between each SDK version the suppor
 | Language| SDK alias | API version (default) &emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp;&emsp; | Supported clients|
 | :------ | :-----------|:---------- | :-----------------|
-| **Python 1.0.0b2**| v4.0 (preview)| 2024-07-31-preview |**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
+| **Python 1.0.0**| v4.0 (GA)| 2024-11-30 GA |**DocumentIntelligenceClient**</br>**DocumentIntelligenceAdministrationClient**|
 | **Python 3.3.0**| v3.1 latest (GA)| 2023-07-31|  **DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient**|
 | **Python 3.2.x**| v3.0 (GA)| 2022-08-31|  **DocumentAnalysisClient**</br>**DocumentModelAdministrationClient**|
 | **Python 3.1.x**| v2.1 |  v2.1  |  **FormRecognizerClient**</br>**FormTrainingClient** |
@@ -100,11 +100,11 @@ The Document Intelligence SDK enables the use and management of the Document Int
 ### [C#/.NET](#tab/csharp)
-dotnet add package Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence --prerelease
+dotnet add package Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence -Version 1.0.0
-Install-Package Azure.AI.FormRecognizer -Version 1.0.0-beta.3
+Install-Package Azure.AI.DocumentIntelligence -Version 1.0.0
 ### [Java](#tab/java)
@@ -113,26 +113,26 @@ Install-Package Azure.AI.FormRecognizer -Version 1.0.0-beta.3
-    <version>1.0.0-beta.2</version>
+    <version>1.0.0</version>
 ### [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence version 1.0.0-beta.3
+npm i @azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence
 ### [Python](#tab/python)
-pip install azure-ai-documentintelligence==1.0.0b4
+pip install azure-ai-documentintelligence==1.0.0
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ import com.azure.core.credential.AzureKeyCredential;
 ### [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
-const { AzureKeyCredential, DocumentIntelligence } = require("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0-beta.3");
+const { AzureKeyCredential, DocumentIntelligence } = require("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0");
 ### [Python](#tab/python)
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ async function main() {
 #### Use a Microsoft Entra token credential
 > [!NOTE]
-> Regional endpoints do not support Microsoft Entra authentication. Create a [custom subdomain](../../../ai-services/authentication.md?tabs=powershell#create-a-resource-with-a-custom-subdomain) for your resource in order to use this type of authentication.
+> Regional endpoints don't support Microsoft Entra authentication. Create a [custom subdomain](../../../ai-services/authentication.md?tabs=powershell#create-a-resource-with-a-custom-subdomain) for your resource in order to use this type of authentication.
 Authorization is easiest using the `DefaultAzureCredential`. It provides a default token credential, based upon the running environment, capable of handling most Azure authentication scenarios.
@@ -297,7 +297,7 @@ Here's how to acquire and use the [DefaultAzureCredential](/java/api/com.azure.i
-For more information, *see* [Authentication](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0-beta.2/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/README.md#authentication).
+For more information, *see* [Authentication](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-java/blob/azure-ai-documentintelligence_1.0.0/sdk/documentintelligence/azure-ai-documentintelligence/README.md#authentication).
 ### [JavaScript](#tab/javascript)
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ Here's how to acquire and use the [DefaultAzureCredential](/javascript/api/@azur
 1. Create your **`DocumentIntelligenceClient`** instance including the **`DefaultAzureCredential`**:
-    const { DocumentIntelligenceClient } = require("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0-beta.2");
+    const { DocumentIntelligenceClient } = require("@azure-rest/ai-document-intelligence@1.0.0");
     const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");
     const client = new DocumentIntelligenceClient("<your-endpoint>", new DefaultAzureCredential());


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Document Intelligence SDKのバージョンと日付の更新"


この変更は、sdk-overview-v4-0.mdファイルに対するもので、主にDocument Intelligence SDKのバージョン情報と関連情報の更新が含まれています。具体的には、バージョン1.0.0(GA)が導入され、これによって各プログラミング言語向けのSDKのバージョン情報が更新されています。Python SDKのセクションでは、これまでの「1.0.0b4(プレビュー)」から「1.0.0(GA)」に変更され、正式版としてリリースされることが示されています。



最後に、Microsoft Entra認証に関する注意書きがより会話的なトーンに変更され、読みやすさが向上しています。全体的に、これらの更新はSDKの整合性と使いやすさを向上させることを目的としています。


@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ms.custom:
   - build-2024
   - ignite-2024
 ms.topic: conceptual
-ms.date: 11/19/2024
+ms.date: 02/11/2025
 ms.reviewer: deeikele
 ms.author: larryfr
 author: Blackmist
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@ At the top level, Azure AI Foundry provides access to the following resources:
 <!-- The top level Azure AI Foundry resources (hub and project) are based on Azure Machine Learning. Connected resources, such as Azure OpenAI, Azure AI services, and Azure AI Search, are used by the hub and project in reference, but follow their own resource management lifecycle. -->
-- **Azure OpenAI**: Provides access to the latest Open AI models. You can create secure deployments, try playgrounds, fine tune models, content filters, and batch jobs. The Azure OpenAI resource provider is `Microsoft.CognitiveServices/account` and the kind of resource is `OpenAI`. You can also connect to Azure OpenAI by using a kind of `AIServices`, which also includes other [Azure AI services](/azure/ai-services/what-are-ai-services).
+- **Azure OpenAI**: Provides access to the latest OpenAI models. You can create secure deployments, try playgrounds, fine tune models, content filters, and batch jobs. The Azure OpenAI resource provider is `Microsoft.CognitiveServices/account` and the kind of resource is `OpenAI`. You can also connect to Azure OpenAI by using a kind of `AIServices`, which also includes other [Azure AI services](/azure/ai-services/what-are-ai-services).
-    When using Azure AI Foundry portal, you can directly work with Azure OpenAI without an Azure Studio project or you can use Azure OpenAI through a project.
+    When you use Azure AI Foundry portal, you can directly work with Azure OpenAI without an Azure Studio project. Or you can use Azure OpenAI through a project.
     For more information, visit [Azure OpenAI in Azure AI Foundry portal](../azure-openai-in-ai-studio.md).


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Azure AI Foundryに関する文章の読みやすさ向上"




また、Azure OpenAIに関する説明の一部が改善されました。特に、文の区切りに関する変更が行われ、Azure AI Foundryポータルについての利用方法がよりはっきりと示されています。具体的には、「Azure AI Foundryポータルを使用すると、Azure StudioプロジェクトなしでAzure OpenAIと直接作業できる」から「Azure AI Foundryポータルを使用すると、Azure StudioプロジェクトなしでAzure OpenAIと直接作業できます。または、プロジェクトを通じてAzure OpenAIを使用できます」に変更され、より自然な流れで情報が提供されています。

最後に、Markdownのスタイルやフォーマットに一貫性が持たされ、文書全体の整合性が向上しています。これらの変更は、ユーザーがAzure AI Foundryを利用する際の理解を深めるために役立ちます。


@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ The following table lists the timelines for models that are on track for retirem
 | ---- | ---- | ---- | --- | ---- | --- |
 | AI21 Labs | Jamba Instruct | February 1, 2025 | February 1, 2025 | March 1, 2025 | [AI21-Jamba-1.5-Large](https://ai.azure.com/explore/models/AI21-Jamba-1.5-Large/version/1/registry/azureml-ai21) or [AI21-Jamba-1.5-Mini](https://ai.azure.com/explore/models/AI21-Jamba-1.5-Mini/version/1/registry/azureml-staging) |
 | Mistral AI | [Mistral-large-2407](https://aka.ms/azureai/landing/Mistral-Large-2407) | January 13, 2025 | February 13, 2025 | May 13, 2025 | [Mistral-large-2411](https://aka.ms/aistudio/landing/Mistral-Large-2411) |
-| Mistral AI | [Mistral-large](https://aka.ms/azureai/landing/Mistral-Large) | December 15, 2024 | January 15, 2025 | April 15, 2025 | [Mistral-large-2407](https://aka.ms/azureai/landing/Mistral-Large-2407) |
+| Mistral AI | [Mistral-large](https://aka.ms/azureai/landing/Mistral-Large) | December 15, 2024 | January 15, 2025 | April 15, 2025 | [Mistral-large-2411](https://aka.ms/aistudio/landing/Mistral-Large-2411) |
 ## Related content


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Mistral AIモデルのバージョン更新"


この変更は、model-lifecycle-retirement.mdファイルに対するもので、主にMistral AIモデルに関する情報が更新されています。具体的には、Mistral AIの特定のモデルに関連するリンクが最新のバージョンに変更されました。




@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
 title: Create an Azure AI Foundry hub using a Bicep template
 titleSuffix: Azure AI Foundry
-description: Use a Microsoft Bicep template to create a new Azure AI Foundry hub.
+description: Use a Microsoft Bicep template to create a new Azure AI Foundry hub. This template also creates resources required by the hub.
 manager: scottpolly
 ms.service: azure-ai-foundry
 ms.custom: devx-track-arm-template, devx-track-bicep, build-2024
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 11/21/2024
+ms.date: 02/11/2025
 ms.reviewer: deeikele
 ms.author: larryfr
 author: Blackmist
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ The Bicep template is made up of the following files:
 | [dependent-resources.bicep](https://github.com/Azure/azure-quickstart-templates/blob/master/quickstarts/microsoft.machinelearningservices/aistudio-basics/modules/dependent-resources.bicep) | Defines the dependent resources for the hub such as Azure Storage Account, Container Registry, Key Vault, and Application Insights. |
-> The example templates may not always use the latest API version for the Azure resources it creates. Before using the template, we recommend modifying it to use the latest API versions. Each Azure service has its own set of API versions. For information on the API for a specific service, check the service information in the [Azure REST API reference](/rest/api/azure/).
+> The example templates might not always use the latest API version for the Azure resources it creates. Before using the template, we recommend modifying it to use the latest API versions. Each Azure service has its own set of API versions. For information on the API for a specific service, check the service information in the [Azure REST API reference](/rest/api/azure/).
 > The hub is based on Azure Machine Learning. For information on the latest API versions for Azure Machine Learning, see the [Azure Machine Learning REST API reference](/rest/api/azureml/). To update this API version, find the `Microsoft.MachineLearningServices/<resource>` entry for the resource type and update it to the latest version. The following example is an entry for a hub that uses an API version of `2023-08-01-preview`:


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "Azure AI Hub作成に関する文書の更新"


この変更は、create-azure-ai-hub-template.mdファイルに対するもので、Azure AI Foundryハブを作成するためのBicepテンプレートに関連する情報が更新されています。主に、説明文や日付の修正が行われています。




全体として、これらの修正は文書の明確さと有用性を向上させ、Azure AI Foundryを利用するユーザーにとっての理解を促進することを狙ったものです。


@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ ms.custom:
   - build-2024
   - ignite-2024
 ms.topic: how-to
-ms.date: 10/25/2024
+ms.date: 02/11/2025
 ms.author: franksolomon
 author: fbsolo-ms1
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Data can help when you need these capabilities:
 > [!div class="checklist"]
 > - **Versioning:** Data versioning is supported.
 > - **Reproducibility:** Once you create a data version, it is *immutable*. It cannot be modified or deleted. Therefore, jobs or prompt flow pipelines that consume the data can be reproduced.
-> - **Auditability:** Because the data version is immutable, you can track the asset versions, who updated a version, and when the version updates occurred.
+> - **Auditability:** Because the data version is immutable, you can track the asset versions, who updated a version, and the date of each version update.
 > - **Lineage:** For any given data, you can view which jobs or prompt flow pipelines consume the data.
 > - **Ease-of-use:** An Azure AI Foundry data resembles web browser bookmarks (favorites). Instead of remembering long storage paths that *reference* your frequently-used data on Azure Storage, you can create a data *version* and then access that version of the asset with a friendly name.
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@ Azure AI Foundry shows the supported source paths. You can create a data from a
 A file (`uri_file`) data resource type points to a *single file* on storage (for example, a CSV file).
-These steps explain how to create a File typed data in Azure AI Foundry portal:
+These steps explain how to create a File typed data resource in the Azure AI Foundry portal:
-1. Navigate to [Azure AI Foundry](https://ai.azure.com/).
+1. Navigate to the [Azure AI Foundry](https://ai.azure.com/).
 1. Select the project where you want to create the data.
@@ -119,13 +119,13 @@ A Folder (`uri_folder`) data source type points to a *folder* on a storage resou
 ### Delete data
-> Data deletion is not supported. Data is immutable in Azure AI Foundry portal. Once you create a data version, it can't be modified or deleted. This immutability provides a level of protection when working in a team that creates production workloads.
+> Data deletion isn't supported. Data is immutable in Azure AI Foundry portal. Once you create a data version, it can't be modified or deleted. This immutability provides a level of protection when working in a team that creates production workloads.
 If Azure AI Foundry allowed data deletion, it would have the following adverse effects:
-- Production jobs that consume data that is later deleted would fail.
-- Machine learning experiment reproduction would become more difficult.
-- Job lineage would break, because it would become impossible to view the deleted data version.
-- You could no longer track and audit correctly, since versions could be missing.
+- Production jobs that consume data that is later deleted would fail
+- Machine learning experiment reproduction would become more difficult
+- Job lineage would break, because it would become impossible to view the deleted data version
+- You could no longer correctly track and audit, since versions could be missing
 When a data resource is erroneously created - for example, with an incorrect name, type or path - Azure AI offers solutions to handle the situation without the negative consequences of deletion:
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ At this time, Azure AI Foundry doesn't support restoration of *all versions* of
 #### Restore a specific data version
-> If all data versions were archived, you cannot restore individual versions of the data - you must restore all versions.
+> If all data versions were archived, you can't restore individual versions of the data - you must restore all versions.
 Currently, Azure AI Foundry doesn't support restoration of a specific data version.
@@ -172,17 +172,17 @@ Currently, Azure AI Foundry doesn't support restoration of a specific data versi
 Data tagging is extra metadata applied to the data in the form of a key-value pair. Data tagging offers many benefits:
 - Data quality description. For example, if your organization uses a *medallion lakehouse architecture*, you can tag assets with `medallion:bronze` (raw), `medallion:silver` (validated) and `medallion:gold` (enriched).
-- Provides efficient data searching and filtering, to help data discovery.
-- Helps identify sensitive personal data, to properly manage and govern data access. For example, `sensitivity:PII`/`sensitivity:nonPII`.
-- Identify whether data is approved, from a responsible AI (RAI) audit. For example, `RAI_audit:approved`/`RAI_audit:todo`.
+- It provides efficient data searching and filtering, to help data discovery.
+- It helps identify sensitive personal data, to properly manage and govern data access. For example, `sensitivity:PII`/`sensitivity:nonPII`.
+- It identifies whether or not data is approved, from a responsible AI (RAI) audit. For example, `RAI_audit:approved`/`RAI_audit:todo`.
 You can add tags to existing data.
 ### Data preview
-You can browse the folder structure and preview the file in the Data details page. We support data preview for the following types:
-- Data file types that are supported via preview API: ".tsv", ".csv", ".parquet", ".jsonl".
-- Other file types, Azure AI Foundry portal attempts to preview the file in the browser natively. The supported file types might depend on the browser itself.
+In the Data details page, you can browse the folder structure and preview the file. We support data preview for these types:
+- Data file types that are supported via the preview API: ".tsv", ".csv", ".parquet", ".jsonl".
+- For other file types, Azure AI Foundry portal tries to natively preview the file in the browser. The supported file types might depend on the browser itself.
 Normally for images, these file image types are supported: ".png", ".jpg", ".gif". Normally, these file types are supported: ".ipynb", ".py", ".yml", ".html".
 ## Next steps


    "modification_type": "minor update",
    "modification_title": "データ追加の手順に関する文書の更新"


この変更は、data-add.mdファイルに関するもので、Azure AI Foundryにおけるデータ追加の手順に関連した情報が更新されています。主に文書の明確化と一部テキストの調整が行われました。



加えて、ファイルタイプのデータリソースを作成する手順に関しても、表現が明確になり、「Azure AI Foundryポータルでのファイル型データリソースの作成方法」という表記に改められています。また、データの削除に関する重要なポイントが言い回しの変更により、よりユーザーに親しみやすい形で提示されています。


全体として、この更新は文書の明確さを高め、Azure AI Foundryにおけるデータ操作に関する重要な情報を提供することを目指しています。これにより、ユーザーが効率的に操作を行えるようサポートしています。